Call stcgal with -h
for usage information.
usage: stcgal [-h] [-e] [-a] [-A {dtr,rts}] [-r RESETCMD]
[-P {stc89,stc12a,stc12b,stc12,stc15a,stc15,stc8,stc8d,stc8g,usb15,auto}]
[-p PORT] [-b BAUD] [-l HANDSHAKE] [-o OPTION] [-t TRIM] [-D]
[code_image] [eeprom_image]
stcgal 1.7 - an STC MCU ISP flash tool
(C) 2014-2018 Grigori Goronzy and others
positional arguments:
code_image code segment file to flash (BIN/HEX)
eeprom_image eeprom segment file to flash (BIN/HEX)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --erase only erase flash memory
-a, --autoreset cycle power automatically by asserting DTR
-A {dtr,rts,dtr_inverted,rts_inverted}, --resetpin {dtr,rts,dtr_inverted,rts_inverted}
pin to hold down when using --autoreset (default: DTR)
-r RESETCMD, --resetcmd RESETCMD
shell command for board power-cycling (instead of DTR
-P {stc89,stc12a,stc12b,stc12,stc15a,stc15,stc8,stc8d,stc8g,usb15,auto}, --protocol {stc89,stc12a,stc12b,stc12,stc15a,stc15,stc8,stc8d,stc8g,usb15,auto}
protocol version (default: auto)
-p PORT, --port PORT serial port device
-b BAUD, --baud BAUD transfer baud rate (default: 115200)
handshake baud rate (default: 2400)
-o OPTION, --option OPTION
set option (can be used multiple times, see
-t TRIM, --trim TRIM RC oscillator frequency in kHz (STC15+ series only)
-D, --debug enable debug output
-V, --version print version info and exit
Most importantly, -p
sets the serial port to be used for programming.
The default value of 115200 Baud is supported by all MCU starting with
the STC15 family, and at least the STC12C5A56S2 before that. For older
MCU, you might have to use -b 19200
for correct operation.
STC MCUs use a variety of related but incompatible protocols for the
BSL. The protocol can be specified with the -P
flag. By default
UART protocol autodetection is used. The mapping between protocols
and MCU series is as follows:
Automatic detection of UART based protocols (default)stc89
STC89/90 seriesstc89a
STC89/90 series (BSL 7.2.5C)stc12a
STC12x052 series and possibly othersstc12b
STC12x52 series, STC12x56 series and possibly othersstc12
Most STC10/11/12 seriesstc15a
STC15x104E and STC15x204E(A) seriesstc15
Most STC15 seriesstc8
STC8A8K64S4A12 and STC8F seriesstc8d
All STC8 and STC32 seriesstc8g
STC8G1 and STC8H1 seriesusb15
USB support on STC15W4 series
The text files in the doc/reverse-engineering subdirectory provide an overview over the reverse engineered protocols used by the BSLs. For more details, please read the source code.
Call stcgal without any file to program. It will dump information about the MCU, e.g.:
$ ./ -P stc15
Waiting for MCU, please cycle power: done
Target model:
Name: IAP15F2K61S2
Magic: F449
Code flash: 61.0 KB
EEPROM flash: 0.0 KB
Target frequency: 10.046 MHz
Target BSL version: 7.1S
Target wakeup frequency: 34.771 KHz
Target options:
If the identification fails, see the FAQ for troubleshooting.
stcgal supports Intel HEX encoded files as well as binary files. Intel HEX is autodetected by file extension (.hex, .ihx or .ihex).
Call stcgal just like before, but provide the path to the code image:
$ ./ -P stc15 hello.hex
Waiting for MCU, please cycle power: done
Target model:
Name: IAP15F2K61S2
Magic: F449
Code flash: 61.0 KB
EEPROM flash: 0.0 KB
Target frequency: 10.046 MHz
Target BSL version: 7.1S
Target wakeup frequency: 34.771 KHz
Target options:
Loading flash: 80 bytes (Intel HEX)
Trimming frequency: 10.046 MHz
Switching to 19200 baud: done
Erasing flash: done
Writing 256 bytes: .... done
Setting options: done
Target UID: 0D000021022632
You can also program the EEPROM part of the memory, if applicable. Add the EEPROM image path to the commandline after the flash image path.
stcgal uses a conservative baud rate of 19200 bps by
default. Programming can be sped up by choosing a faster baud rate
with the flag -b
stcgal dumps a number of target options. These can be modified as
well. Provide one (or more) -o
flags followed by a key-value
pair on the commandline to adjust these settings. For instance, you can
enable the external crystal as clock source:
$ ./ -P stc15 -o clock_source=external hello.bin
Please note that device options can only be set when flash memory is programmed!
Not all parts support all options. The protocols or parts that support each option are listed in the description.
Option key | Possible values | Protocols/Models | Description |
cpu_6t_enabled |
true/false | STC89 only | 6T fast mode |
bsl_pindetect_enabled |
true/false | All | BSL only enabled when P3.2/P3.3 or P1.0/P1.1 (depends on model) are low |
eeprom_erase_enabled |
true/false | All | Erase EEPROM with next programming cycle |
clock_gain |
low/high | All with XTAL pins | Clock gain for external crystal |
ale_enabled |
true/false | STC89 only | ALE pin enabled if true, normal GPIO if false |
xram_enabled |
true/false | STC89 only | Use internal XRAM (STC89 only) |
watchdog_por_enabled |
true/false | All | Watchdog state after power-on reset (POR) |
low_voltage_reset |
low/high | STC12A/STC12 | Low-voltage reset level (low: ~3.3V, high: ~3.7V) |
low_voltage_reset |
true/false | STC12 | Enable RESET2 pin low voltage detect |
low_voltage_reset |
true/false | STC15A | Enable low-voltage reset (brownout) |
clock_source |
internal/external | STC12A+ with XTAL | Use internal (RC) or external (crystal) clock |
watchdog_stop_idle |
true/false | STC12A+ | Stop watchdog in IDLE mode |
watchdog_prescale |
2,4,8,...,256 | STC12A+ | Watchdog timer prescaler, must be a power of two. |
reset_pin_enabled |
true/false | STC12+ | RESET pin enabled if true, normal GPIO if false |
oscillator_stable_delay |
4096,...,32768 | STC11F series only | Crystal stabilization delay in clocks. Must be a power of two. |
por_reset_delay |
short/long | STC12+ | Power-on reset (POR) delay |
low_voltage_threshold |
0...7 | STC15A+ | Low-voltage detection threshold. Model specific. |
eeprom_lvd_inhibit |
true/false | STC15A+ | Ignore EEPROM writes in low-voltage situations |
rstout_por_state |
low/high | STC15+ | RSTOUT/RSTSV pin state after power-on reset |
uart1_remap |
true/false | STC8 | Remap UART1 pins (P3.0/P3.1) to UART2 pins (P3.6/P3.7) |
uart2_passthrough |
true/false | STC15+ | Pass-through UART1 to UART2 pins (for single-wire UART mode) |
uart2_pin_mode |
push-pull/normal | STC15+ | Output mode of UART2 TX pin |
cpu_core_voltage |
low/mid/high | STC15W+ | CPU core voltage (low: ~2.7V, mid: ~3.3V, high: ~3.6V) |
epwm_open_drain |
true/false | STC8 | Use open-drain pin mode for EPWM pins after power-on reset |
program_eeprom_split |
512 - 65024 | STC8A8 w/ 64 KB | Select split between code flash and EEPROM flash (in 512 byte blocks) |
If the internal RC oscillator is used (clock_source=internal
stcgal can execute a trim procedure to adjust it to a given value. This
is only supported by STC15 series and newer. The trim values are stored
with device options. Use the -t
flag to request trimming to a certain
value. Generally, frequencies between 4000 and 30000 kHz can be achieved.
If trimming fails, stcgal will abort.
STC's microcontrollers require a power-on reset to invoke the bootloader,
which can be inconvenient. stcgal can use the DTR control signal of a
serial interface to automate this. The DTR signal is asserted for
approximately 500 ms when the autoreset feature is enabled with the
flag. This requires external circuitry to actually switch the
power. In some cases, when the microcontroller draws only little power,
it is possible to directly supply power from the DTR signal.
As an alternative to DTR, you can use a custom shell command or an external script (via -r option) to reset the device. You should specify the command along with -a option. Do not forget the quotes!
$ ./ -P stc15 -a -r "echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio666/value"
$ ./ -P stc15 -a -r "./"
The exit status is 0 if no error occured while executing stcgal. Any error, such as a protocol error or I/O error, results in an exit status of 1. If the the user aborted stcgal by pressing CTRL-C, that results in an exit status of 2.
STC15W4 series have an USB-based BSL that can be optionally
used. USB support in stcgal is experimental and might change in the
future. USB mode is enabled by using the usb15
protocol. The
port (-p
) flag as well as the baudrate options are ignored for
the USB protocol. RC frequency trimming is not supported.