Brennan Chapman (@chapb) is the current maintainer of GRAPL.
The maintainer must:
- become the default assignee for issues defined in issue templates so they are promptly notified of group membership and submission requests.
- be in control of the external submission form and be promptly notified of new submission requests.
- be an administrator of the Zotero Group Library so they can act on requests.
- respond to requests promptly.
At present, the form is owned by @chapb's phachapman account, and notifications occur via IFTTT.
- Acquire the publication from the DOI or the URL.
- Confirm the publication is related to the GRDI-AMR project (e.g., see funding section).
- Add the publication to the appropriate collection (GRDI-AMR1 or GRDI-AMR2) in the library.
- Tag the parent object with:
open access
official index
if it exists in the official publication list.
- Generate and commit new export files (.bib, .csv, .ris) to GitHub and release.
- Update
- Export each collection (GRDI-AMR1 or GRDI-AMR2) as HTML in APA7 and overwrite contents of publications page in corresponding sections on