From some transformation of a parse tree
> pls turn on the office light and also what time is it?
parsed =
%setState $device="office light" $state="on"
response =
%didSetState $device="office light" $state="on"
%didGetTime $time="8:53pm"
generate(grammar, response)
> I turned the office light on. The time is currently 8:53pm.
Or more generally, hash keys that run some function.
> 90
You are great.
> 66
You are good.
>= 33
You are ok.
> 0
You are terrible.
== 0
You are literally the worst.
$scale=['Goodness', 57]
$scales=[['Goodness', 57], ['Smartness', 5]]
(#reports|$scale for $scale in $scales).join(~also)
[$scales, $scale: #reports|$scale](~also)
[$scales: #reports|$](~also)
> You are ok. Furthermore, you are very dumb.
%kill_statements $highest_ratio="Zerg" $highest_total="Zerg"
> Zerg had the highest kill ratio, and the most kills overall.
%kill_statements $highest_ratio="Zerg" $highest_total="Protoss"
> Zerg had the highest kill ratio. However, Protoss had the most kills overall.
$highest_ratio == $highest_total
$highest_ratio had the highest kill ratio, and the most kills overall.
$highest_ratio had the highest kill ratio. ~however $highest_total had the most kills overall.