layout | title | quote | showTitle |
page |
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All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure. -- <a href="">Mark Twain</a> |
false |
- There are {{ site.posts | size }} posts, and {{ site.pages | size }} pages.
- This site uses the '{{ site.jaytch.page_404 }}' page for 404 errors.
- This site uses the '{{ site.jaytch.layout.framework }}' framework, with the '{{ site.jaytch.layout.theme }}' theme.
- This site is currently using the '{{ site.layouts_dir | split: '/' | last }}' template.
- blah.
- Up and running for {% include jaytch/snips/countdown.liquid datetime=site.time class="countup" %}
{% include jaytch/snips/calendar.liquid width="50%" %}
{% include jaytch/snips/calendar.liquid %}
{% include jaytch/snips/quote.liquid quote="This is a test. This is only a test. No, really. This is just a test. Pay attention! -- Joe Hall" width="50%" %} {% include jaytch/snips/quote.liquid %}