title | paper_authors | orgs | paper_link | tags | potm_year | potm_month | paper_order | image_dir | review_author | hidden | ||||||
<Full Paper Title> |
<Forename Surname, et al.' or 'Forename Surname, Forename Surname and Forename Surname.' (max 3 unless >3 first authors)> |
<name of org> |
<YYYY> |
<M> |
1 |
/assets/images/posts/<YYYY-MM>/potm/<short_paper_name>/ |
true |
[200 words is a rough guide for the length of a summary. Feel free to go a fair bit over or under if needs be. The editor will fix any issues with images being rendered too wide/narrow etc. See README for how to view locally if you wish to (not required. Contact CB if this is broken for you.)]
A few sentences outlining why the paper is interesting...
Add images where appropriate throughout. This section should always have at least 1 key figure though.
Please use high-res images (zoom in for those screenshots!)
Figure 1a. If the caption isn't included in the image, it should be added like so.If necessary, a short intro to background matierial needed to understand the method
Latex can be included in the standard way, either inline: $R=\sum {t=0}^{\infty }\gamma ^{t}r{t}$
Or as a block:
Code can also be included in the standard way:
import popart
builder = popart.Builder()
# Build a simple graph
i1 = builder.addInputTensor(popart.TensorInfo("FLOAT", [1, 2, 32, 32]))
i2 = builder.addInputTensor(popart.TensorInfo("FLOAT", [1, 2, 32, 32]))
o = builder.aiOnnx.add([i1, i2])