Welcome to the project's contributor guide! This document will provide you with essential information and guidelines for contributing to our software development process. We highly value your expertise and contributions to our project, and we appreciate your commitment to enhancing the codebase.
To help you get started quickly, we have provided several examples in the example folder. These examples demonstrate the usage and capabilities of our software. We encourage you to explore them and leverage the insights gained to enhance your understanding of our project's functionality.
If the files in packages/*
have changed, you will need to do pnpm -w build
$ corepack enable
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm build:dev
$ cd example/native-method/react-native
$ pnpx pod-install
$ pnpm ios
$ pnpm start --reset-cache
$ cd example/native-method/react
$ pnpm dev
Change the code and enter the command below to apply the code.
$ pnpm -w build