Patches are gladly accepted for bti code, please send them to, or you can use github to send a pull request. The code tree for bti is located at: and can be cloned using git from: git:// If you have never used git before, there are some useful tutorials on the web site to help you through the learning process. I am trying to follow the Linux kernel coding style with the code wherever possible. This style is documented in the Linux kernel source tree in the file Documentation/CodingStyle. Included in the bti code tree is a script called that can automatically check if your changes are compliant with the guidelines. To test this, using git, generate a patch: git diff > my_patch Then run against this patch: ./scripts/ --no-tree my_patch Please run your modifications through valgrind if possible. It is safe to ignore the valgrind errors in the curl and ssl libraries, we can't do anything about those at this time.