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Simple Vehicle Respawn System


You should know what the description.ext (aka missionconfig) is. If you don't, you can read about it here.


Installing Manually

  1. Create a folder in your mission root folder and name it modules. Then create one inside there and call it grad-vehicleRespawn. If you want change the containing directory name you will have to adjust the MODULES_DIRECTORY definition
  2. Download the contents of this repository (there's a download link in the sidebar) and put it into the directory you just created.
  3. Append the following lines of code to the description.ext:
class CfgFunctions {
  #include "modules\grad-vehicleRespawn\CfgFunctions.hpp"

Adding Vehicle to respawn

Put at least the following in the Vehicle init:

[this] call GRAD_vehicleRespawn_fnc_add;

Further configuration

  this,   // vehicle
  false,  // false - respawns only when dead/cantmove | true – respawns as soon as space is available
  5       // interval in seconds in which respawn checks for condition
] call GRAD_vehicleRespawn_fnc_add;

Vehicle Properties

Vehicle will spawn with same classname but not with same cargo but empty. To do this, you need to execute custom code.

Custom Code

If you want to execute custom code on the vehicle, e.g. to fill up custom cargo, change skins or whatever put the following in the description.ext and replace myVehicleClassname with the classname of the vehicle for which the code should apply

class GRAD_vehicleRespawn {

    class myVehicleClassname {
        customCode = "(_this select 0) addMagazineCargoGlobal ['myMagazineClassname', 2]"; // _this select 0 is the vehicle