The cluster operation control command interpreter (hereinafter referred to gs_sh) is a command line interface tool to manage GridDB cluster operations and data operations.
The following can be carried out by gs_sh.
- Operation control of GridDB cluster
- Definition of GridDB cluster
- Starting and stopping a GridDB node and cluster
- Displaying status and logs
- GridDB cluster data operation
- Database and user management
- Container management
- Index setting, deletion
- Search using a TQL/SQL
Carry out the following preparations before using gs_sh.
GridDB setup
- Installation of GridDB node and client library
- User creation
- Network setting (GridDB cluster definition file, node definition file)
* For details of the procedure, refer to "GridDB Quick Start Guide".
Remote connection setting using SSH
- This setting is necessary in order to connect to each GridDB node execution environment from the gs_sh execution environment as an OS user "gsadm". * See the manual of each OS for details on the SSH connection procedure.
There are two types of start modes in gs_sh.
Startup in interactive mode
The interactive mode is started when gs_sh is executed without any arguments. The gs_sh prompt will appear, allowing sub-commands to be entered.
$ gs_sh //execution of sub-command "version" gs> version gs_sh version 5.0.0
Startup in batch mode
When the script file for user creation is specified in gs_sh, the system will be started in the batch mode. Batch processing of a series of sub-commands described in the script file will be carried out. gs_sh will terminate at the end of the batch processing.
// specify the script file (test.gsh) and execute $ gs_sh test.gsh
- When a sub-command is started in the interactive mode,
- a .gssh_history file is created in the home directory of the execution user and saved in the history.
- Click the arrow key to display/execute up to 20 sub-commands started earlier.
- Enter some of the sub-commands and click the Tab key to display a list of the sub-command input candidates.
- Execute gs_sh commands as the OS user "gsadm".
- During gs_sh startup, .gsshrc script files under the gsadm user home directory are imported automatically. The .gsshrc contents will also be imported to the destination from other script files.
- Extension of script file is gsh.
- A script file is described using the character code UTF-8.
The definition below is required in advance when executing a GridDB cluster operation control or data operation.
- Define each node data in the node variable
- Use the node variable to define the GridDB cluster configuration in the cluster variable
- Define the user data of the GridDB cluster
An explanation of node variables, cluster variables, and how to define user data is given below. An explanation of the definition of an arbitrary variable, display of variable definition details, and how to save and import variable definition details in a script file is also given below.
Define the IP address and port no. of a GridDB node in the node variable.
setnode <Node variable> <IP address> <Port no.> [<SSH port no.>] -
Argument Note Node variable Specify the node variable name. If the same variable name already exists, its definition will be overwritten. IP address Specify the IP address of the GridDB node (for connecting operation control tools). Port no. Specify the port no. of the GridDB node (for connecting operation control tools). SSH port no. Specify the SSH port number. Number 22 is used by default. -
//Define 4 GridDB nodes gs> setnode node0 10000 gs> setnode node1 10000 gs> setnode node2 10000 gs> setnode node3 10000
- Only single-byte alphanumeric characters and the symbol "_" can be used in the node variable name.
- Check the GridDB node "IP address" and "port no. " for connecting the operation control tools in the node definition file of each tool.
- IP address: /system/serviceAddress
- Port no. : /system/servicePort
Define the GridDB cluster configuration in the cluster variable.
Multicast method setcluster <Cluster variable> <Cluster name> <Multicast address> <Port no.> [<Node variable> ...] Fixed list method setcluster <Cluster variable> <Cluster name> FIXED_LIST <Address list of fixed list method> [<Node variable> ...] Provider method setcluster <Cluster variable> <Cluster name> PROVIDER <URL of provider method> [<Node variable> ...] -
Argument Note <Cluster variable> Specify the cluster variable name. If the same variable name already exists, its definition will be overwritten. cluster name Specify the cluster name. Multicast address [For the multicast method] Specify the GridDB cluster multicast address (for client connection). Port no. [For the multicast method] Specify the GridDB cluster multicast port no. (for client connection). Node variable Specify the nodes constituting a GridDB cluster with a node variable. When not performing operation management of GridDB clusters, the node variable may be omitted. Address list of fixed list method [For fixed list method] Specify the list of transaction addresses and ports. Example:,
When the cluster configuration defined in the cluster definition file (gs_cluster.json) is a fixed list method, specify the transaction address and port list of /cluster/notificationMember in the cluster definition file.URL of provider method [For the provider method] Specify the URL of the address provider.
If the cluster configuration defined in the cluster definition file (gs_cluster.json) is the provider method, specify the value of /cluster/notificationprovider/url in the cluster definition file. -
//define the GridDB cluster configuration gs> setcluster cluster0 name 1000 $node0 $node1 $node2
- [For the provider method] Specify the URL of the address provider.Only single-byte alphanumeric characters and the symbol "_" can be used in the cluster variable name.
- Prepend a "$" to the node variable name.
- Check the "cluster name", "multicast address" and "port no." defined in a cluster variable in the cluster definition file of each GridDB node.
Cluster name: /cluster/clusterName
Multicast address: /transaction/notificationAddress
Port no.: /transaction/notificationPort
*All settings in the cluster definition file of a node constituting a GridDB cluster have to be configured the same way. If the settings are configured differently, the cluster cannot be composed.
In addition, node variables can be added or deleted for a defined cluster variable.
modcluster <Cluster variable> add | remove <Node variable> ... -
Argument Note <Cluster variable> Specify the name of a cluster variable to add or delete a node. add | remove Specify "add" when adding node variables, and "remove" when deleting node variables. Node variable Specify node variables to add or delete a cluster variable. -
//Add a node to a defined GridDB cluster configuration gs> modcluster cluster0 add $node3 //Delete a node from a defined GridDB cluster configuration gs> modcluster cluster0 remove $node3
- Prepend a "$" to the node variable name.
Define the SQL connection destination in the GridDB cluster configuration. This is set up only when using the GridDB NewSQL interface.
Multicast method setclustersql <Cluster variable> <Cluster name> <SQL address> <SQL port no.> Fixed list method setclustersql <Cluster variable> <Cluster name> FIXED_LIST < SQL address list of fixed list method> Provider method setclustersql <Cluster variable> <Cluster name> PROVIDER <URL of provider method> -
Argument Note <Cluster variable> Specify the cluster variable name. If the same variable name already exists, the SQL connection data will be overwritten. cluster name Specify the cluster name. SQL address [For multicast method] Specify the reception address for the SQL client connection. SQL port no. [For multicast method] Specify the port no. for the SQL client connection. SQL address list of fixed list method [For fixed list method] Specify the list of transaction addresses and ports. Example:,
When the cluster configuration defined in the cluster definition file (gs_cluster.json) is a fixed list method, specify the sql address and port list of /cluster/notificationMember in the cluster definition file.URL of provider method [For the provider method] Specify the URL of the address provider.
If the cluster configuration defined in the cluster definition file (gs_cluster.json) is the provider method, specify the value of /cluster/notificationprovider/url in the cluster definition file. -
// Definition method when using both NoSQL interface and NewSQL interface to connect to a NewSQL server gs> setcluster cluster0 name 31999 $node0 $node1 $node2 gs> setclustersql cluster0 name 41999
- [For the provider method] Specify the URL of the address provider.Only single-byte alphanumeric characters and the symbol "_" can be used in the cluster variable name.
- When an existing cluster variable name is specified, only the section containing SQL connection data will be overwritten. When overwriting, the same method as the existing connection method needs to be specified.
- Execute only this command when using SQL only.
- Check the "SQL address" and "SQL port no." defined in a cluster variable in the cluster definition file of each GridDB node.
- SQL address: /sql/notificationAddress
- SQL port no.:/sql/notificationPort
Define the user and password to access the GridDB cluster.
setuser <User name> <Password> [<gsadm password>] -
Argument Note <User name> Specify the name of the user accessing the GridDB cluster. <Password> Specify the corresponding password. gsadm password Specify the password of the OS user 'gsadm'. This may be omitted if start node (startnode sub-command) is not going to be executed. -
//Define the user, password and gsadm password to access a GridDB cluster gs> setuser admin admin gsadm
After a user is defined, the following variables are set.
Variable Name Value user <User name> password <Password> ospassword gsadm password -
Multiple users cannot be defined. The user and password defined earlier will be overwritten. When operating multiple GridDB clusters in gs_sh, reset the user and password with the setuser sub-command every time the connection destination cluster is changed.
Define an arbitrary variable.
set <Variable name> [<Value>] -
Argument Note Variable Name Specify the variable name. Value Specify the setting value. The setting value of the variable concerned can be cleared by omitting the specification. -
//Define variable gs> set GS_PORT 10000 //Clear variable settings gs> set GS_PORT
- Node variable and cluster variable settings can also be cleared with the set sub-command.
- Only single-byte alphanumeric characters and the symbol "_" can be used in the variable name.
Display the detailed definition of the specified variable.
show [<Variable name>] -
Argument Note Variable Name Specify the name of the variable to display the definition details. If the name is not specified, details of all defined variables will be displayed. -
//Display all defined variables gs> show Node variable: node0=Node[,ssh=22] node1=Node[,ssh=22] node2=Node[,ssh=22] node3=Node[,ssh=22] Cluster variable: cluster0=Cluster[name=name,,nodes=(node0,node1,node2)] Other variables: user=admin password=***** ospassword=*****
- Password character string will not appear. Display replaced by "***".
Save the variable definition details in the script file.
save [<Script file name>] -
Argument Note Script file name Specify the name of the script file serving as the storage destination. Extension of script file is gsh. If the name is not specified, the data will be saved in the .gsshrc file in the gsadm user home directory. -
//Save the defined variable in a file gs> save test.gsh
- If the storage destination script file does not exist, a new file will be created. If the storage destination script file exists, the contents will be overwritten.
- A script file is described using the character code UTF-8.
- Contents related to the user definition (user, password, gsadm password) will not be output to the script file.
- Contents in the .gsshrc script file will be automatically imported during gs_sh start-up.
Read and execute a script file.
load [<Script file name>] -
Argument Note Script file name Specify the script file to execute.
If the script file is not specified, the .gsshrc file in the gsadm user home directory will be imported again. -
//Execute script file gs> load test.gsh
- Extension of script file is gsh.
- A script file is described using the character code UTF-8.
Connect to the running GridDB cluster and automatically define a cluster variable and a node variable.
sync IP address port number [cluster variable name [node variable] ] -
Argument Note IP address Specify the IP address of a GridDB node participating in the GridDB cluster. port number port number of a GridDB node (for connecting to the operation control tool) cluster variable name Specify the cluster variable name.
If omitted, the cluster variable name is set to "scluster".node variable name Specify the node variable name.
If omitted, the node variable name is set to "snodeX" where X is a sequential number. -
gs> sync 10040 mycluster mynode // Check the settings. gs> show Node variable: mynode1=Node[,ssh=22] mynode2=Node[,ssh=22] mynode3=Node[,ssh=22] mynode4=Node[,ssh=22] mynode5=Node[,ssh=22] Cluster variable: mycluster=Cluster[name=mycluster,mode=MULTICAST,transaction=,sql=,nodes=($mynode1,$mynode2,$mynode3,$mynode4,$mynode5)] // Save the settings gs> save
- This command can be run by administrative users only.
- Only single-byte alphanumeric characters and the symbol "_" can be used in the variable name.
- If you exit the command gs_sh, variables will be discarded. Save them before exiting using the subcommand save.
- If a variable exists with the same name as the one you are working on, it will be overwritten in all cases.
The following operations can be executed by the administrator user only as functions to manage GridDB cluster operations.
- GridDB node start, stop, join cluster, leave cluster (startnode/stopnode/joincluster/leavecluster)
- GridDB cluster operation start, operation stop (startcluster/stopcluster)
- Get various data
This section explains the status of a GridDB node and GridDB cluster.
A cluster is composed of 1 or more nodes. A node status represents the status of the node itself e.g. start or stop etc. A cluster status represents the acceptance status of data operations from a client. A cluster status is determined according to the status of the node group constituting the cluster.
An example of the change in the node status and cluster status due to a gs_sh sub-command operation is shown below. A cluster is composed of 4 nodes. When the nodes constituting the cluster are started (startnode), the node status changes to "Start". When the cluster is started after starting the nodes (startcluster), each node status changes to "Join", and the cluster status also changes to "In Operation".
A detailed explanation of the node status and cluster status is given below.
Node status
Node status changes to "Stop", "Start" or "Join" depending on whether a node is being started, stopped, joined or detached. If a node has joined a cluster, there are 2 types of node status depending on the status of the joined cluster.
Status | Status name | Note |
Join | SERVICING | Node is joined to the cluster, and the status of the joined cluster is "In Operation" |
WAIT | Node is joined to the cluster, and the status of the joined cluster is "Halted" | |
Start | STARTED | Node is started but has not joined a cluster |
STARTING | Starting node | |
Stop | STOP | Stopped node |
STOPPING | Stopping node |
Cluster status
GridDB cluster status changes to "Stop", "Halted" or "In Operation" depending on the operation start/stop status of the GridDB cluster or the join/leave operation of the GridDB node. Data operations from the client can be accepted only when the GridDB cluster status is "In Operation".
Status | Status name | Note |
In Operation | SERVICE_STABLE | All nodes defined in the cluster configuration have joined the cluster |
SERVICE_UNSTABLE | More than half the nodes defined in the cluster configuration have joined the cluster | |
Halted | WAIT | Half and more of the nodes defined in the cluster configuration have left the cluster |
INIT_WAIT | 1 or more of the nodes defined in the cluster configuration have left the cluster (when the cluster is operated for the first time, the status will not change to "In Operation" unless all nodes have joined the cluster) | |
Stop | STOP | All nodes defined in the cluster configuration have left the cluster |
The GridDB cluster status will change from "Stop" to "In Operation" when all nodes constituting the GridDB cluster are allowed to join the cluster. In addition, the GridDB cluster status will change to "Halted" when half and more of the nodes have left the cluster, and "Stop" when all the nodes have left the cluster.
Join and leave operations (which affect the cluster status) can be applied in batch to all the nodes in the cluster, or to individual node.
When the operating target is a single node | Operation | When the operating targets are all nodes |
Join | startcluster : Batch entry of a group of nodes that are already operating but have not joined the cluster yet. | joincluster : Entry by a node that is in operation but has not joined the cluster yet. |
Leave | stopcluster : Batch detachment of a group of nodes joined to a cluster. | leavecluster : Detachment of a node joined to a cluster. |
- Join and leave cluster operations can be carried out on nodes that are in operation only.
- A node which has failed will be detached automatically from the GridDB cluster.
- The GridDB cluster status can be checked with the cluster status data display sub-command (configcluster).
Details of the various operating methods are explained below.
Start the specified node.
startnode <Node variable> -
Argument Note Node variable | cluster variable Specify the node to start by its node variable or cluster variable.
If the cluster variable is specified, all nodes defined in the cluster variable will be started.Timeout time in sec. Set the number of seconds the command or a script is allowed to run.
Timeout time = -1, return to the console immediately without waiting for the command to finish. Timeout time = 0 or not set, no timeout time, wait for the command to finish indefinitely. -
//Start the node gs> startnode $node1 The GridDB node node1 is starting up. All GridDB node has been started.
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- Prepend a "$" to the node variable name or the cluster variable name.
- The cluster start process (startcluster sub-command) can be executed in batches by waiting for the start process to complete.
Stop the specified node.
stopnode <Node variable> -
Argument Note Node variable | Cluster variable Specify the node to stop by its node variable or cluster variable.
If the cluster variable is specified, all nodes defined in the cluster variable will be stopped.Timeout time in sec. Set the number of seconds the command or a script is allowed to run.
Timeout time = -1, return to the console immediately without waiting for the command to finish. Timeout time = 0 or not set, no timeout time, wait for the command to finish indefinitely. -
//stop node gs> stopnode $node1 The GridDB node node1 is stopping down. The GridDB node node1 has started stopping down. Waiting for a node to complete the stopping processing. All GridDB node has been stopped.
In addition, the specified node can be forced to stop as well.
stopnodeforce <Node variable> -
Argument Note Node variable | Cluster variable Specify the node to stop by force by its node variable or cluster variable.
If the cluster variable is specified, all nodes defined in the cluster variable will be stopped by force.Timeout time in sec. Set the number of seconds the command or a script is allowed to run.
Timeout time = -1, return to the console immediately without waiting for the command to finish. Timeout time = 0 or not set, no timeout time, wait for the command to finish indefinitely. -
//stop node by force gs> stopnodeforce $node1 The GridDB node node1 is stopping down. The GridDB node node1 has started stopping down. Waiting for a node to complete the stopping processing. All GridDB node has been stopped.
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- Prepend a "$" to the node variable name or the cluster variable name.
- In a stopnode sub-command, nodes which have joined the GridDB cluster cannot be stopped. In a stopnodeforce command, nodes which have joined the GridDB cluster can also be stopped but data may be lost.
Explanation on how to add batch nodes into a cluster is shown below. In this case when a group of unattached but operating nodes are added to the cluster, the cluster status will change to "In Operation".
startcluster <Cluster variable> [<Timeout time in sec.>] -
Argument Note Cluster variable Specify a GridDB cluster by its cluster variable. Timeout time in sec. Set the number of seconds the command or a script is allowed to run.
Timeout time = -1, return to the console immediately without waiting for the command to finish. Timeout time = 0 or not set, no timeout time, wait for the command to finish indefinitely. -
//start GridDB cluster gs> startcluster $cluster1 Waiting for the GridDB cluster to start. The GridDB cluster has been started.
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- Prepend a "$" to the cluster variable name.
- To change the status of a GridDB cluster from "Stop" to "In Operation", all nodes must be allowed to join the cluster. Check beforehand that all nodes constituting the GridDB cluster are in operation.
To stop a GridDB cluster, simply make the attached nodes leave the cluster using the stopcluster command.
stopcluster <Cluster variable> [<Timeout time in sec.>] -
Argument Note Cluster variable Specify a GridDB cluster by its cluster variable. Timeout time in sec. Set the number of seconds the command or a script is allowed to run.
Timeout time = -1, return to the console immediately without waiting for the command to finish. Timeout time = 0 or not set, no timeout time, wait for the command to finish indefinitely. -
//stop GridDB cluster gs> stopcluster $cluster1 Waiting for the GridDB cluster to stop. The GridDB cluster has been stopped.
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- Prepend a "$" to the cluster variable name.
Join a node that is temporarily left from the cluster by leavecluster sub-command or failure into the cluster.
joincluster <Cluster variable> <Node variable> [<Timeout time in sec.>] -
Argument Note Cluster variable Specify a GridDB cluster by its cluster variable. Node variable Specify the node to join by its node variable. Timeout time in sec. Set the number of seconds the command or a script is allowed to run.
Timeout time = -1, return to the console immediately without waiting for the command to finish. Timeout time = 0 or not set, no timeout time, wait for the command to finish indefinitely. -
//Start the node gs> startnode $node2 The GridDB node node2 is starting up. All GridDB node has been started. //join node
joincluster $cluster1 $node2 Waiting for the GridDB node to join the GridDB cluster. The GridDB node has joined to the GridDB cluster.
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- Prepend a "$" to the cluster variable name and the node variable name.
- Only nodes that are in operation can join a GridDB cluster. Check that the nodes joining a cluster are in operation.
<a id="detaching_a_node_from_a_cluster"></a>
### Detaching a node from a cluster
Detach the specified node from the cluster. Also force the specified active node to be detached from the cluster.
- Sub-command
| |
| leavecluster \<Node variable\> [\<Timeout time in sec.\>] |
| leaveclusterforce \<Node variable\> [\<Timeout time in sec.\>] |
- Argument
| Argument | Note |
| Node variable | Specify the node to detach by its node variable. |
| Timeout time in sec. | Set the number of seconds the command or a script is allowed to run. <br>Timeout time = -1, return to the console immediately without waiting for the command to finish. Timeout time = 0 or not set, no timeout time, wait for the command to finish indefinitely. |
- Example:
``` example
//leave node
gs> leavecluster $node2
Waiting for the GridDB node to leave the GridDB cluster.
The GridDB node has leaved the GridDB cluster.
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- Prepend a "$" to the node variable name.
Display the status of an active GridDB cluster, and each node constituting the cluster.
configcluster <Cluster variable> -
Argument Note Cluster variable Specify a GridDB cluster by its cluster variable. -
//display cluster data gs> configcluster $cluster1 Name : cluster1 ClusterName : defaultCluster Designated Node Count : 4 Active Node Count : 4 ClusterStatus : SERVICE_STABLE Nodes: Name Role Host:Port Status ------------------------------------------------- node1 F SERVICING node2 F SERVICING node3 M SERVICING node4 F SERVICING
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- ClusterStatus will be one of the following.
- INIT_WAIT : Waiting for cluster to be composed
- SERVICE_STABLE : In operation
- SERVICE_UNSTABLE : Unstable (specified number of nodes constituting a cluster has not been reached)
- Role will be one of the following.
- S: SUB_CLUSTER (temporary status in a potential master candidate)
- -: Not in operation
Display the cluster configuration data.
config <Node variable> -
Argument Note Node variable Specify the node belonging to a GridDB cluster to be displayed with a node variable. -
//display cluster configuration data gs> config $node1 { "follower" : [ { "address" : "", "port" : 10040 }, { "address" : "", "port" : 10040 }, { "address" : "", "port" : 10040 }, { "address" : "", "port" : 10040 } ], "master" : { "address" : "", "port" : 10040 }, "multicast" : { "address" : "", "port" : 33333 }, "self" : { "address" : "", "port" : 10040, "status" : "ACTIVE" } }
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- Prepend a "$" to the node variable name.
- The output contents differ depending on the version of the GridDB node. Check with the support desk for details.
Display the node configuration data.
stat <Node variable> -
Argument Note Node variable Specify the node to display by its node variable. -
//display node status, statistical data gs> stat $node1 { "checkpoint" : { "archiveLog" : 0, "backupOperation" : 0, "duplicateLog" : 0, "endTime" : 1413852025843, "mode" : "NORMAL_CHECKPOINT", : : }
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- Prepend a "$" to the node variable name.
- The output contents differ depending on the version of the GridDB node.
Displays the log of the specified node.
logs <Node variable> -
Argument Note Node variable Specify the node to display by its node variable. -
//display log of node gs> logs $node0 2013-02-26T13:45:58.613+0900 c63x64n1 4051 INFO SYSTEM_SERVICE ../server/system_service.cpp void SystemService::joinCluster(const char8_t*, uint32_t) line=179 : joinCluster requested (clusterName="defaultCluster", minNodeNum=1) 2013-02-26T13:45:58.616+0900 c63x64n1 4050 INFO SYSTEM_SERVICE ../server/system_service.cpp virtual void SystemService::JoinClusterHandler::callback(EventEngine&, util::StackAllocator&, Event*, NodeDescriptor) line=813 : ShutdownClusterHandler called g 2013-02-26T13:45:58.617+0900 c63x64n1 4050 INFO SYSTEM_SERVICE ../server/system_service.cpp void SystemService::completeClusterJoin() line=639 : completeClusterJoin requested 2013-02-26T13:45:58.617+0900 c63x64n1 4050 INFO SYSTEM_SERVICE ../server/system_service.cpp virtual void SystemService::CompleteClusterJoinHandler::callback(EventEngine&, util::StackAllocator&, Event*, NodeDescriptor) line=929 : CompleteClusterJoinHandler called
The output level of a log can be displayed and changed.
logconf <Node variable> [<Category name> [<Log level>]] -
Argument Note Node variable Specify the node to operate by its node variable. Category name Specify the log category name subject to the operation. Output level of all log categories will be displayed by default. Log level Specify the log level to change the log level of the specified category.
Log level of the specified category will be displayed by default. -
//display log level of node gs> logconf $node0 { "CHECKPOINT_SERVICE" : "INFO", "CHUNK_MANAGER" : "ERROR", : } // change the log level gs> logconf $node0 SYSTEM WARNING // display the log level specifying the category name gs> logconf $node0 SYSTEM { "SYSTEM" : "WARNING" }
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- Log levels are ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG. Be sure to follow the instructions of the support desk when changing the log level.
- Log level is initialized by restarting the node. Changes to the log level are not saved.
- Batch changes cannot be made to the log level of multiple categories.
Display the SQL processing under execution.
showsql <Query ID> -
Argument Note Query ID ID to specify the SQL processing to be displayed.
When specified, display only the SQL processing information on specified query ID.
When not specified, display the list of SQL processes in progress.
Query ID can be obtained by displaying the SQL processing in progress. -
Display item
- elapsed time: Lapsed time calculated from the gs_sh start time and the system time of the terminal which is executing the gs_sh. (Unit: second)
gs[public]> showsql ======================================================================= query id: e6bf24f5-d811-4b45-95cb-ecc643922149:3 start time: 2019-04-02T06:02:36.93900 elapsed time: 53 database name: public application name: gs_admin node: sql: INSERT INTO TAB_711_0101 SELECT, b.longval FROM TAB_711_0001 a LEFT OU job id: e6bf24f5-d811-4b45-95cb-ecc643922149:3:5:0 node: #---------------------------
- For start time, the value that reflects the time zone set by the settimezone subcommand is displayed. If the time zone is not set, the value that reflects the default time zone value is displayed.
Display the event list executed by the thread in each node in a cluster.
showevent -
Display item
- elapsed time: Lapsed time calculated from the gs_sh start time and the system time of the terminal which is executing the gs_sh. (Unit: second)
gs[public]> showevent ======================================================================= worker id: 0 start time: 2019-03-05T05:28:21.00000 elapsed time: 1 application name: node: service type: TRANSACTION_SERVICE event type: PUT_MULTIPLE_ROWS cluster partition id: 5 #---------------------------
- For start time, the value that reflects the time zone set by the settimezone subcommand is displayed. If the time zone is not set, the value that reflects the default time zone value is displayed.
Display the list of connections.
showconnection -
Display item
- elapsed time: Lapsed time calculated from the creation time and the system time of the terminal which is executing the gs_sh. (Unit: second)
gs[public]> showconnection ======================================================================= application name: gs_admin creation time: 2019-04-02T06:09:42.52300 service type: TRANSACTION elapsed time: 106 node: remote: dispatching event count: 5 sending event count: 5 #---------------------------
- For creation time, the value reflecting the time zone set by the settimezone subcommand is displayed. If the time zone is not set, the value that reflects the default time zone value is displayed.
Cancel the SQL processing in progress.
killsql <query ID> -
Argument Note Query ID ID to specify SQL processing to be canceled.
Can be obtained by displaying the SQL processing in progress. -
gs[public]> killsql 5b9662c0-b34f-49e8-92e7-7ca4a9c1fd4d:1
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
To execute a data operation, there is a need to connect to the cluster subject to the operation. Data in the database configured during the connection ("public" when the database name is omitted) will be subject to the operation.
Establish connection to a GridDB cluster to execute a data operation.
connect <Cluster variable> [<Database name>] -
Argument Note Cluster variable Specify a GridDB cluster serving as the connection destination by its cluster variable. <Database name> Specify the database name. -
//connect to GridDB cluster //for NoSQL gs> connect $cluster1 The connection attempt was successful(NoSQL). gs[public]> gs> connect $cluster1 userDB The connection attempt was successful(NoSQL). gs[userDB]> //For NewSQL (configure both NoSQL/NewSQL interfaces) gs> connect $cluster1 The connection attempt was successful(NoSQL). The connection attempt was successful(NewSQL). gs[public]>
- Connect to the database when the database name is specified. Connect to the "public" database if the database name is omitted.
- If the connection is successful, the connection destination database name appears in the prompt.
- Prepend a "$" to the cluster variable name.
- When executing a data operation sub-command, it is necessary to connect to a GridDB cluster.
- If the SQL connection destination is specified (execution of setclustersql sub-command), SQL connection is also carried out.
- If the time zone setting is changed with the settimezone subcommand after executing the connect subcommand, the changed timezone setting is not reflected until the connect subcommand is executed again. After changing the time zone setting, execute the connect subcommand again.
Execute a search and retain the search results.
tql <Container name> <Query;> -
Argument Note <Container name> Specify the container subject to the search. Query; Specify the TQL command to execute. A semicolon (;) is required at the end of a TQL command. -
//execute a search gs[public]> tql c001 select *; 5 results. (25 ms)
- When executing a data operation sub-command, it is necessary to connect to a GridDB cluster.
- A return can be inserted in the middle of a TQL command.
- Display the elapsed time of query as milliseconds.
- Retain the latest search result. Search results are discarded when a tql or sql sub-command is executed.
- See the chapter on TQL Syntax and Calculation Functions" in the "GridDB TQL Reference" for the TQL details.
Execute an SQL command and retains the search result.
sql <SQL command;> -
Argument Note <SQL command;> Specify the SQL command to execute. A semicolon (;) is required at the end of the SQL command. -
gs[public]> sql select * from con1; -> search for SQL 10000 results. (52 ms) gs[public]> get 1 -> display SQL results id,name ---------------------- 0,tanaka The 1 result has been acquired.
Sub-command name 'sql' can be omitted when the first word of SQL statement is one of the follows.
- select update insert replace delete create drop alter grant revoke pragma explain
Before executing a sql subcommand, there is a need to specify the SQL connection destination and perform a connection first.
Retain the latest search result. Search results are discarded when a sql or tql sub-command is executed.
Sub-command name 'sql' can not be omitted when specifying the 'set password' command or the command includes comments in header.
Count the number of hits when querying.
Display the elapsed time of query as milliseconds. It does not include the time of counting.
The following results will appear depending on the type of SQL command.
Operation Execution results when terminated normally Search SELECT Display the no. of search results found. Search results are displayed in sub-command get/getcsv/getnoprint. Update INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE Display the no. of rows updated. DDL statement Nothing is displayed. -
See "GridDB SQL Reference" for the SQL details.
The following command gets the inquiry results and presents them in different formats. There are 3 ways to output the results as listed below.
(A) Display the results obtained in a standard output.
get [<No. of acquires>] -
Argument Note No. of acquires Specify the number of search results to be acquired. All search results will be obtained and displayed by default.
(B) Save the results obtained in a file in the CSV format.
getcsv <CSV file name> [<No. of acquires>] -
Argument Note CSV file name Specify the name of the csv file where the search results are saved. No. of acquires Specify the number of search results to be acquired. All search results will be obtained and saved in the file by default.
(C) Results obtained will not be output.
getnoprint [<No. of acquires>] -
Argument Note No. of acquires Specify the number of search results to be acquired. All search results will be obtained by default.
//execute a search
gs[public]> tql c001 select *;
5 results.
//Get first result and display
gs[public]> get 1
The 1 result has been acquired.
//Get second and third results and save them in a file
gs[public]> getcsv /var/lib/gridstore/test2.csv 2
The 2 results had been acquired.
//Get fourth result
gs[public]> getnoprint 1
The 1 result has been acquired.
//Get fifth result and display
gs[public]> get 1
The 1 result has been acquired.
- When executing a data operation sub-command, it is necessary to connect to a GridDB cluster.
- Output the column name to the first row of the search results
- An error will occur if the search results are obtained when a search has not been conducted, or after all search results have been obtained or discarded.
- A NULL value is output by each command as follows.
- get: (NULL)
- getcsv: an unquoted empty string
- A value of TIMESTAMP is output as following format:
- Date and time format: ISO8601 format
- Time zone: Time zone value set by the settimezone subcommand, if no value is set, UTC is used
- Example: 2018-11-07T12:30:00.417Z, 2019-05-01T09:30:00.000+09:00
Execute the specified TQL command and display the execution plan and actual measurement values such as the number of cases processed etc. Search is not executed.
tqlexplain <Container name> <Query;> -
Argument Note <Container name> Specify the target container. Query; Specify the TQL command to get the execution plan. A semicolon (;) is required at the end of a TQL command. -
//Get an execution plan gs[public]> tqlexplain c001 select * ; 0 0 SELECTION CONDITION NULL 1 1 INDEX BTREE ROWMAP 2 0 QUERY_EXECUTE_RESULT_ROWS INTEGER 0
In addition, the actual measurement values such as the number of processing rows etc. can also be displayed together with the executive plan by actually executing the specified TQL command.
tqlanalyze <Container name> <Query;> -
Argument Note <Container name> Specify the target container. Query; Specify the TQL command to get the execution plan. A semicolon (;) is required at the end of a TQL command. -
//Execute a search to get an execution plan gs[public]> tqlanalyze c001 select *; 0 0 SELECTION CONDITION NULL 1 1 INDEX BTREE ROWMAP 2 0 QUERY_EXECUTE_RESULT_ROWS INTEGER 5 3 0 QUERY_RESULT_TYPE STRING RESULT_ROW_ID_SET 4 0 QUERY_RESULT_ROWS INTEGER 5
- When executing a data operation sub-command, it is necessary to connect to a GridDB cluster.
- Since search results are not retained, search results cannot be acquired and thus there is also no need to execute a tqlclose sub-command. When the search results are required, execute a query with the tql sub-command.
- A partitioned table (container) is not supported. If executed, an error will occur.
Close the tql and discard the search results saved.
Close the query and discard the search results saved.
//Discard search results
gs[public]> tqlclose
gs[public]> queryclose
- Search results are discarded at the following timing.
- When a tqlclose or query close sub-command is executed
- When executing a new search using a tql or sql sub-command
- When disconnecting from a GridDB cluster using a disconnect sub-command
- An error will occur if search results are acquired (get sub-command, etc.) after they have been discarded.
Disconnect from a GridDB cluster.
disconnect -
//Disconnect from a GridDB cluster gs[public]> disconnect gs>
- Retained search results are discarded.
- When disconnected, the connection database name will disappear from the prompt.
Set whether to execute count query when SQL querying.
sqlcount -
Argument Note Boolean If FALSE is specified, gs_sh does not count the number of the result when querying by sql sub-command. And hit count does not be displayed. Default is TRUE. -
gs[public]> sql select * from mycontainer; 25550 results. (33 ms) gs[public]> sqlcount FALSE gs[public]> sql select * from mycontainer; A search was executed. (33 ms)
- If FALSE is specified, the response will be faster instead of displaying no hit count. The execution time is not affected by this setting.
Set the result display format before executing SQL or TQL statements.
setresultformat <FORMAT> -
Argument Note FORMAT The result format is to be displayed. Can be set to TABLE
. Default isTABLE
. -
gs[public]> sql SELECT '1+1' AS expr, '2' AS ans; 1 results. (4 ms) gs[public]> get +------+-----+ | expr | ans | +------+-----+ | 1+1 | 2 | +------+-----+ The 1 results had been acquired. gs[public]>
- Display format is always CSV when EXPLAIN is executed.
Set the maximum width for column in query result if the format is TABLE.
When setting the max width to column, the overflow text will be displayed with three trailing dots ...
setresultmaxwidth <MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH> -
Argument Note MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH The length of displayed text, including ...
when the text is longer than the setting width. Must be integer (value ≥ 1). Default is 31. -
gs[public]> sql SELECT * FROM product; 3 results. (44 ms) gs[public]> get +--------------------------+-----------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | time | name | weight | note | +--------------------------+-----------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 2023-07-04T07:46:27.415Z | apple | 9.99 | Envy | | 2023-07-04T07:47:02.731Z | chia | 0.1 | Chia seed from Australia | | 2023-07-04T07:50:33.437Z | water and light | 0.0 | Hats off to Geoff Adams, who made this mini-documentary | +--------------------------+-----------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------+ The 3 results had been acquired. gs[public]> setresultmaxwidth 24 gs[public]> sql SELECT * from product; 3 results. (44 ms) gs[public]> get +--------------------------+-----------------+---------+--------------------------+ | time | name | weight | note | +--------------------------+-----------------+---------+--------------------------+ | 2023-07-04T07:46:27.415Z | apple | 9.99 | Envy | | 2023-07-04T07:47:02.731Z | chia | 0.1 | Chia seed from Australia | | 2023-07-04T07:50:33.437Z | water and light | 0.0 | Hats off to Geoff Ada... | +--------------------------+-----------------+---------+--------------------------+ The 3 results had been acquired.
This section explains the available sub-commands that can be used for database management. Connect to the cluster first prior to performing database management with connect sub-command. (Subcommand connect)
Create a database with the specified name.
createdatabase <Database name> -
Argument Note <Database name> Specify the name of the database to be created. -
//Create a database with the name "db1" gs[public]> createdatabase db1
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- Only the administrator user can access a database immediately after it has been created. Assign access rights to general users where necessary.
Delete the specified database.
dropdatabase <Database name> -
Argument Note <Database name> Specify the name of the database to be deleted. -
//Delete databases shown below //db1:No container exists in the database //db2:Database does not exist //db3:Container exists in the database gs[public]> dropdatabase db1 // No error occurs gs[public]> dropdatabase db2 // An error occurs D20340: This database "db2" does not exists. gs[public]> dropdatabase db3 // An error occurs D20336: An unexpected error occurred while dropping the database. : msg=[[145045:JC_DATABASE_NOT_EMPTY] Illegal target error by non-empty database.]
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- A public database which is a default connection destination cannot be deleted.
Display the current database name.
getcurrentdatabase -
gs[db1]> getcurrentdatabase db1
List the databases with access right information.
showdatabase [<Database name>] -
Argument Note <Database name> Specify the name of the database to be displayed. -
gs[public]> showdatabase Name ACL --------------------------------- public ALL_USER DATABASE001 user01 ALL DATABASE001 user02 READ DATABASE002 user03 ALL DATABASE003 gs[public]> showdatabase DATABASE001 Name ACL --------------------------------- DATABASE001 user01 ALL DATABASE001 user02 READ
- For general users, only databases for which access rights have been assigned will be displayed. For administrator users, a list of all the databases will be displayed.
Grant the database access rights to user.
grantacl <Access rights> <Database name> <User name> -
Argument Note <Access right> Specify the access right (ALL, READ).
"ALL" permission indicates all operations to a container are allowed such as creating a container, adding a row, searching, and creating an index.
"READ" permission indicates only search operations are allowed.<Database name> Specify the name of the database for which access rights are going to be granted <User name> Specify the name of the user to assign access rights to. -
gs[public]> grantacl ALL DATABASE001 user01
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- If a user who has already been granted any access right to the database is specified, an error will occur.
- Execute this command after revoking the access rights ("revokeacl" command) if necessary.
- More than one user can be granted an access right to one database.
Revoke access rights to the database.
revokeacl -
Argument Note <Access right> Specify the access right (ALL, READ). <Database name> Specify the name of the database for which access rights are going to be revoked. <User name> Specify the name of the user whose access rights are going to be revoked. -
gs[public]> revokeacl ALL DATABASE001 user02
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
This section explains the available sub-commands that can be used to perform user management. Connect to the cluster first prior to performing user management (sub-command connect).
Create a general user (username and password).
createuser <User name> <Password> -
Argument Note <User name> Specify the name of the user to be created. <Password> Specify the password of the user to be created. -
gs[public]> createuser user01 pass001
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
- A name starting with "gs#" cannot be specified as the name of a general user as it is reserved for use by the administrator user.
- When creating an administrator user, use the gs_adduser command in all the nodes constituting the cluster.
Delete the specified general user
dropuser <User name> -
Argument Note <User name> Specify the name of the user to be deleted. -
gs[public]> dropuser user01
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
Update the user password.
General user only setpassword <password> Administrator user only setpassword <User name> <Password> -
Argument Note <Password> Specify the password to change. <User name> Specify the name of the user whose password is going to be changed. -
gs[public]> setpassword newPass009
- The general user can change its own password only.
- An administrator user can change the passwords of other general users only.
List information on a general user data and a role.
showuser [user name | role name] -
Argument Note <User name> Specify the name of the user or role to be displayed. -
gs[public]> showuser Name Type -------------------------------------------- user001 General User ldapUser Role ldapGroup Role gs[public]> showuser user01 Name : user001 Type : General User GrantedDB: public DATABASE001 ALL DATABASE003 READ gs[public]> showuser ldapUser Name : ldapUser Type : Role GrantedDB: public DATABASE002 ALL
- Command can be executed by an administrator user only.
This section explains the available sub-commands that can be used when performing container operations. Connect to the cluster first before performing container management (sub-command connect). The container in the connected database will be subject to the operation.
Create a container.
Sub-command (Simple version)
Container (collection) createcollection <Container name> <Column name> <Column type> [<Column name> <Column type> ...] Container (timeseries container) createtimeseries <Container name> <Compression method> <Column name> <Column type> [<Column name> <Column type> ...] -
Sub-command (Detailed version)
Container (collection/timeseries container) Createcontainer <Container definition file> [<Container name>] -
Description of each argument
Argument Note <Container name> Specify the name of the container to be created. If the name is omitted in the createcontainer command, a container with the name given in the container definition file will be created. Column name Specify the column name. Column type Specify the column type. Compression method For time series data, specify the data compression method. Container data file Specify the file that stores the container definition information in JSON format.
Simplified version
Specify the container name and column data (column name and type) to create the container.
- The timeseries compression function is removed from GridDB V5.0. Only "NO" can be specified for the compression method of timeseries data. "SS" and "HI" cannot be specified.
- The collection will be created with a specified row key. The first column will become the row key.
- To specify a composite row key, a composite index, column constraints, and index names, use the detailed version.
Detailed version
Specify the container definition data in the json file to create a container.
The container definition data has the same definition as the metadata file output by the export tool. See the container data file format and Metadata files for the column type and data compression method, container definition format, etc. However, the following data will be invalid in this command even though it is defined in the metadata file of the export command.
- Version : Export tool version
- database : Database name
- ContainerFileType : Export data file type
- ContainerFile : Export file name
- PartitionNo : Partition no.
Describe a single container definition in a single container definition file.
If the container name is omitted in the argument, create the container with the name described in the container definition file.
If the container name is specified in the argument, ignore the container name in the container definition file and create the container with the name described in the argument.
An error will not occur even if the database name is described in the container definition file but the name will be ignored and the container will be created in the database currently being connected.
Partitioned tables are not applicable. An error will occur when table partitioning data is described in the container definition file.
When using the container definition file, the metadata file will be output when the --out option is specified in the export function. The output metadata file can be edited and used as a container definition file.
Example: When using the output metadata file as a container definition file
{ "version":"2.1.00", ←unused "container":"container_354", "database":"db2", ←unused "containerType":"TIME_SERIES", "containerFileType":"binary", ←unused "containerFile":"", ←unused "rowKeyAssigned":true, "partitionNo":0, ←unused "columnSet":[ { "columnName":"timestamp", "type":"timestamp", "notNull":true }, { "columnName":"active", "type":"boolean", "notNull":true }, { "columnName":"voltage", "type":"double", "notNull":true } ] }
Delete a container
dropcontainer <Container name> -
Argument Note <Container name> Specify the name of the container to be deleted. -
gs[public]> dropcontainer Con001
- A partitioned table (container) is not supported. If executed, an error will occur.
- To drop partitioned table (container), use SQL.
Register a row in a container
putrow container name value [value...] -
Argument Note container name Specify the name of a container where a row is to be registered. value Specify the value of a row to be registered, -
gs[public]> putrow mycontainer 'key1' 1 1.0 gs[public]> putrow mycontainer 'key2' 2 2.0 gs[public]> putrow mycontainer 'key3' 3 null // Check the results. gs[public]> tql mycontainer select *; 3 results. (1 ms) gs[public]> get key,val1,val2 key1,1,1.0 key2,2,2.0 key3,3,(NULL) 3 results had been acquired.
Delete a row from a container
removerow container name row key value [row key value...] -
Argument Note container name Specify the name of a container from which a row is to be deleted. value Specify the row key value of a row to be deleted. -
gs[public]> removerow mycontainer 'key1' gs[public]> removerow mycontainer 'key2' // Check the results. gs[public]> tql mycontainer select *; 1 results. (1 ms) gs[public]> get key,val1,val2 key3,3,(NULL) 1 results had been acquired.
- If a composite row key is set in the container, all the row keys must be specified.
Display the container data.
showcontainer [<Container name>] -
Argument Note <Container name> Specify the container name to be displayed. Display a list of all containers if omitted. -
//display container list gs[public]> showcontainer Database : public Name Type PartitionId --------------------------------------------- TEST_TIME_0001 TIME_SERIES 3 TEST_TIME_0004 TIME_SERIES 12 TEST_TIME_0005 TIME_SERIES 26 cont003 COLLECTION 27 TABLE_01 COLLECTION 58 TEST_COLLECTION_0001 COLLECTION 79 //display data of specified container gs[public]> showcontainer cont003 Database : public Name : cont003 Type : COLLECTION Partition ID: 27 DataAffinity: - Columns: No Name Type CSTR RowKey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 col1 INTEGER NN [RowKey] 1 col2 STRING 2 col3 TIMESTAMP Indexes: Name : Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 col1 Name : Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 col2 Name : myIndex Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 col2 1 col3
Container data of the current database will be displayed.
The data displayed in a container list are the "Container name", "Container type" and "Partition ID".
The data displayed in the specified container are the "Container name", "Container type", "Partition ID", "Defined column name", "Column data type", "Column constraints" as CSTR, "Index information", and "Table partitioning data".
In "Column constraints" column, "NOT NULL constraint" as NN is displayed.
In the case of connecting through JDBC, the details of "Table partitioning data" are displayed. The displayed items are "Partitioning Type", "Partitioning Column", "Partition Interval Value", "Partition Interval Unit" of interval partitioning, and "Partition Division Count" of hash partitioning. For interval-hash partitioning, the items of interval partitioning and hash partitioning are both displayed.
//Display the specified container data (in the case of connecting through JDBC) gs[userDB]> showcontainer time018 Database : userDB Name : time018 Type : TIME_SERIES Partition ID: 37 DataAffinity: - Partitioned : true Partition Type : INTERVAL Partition Column : date Partition Interval Value : 730 Partition Interval Unit : DAY Sub Partition Type : HASH Sub Partition Column : date Sub Partition Division Count : 16 : : //Display the specified container data (not in the case of connecting through JDBC) gs[userDB]> showcontainer time018 Database : userDB Name : time018 Type : TIME_SERIES Partition ID: 37 DataAffinity: - Partitioned : true (need SQL connection for details) : :
Display the table data. It is compatible command of showcontainer.
showtable [<Table name>] -
Argument Note <Table name> Specify the table name to be displayed. Display a list of all tables if omitted.
Search for a container by specifying a container name.
searchcontainer [container name] -
Argument Note container name Specify the container name to search for. Otherwise, all containers are displayed. Wild cards (where % represents zero or more characters, and _ represents a single character) can be specified for a container name. -
gs[public]> searchcontainer mycontainer mycontainer gs[public]> searchcontainer my% my my_container mycontainer gs[public]> searchcontainer my\_container my_container
Search for a view by specifying a view name.
searchview [view name] -
Argument Note view name Specify the view name to search for. Otherwise, all views are displayed. Wild cards (where % represents zero or more characters, and _ represents a single character) can be specified for a view name. -
gs[public]> searchview myview myview gs[public]> searchview my% my my_view myview gs[public]> searchview my\_view my_view
Create an index in the column of a specified container.
createindex <Container name> <Column name> <Index type> ... -
Argument Note <Container name> Specify the name of container that the column subject to the index operation belongs to. Column name Specify the name of the column subject to the index operation. Index type ... Specify the index type. Specify TREE or SPATIAL for the index type. -
//create index gs[public]> createindex cont003 col2 tree gs[public]> showcontainer cont003 Database : public Name : cont003 Type : COLLECTION Partition ID: 27 DataAffinity: - Columns: No Name Type CSTR RowKey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 col1 INTEGER NN [RowKey] 1 col2 STRING 2 col3 TIMESTAMP Indexes: Name : Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 col1 Name : Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 col2
- An error will not occur even if an index that has already been created is specified.
- An index name is not supported. In case of specifying an index name, use the detailed version or SQL.
Create a composite index on the column of a specified container.
createcompindex ... -
Argument Note <Container name> Specify the name of container that the column subject to the index operation belongs to. Column name Specify the name of the column subject to the index operation. Specify more than one. -
//create index gs[public]> createcompindex cont003 col2 col3 gs[public]> showcontainer cont003 Database : public Name : cont003 Type : COLLECTION Partition ID: 27 DataAffinity: - Columns: No Name Type CSTR RowKey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 col1 INTEGER NN [RowKey] 1 col2 STRING 2 col3 TIMESTAMP Indexes: Name : Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 col1 Name : Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 col2 1 col3
- An error will not occur even if an index that has already been created is specified.
- An index name is not supported. In case of specifying an index name, use the detailed version or SQL.
- Operations on the partition table are not supported. An error will occur if a partition table is specified for the container name.
Delete the index in the column of a specified container.
dropindex <Container name> <Column name> <Index type> ... -
Argument Note <Container name> Specify the name of container that the column subject to the index operation belongs to. Column name Specify the name of the column subject to the index operation. Index type ... Specify the index type. Specify TREE or SPATIAL for the index type. -
//delete index gs[public]> showcontainer cont004 Database : public Name : cont004 : : Indexes: Name : Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 id Name : myIndex Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 value gs[public]> dropindex cont004 value tree gs[public]> showcontainer cont004 Database : public Name : cont004 : : Indexes: Name : Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 id
- An error will not occur even if an index that has not been created is specified.
Delete the compound index in the column of a specified container.
dropcompindex ... -
Argument Note <Container name> Specify the name of container that the column subject to the index operation belongs to. Column name Specify the name of the column subject to the index operation. Specify more than one. -
//delete index gs[public]> showcontainer cont003 Database : public Name : cont003 Type : COLLECTION Partition ID: 27 DataAffinity: - Columns: No Name Type CSTR RowKey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 col1 INTEGER NN [RowKey] 1 col2 STRING 2 col3 TIMESTAMP Indexes: Name : Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 col1 Name : Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 col2 1 col3 gs[public]> dropcompindex cont003 col2 col3 gs[public]> showcontainer cont003 Database : public Name : cont003 Type : COLLECTION Partition ID: 27 DataAffinity: - Columns: No Name Type CSTR RowKey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 col1 INTEGER NN [RowKey] 1 col2 STRING 2 col3 TIMESTAMP Indexes: Name : Type : TREE Columns: No Name -------------------------- 0 col1
- An error will not occur even if an index that has not been created is specified.
- Operations on the partition table are not supported. An error will occur if a partition table is specified for the container name.
This section explains subcommands to displays an SQL execution plan.
Display an SQL analysis result (global plan) in text format or in JSON format.
getplantxt [<Text file name>] -
Argument Note Text file name Specify the name of the file where the results are saved. -
gs[public]> EXPLAIN ANALYZE select * from table1, table2 where table1.value=0 and; Search is executed (11 ms). gs[public]> getplantxt Id Type Input Rows Lead time Actual time Node And more.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 SCAN - - 0 0 table: {table1} INDEX SCAN 1 SCAN 0 0 2 2 table: {table1, table2} INDEX SCAN JOIN_EQ_HASH 2 RESULT 1 0 0 0
- This subcommand is for an SQL statement executed using EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN ANALYZE immediately before running the subcommand.
- The contents to be displayed
- ID: Plan ID
- Type: Type of processing
- Input: Plan ID of the input plan
- Rows: The number of input rows
- Lead time: Processing time
- Actual time: Time the thread was occupied for processing
- Node: Node the processing was executed
getplanjson [<JSON file name>] -
Argument Note JSON file name Specify the name of the file where the results are saved. -
gs[public]> getplanjson { "nodeList" : [ { "cmdOptionFlag" : 65, "id" : 0, "indexInfoList" : [ 2, 0, 0 ], "inputList" : [ ], "outputList" : [ { "columnId" : 0, "columnType" : "STRING", "inputId" : 0, "op" : "EXPR_COLUMN", "qName" : { "db" : "public", "name" : "id", "table" : "collection_nopart_AA22" }, "srcId" : 1 }, { ・ ・ ・
- This subcommand is for an SQL statement executed using EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN ANALYZE immediately before running the subcommand.
Display the detailed information of an SQL analysis result in JSON format.
gettaskplan <plan ID> -
Argument Note Plan ID Specify the plan ID of the plan to display. -
gs[public]> gettaskplan 0 { "cmdOptionFlag" : 65, "id" : 0, "indexInfoList" : [ 2, 0, 0 ], "inputList" : [ ], "outputList" : [ { "columnId" : 0, "columnType" : "STRING", "inputId" : 0, "op" : "EXPR_COLUMN", "qName" : { "db" : "public", "name" : "id", "table" : "collection_nopart_AA22" }, "srcId" : 1 }, { ・ ・ ・
- This subcommand is for an SQL statement executed using EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN ANALYZE immediately before running the subcommand.
This section explains the sub-commands for other operations.
Display the executed sub-command in the standard output.
echo -
Argument Note Boolean Display the executed sub-command in the standard output when TRUE is specified. Default value is FALSE. -
//display the executed sub-command in the standard output gs> echo TRUE
- gs_sh prompt "gs>" always appear in the standard output.
Display the definition details of the specified character string or variable.
print <message> -
Argument Note Message Specify the character string or variable to display. -
//display of character string gs> print print executed. print executed.
- Append "$" in front of the variable name when using a variable.
Set the time for the sleeping function.
sleep <No. of sec> -
Argument Note No. of sec Specify the no. of sec to go to sleep. -
//sleep for 10 sec gs> sleep 10
- Specify a positive integer for the no. of sec number.
Execute an external command.
exec <External command> [<External command arguments>] -
Argument Note External command Specify an external command. External command arguments Specify the argument of an external command. -
//display the file data of the current directory gs> exec ls -la
- Pipe, redirect, and hear document cannot be used.
The above command is used to terminate gs_sh.
quit -
// terminate gs_sh. gs> exit
In addition, if an error occurs in the sub-command, the setting can be configured to end gs_sh.
errexit -
Argument Note If TRUE is specified, gs_sh ends when an error occurs in the sub-command. Default is FALSE. -
//configure the setting so as to end gs_sh when an error occurs in the sub-command gs> errexit TRUE
- There is no functional difference between the exit sub-command and quit sub-command.
Display a description of the sub-command.
help [<Sub-command name>] -
Argument Note Sub-command name Specify the sub-command name to display the description Display a list of the sub-commands if omitted. -
//display the description of the sub-command gs> help exit exit terminate gs_sh.
- A description of gs_sh can be obtained with the command "gs_sh --help".
Display the version of gs_sh.
version -
//display the version gs> version gs_sh version 2.0.0
- The gs_sh version data can be obtained with the command "gs_sh --version" as well.
Set the time zone.
settimezone [setting value] -
Argument Note Value The format of the setting value is "±hh:mm", "±hhmm", "Z", and "auto". For example, for Japan time, the setting value is "+09:00".
When the value is not specified, the setting value for the time zone is cleared.
- If the time zone setting is changed with the settimezone subcommand after executing the connect subcommand, the changed timezone setting is not reflected until the connect subcommand is executed again. After changing the time zone setting, execute the connect subcommand again.
To configure the cluster network in multicast mode when multiple network interfaces are available, specify the IP address of the interface to receive the multicast packets from.
setntfif [IP address] -
Argument Note IP address Specify in IPv4 the IP address of the interface from which the multicast packet is received. If unspecified, the set value is cleared. The set value can be checked by using the variable notificationInterfaceAddress. -
gs[public]> setntfif // Check the settings. gs[public]> print $notificationInterfaceAddress
- Rerun the connect subcommand after modifying the settings.
Display previously run subcommands.
Rerun recent subcommands from the subcommand history displayed with the history subcommand.
!history number -
Argument Note history number Specify the history number of the subcommand you want to rerun from the subcommand history displayed with the history subcommand.
Rerun the previously run subcommand.
!! -
gs> history 1 connect $mycluster 2 showcontainer 3 select * from mytable; : 210 configcluster $mycluster 211 history gs> !210 gs> configcluster $mycluster : gs> !! gs> configcluster $mycluster :
- Up to 500 most recent commands can be displayed.
Command list
gs_sh [<Script file>] gs_sh -v|--version gs_sh -h|--help -
Options Required Note -v|--version Display the version of the tool. -h|--help Display the command list as a help message.
- In order to batch process the gs_sh sub-command, a script file can be created. Extension of script file is gsh.
- During gs_sh startup, .gsshrc script files under the gsadm user home directory are imported automatically. The .gsshrc contents will also be imported to the destination from other script files.
GridDB cluster definition sub-command list
Sub-command Argument Note *1 setnode <Node variable> <IP address> <Port no.> [<SSH port no.>] Define the node variable. setcluster setcluster <Cluster variable> <Cluster name> <Multicast address> <Port no.> [<Node variable> ...] Define the cluster variable. setclustersql setclustersql <Cluster variable> <Cluster name> <SQL address> <SQL port no.> Define the SQL connection destination in the cluster configuration. modcluster <Cluster variable> add remove <Node variable> ... Add or delete a node variable to or from the cluster variable. setuser <User name> <Password> [<gsadm password>] Define the user and password to access the cluster. set <Variable name> [<Value>] Define an arbitrary variable. show [<Variable name>] Display the detailed definition of the variable. save [<Script file name>] Save the variable definition in the script file. load [<Script file name>] Execute a read script file. sync IP address port number [cluster variable name [node variable] ] Connect to the running GridDB cluster and automatically define a cluster variable and a node variable. * - *1 : Commands marked with an * can be executed by the administrator user only.
GridDB cluster operation sub-command list
Sub-command Argument Note *1 startnode <Node variable> | <Cluster variable> [<Timeout time in sec>] Start the specified node. * stopnode <Node variable> | <Cluster variable> [<Timeout time in sec>] Stop the specified node. * stopnodeforce <Node variable> | <Cluster variable> [<Timeout time in sec>] Stop the specified node by force. * startcluster <Cluster variable> [ <Timeout time in sec.> ] Attach the active node groups to a cluster, together at once. * stopcluster <Cluster variable> [ <Timeout time in sec.> ] Detach all of the currently attached nodes from a cluster, together at once. * joincluster <Cluster variable> <Node variable> [ <Timeout time in sec.> ] Attach a node individually to a cluster. * leavecluster <Node variable> [ <Timeout time in sec.> ] Detach a node individually from a cluster. * leaveclusterforce <Node variable> [ <Timeout time in sec.> ] Detach a node individually from a cluster by force. * configcluster Cluster variable Display the cluster status data. * config Node variable Display the cluster configuration data. * stat Node variable Display the node configuration data and statistical information. * logs Node variable Displays the log of the specified node. * logconf <Node variable> [ <Category name> [ <Output level> ] ] Display and change the log settings. * showsql Query ID Display the SQL processing under execution. showevent Display the event list under execution. showconnection Display the list of connections. killsql Query ID Cancel the SQL processing in progress. * - *1 : Commands marked with an * can be executed by the administrator user only.
Data operation sub-command list
Sub-command Argument Note *1 connect <Cluster variable> [<Database name>] Connect to a GridDB cluster. tql <Container name> <Query;> Execute a search and retain the search results. get [ <No. of acquires> ] Get the search results and display them in a stdout. getcsv <CSV file name> [<No. of acquires>] Get the search results and save them in a file in the CSV format. getnoprint [ <No. of acquires> ] Get the query results but do not display them in a stdout. tqlclose Close the TQL and discard the search results saved. tqlexplain <Container name> <Query;> Execute the specified TQL command and display the execution plan and actual measurement values such as the number of cases processed etc. tqlanalyze <Container name> <Query;> Displays the execution plan of the specified TQL command. sql <SQL command;> Execute an SQL command and retains the search result. sqlcount Boolean Set whether to execute count query when SQL querying. queryclose Close the query and discard the search results saved. disconnect Disconnect user from a GridDB cluster. - *1 : Commands marked with an * can be executed by the administrator user only.
Database management sub-command list
Sub-command Argument Note *1 createdatabase <Database name> Create a database. * dropdatabase <Database name> Delete a database. * getcurrentdatabase Display the current database name. showdatabase <Database name> List the databases with access right information. grantacl <access rights> <Database name> <User name> Grant the database access rights to user. * revokeacl <access rights> <Database name> <User name> Revoke access rights to the database. * - *1 : Commands marked with an * can be executed by the administrator user only.
User management sub-command list
Sub-command Argument Note *1 createuser <User name> <Password> Create a general user. * dropuser <User name> Delete a general user. * setpassword <Password> Change the own password. setpassword <User name> <Password> Change the password of a general user. * showuser [user name role name] Display information on a general user and a role. - *1 : Commands marked with an * can be executed by the administrator user only.
Container management sub-command list
Sub-command Argument Note *1 createcollection <Container name> <Column name> <Column type> [<Column name> <Column type> ...] Create a container (collection). createtimeseries <Container name> <Compression method> <Column name> <Column type> [<Column name> <Column type> ...] Create a container (timeseries container). createcontainer <Container definition file> [<Container name>] Create a container based on the container definition file. dropcontainer <Container name> Delete a container putrow container name value [value...] Register a row in a container. removerow container name row key value [row key value...] Delete a row from a container. showcontainer [ <Container name> ] Display the container data. showtable [ <Table name> ] Display the table data. searchcontainer [container name] Search for a container by specifying a container name. searchview [view name] Search for a view by specifying a view name. createindex <Container name> <Column name> <Index type> ... Create an index in the specified column. createcompindex <Container name> <Column name> ... Create a composite index on the specified column. dropindex <Container name> <Column name> <Index type> ... Delete an index of the specified column. dropcompindex <Container name> <Column name> ... Deletes the composite index of the specified column. - *1 : Commands marked with an * can be executed by the administrator user only.
Execution plan sub-command list
Sub-command Argument Note *1 getplantxt [Text file name] Display an SQL analysis result in text format. getplanjson [JSON file name] Display an SQL analysis result in JSON format. gettaskplan Plan ID Display the detailed information of an SQL analysis result in JSON format. - *1 : Commands marked with an * can be executed by the administrator user only.
Other operation sub-command list
Sub-command Argument Note *1 echo Boolean Set whether to echo back. print Message Display the definition details of the specified character string or variable. sleep No. of sec Set the time for the sleeping function. exec External command [External command arguments] Execute an external command. exit The above command is used to terminate gs_sh. quit The above command is used to terminate gs_sh. errexit Boolean Set whether to terminate gs_sh when an error occurs. help [ <Sub-command name> ] Display a description of the sub-command. version Display the version of gs_sh. settimezone [setting value] Set the time zone. setntfif [ IP address ] Specify the IP address of the interface from which the multicast packet is received. history Display previously run subcommands. ![history number ] Specify the history number of the subcommand you want to rerun from the subcommand history displayed with the history subcommand. !! Rerun the previously run subcommand. - *1 : Commands marked with an * can be executed by the administrator user only.