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PaddlePaddle Vision Transformers

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State-of-the-art Visual Transformer and MLP Models for PaddlePaddle

🤖 PaddlePaddle Visual Transformers (PaddleViTPPViT) 为开发者提供视觉领域的高性能Transformer模型实现。 我们的主要实现基于Visual Transformers, Visual Attentions, 以及 MLPs等视觉模型算法。 此外,PaddleViT集成了PaddlePaddle 2.1+中常用的layers, utilities, optimizers, schedulers, 数据增强, 以及训练/评估脚本等。我们持续关注SOTA的ViT和MLP模型算法,并提供完整训练、测试代码。PaddleViT的核心任务是为用户提供方便易用的CV领域前沿算法

🤖 PaddleViT 为多项视觉任务提供模型和工具,例如图像分类,目标检测,语义分割,GAN等。每个模型架构均在独立的Python模块中定义,以便于用户能够快速的开展研究和进行实验。同时,我们也提供了模型的预训练权重文件,以便您加载并使用自己的数据集进行微调。PaddleViT还集成了常用的工具和模块,用于自定义数据集、数据预处理,性能评估以及分布式训练等。

🤖 PaddleViT 基于深度学习框架 PaddlePaddle进行开发, 我们同时在Paddle AI Studio上提供了项目教程(coming soon). 对于新用户能够简单易操作。


PaddleViT 提供了多项视觉任务的模型和工具,请访问以下链接以获取详细信息:


  • Notebooks (即将更新)
  • Online Course (即将更新)


  1. SOTA模型的完整实现

    • 提供多项CV任务的SOTA Transformer 模型
    • 提供高性能的数据处理和训练方法
    • 持续推出最新的SOTA算法的实现
  2. 易于使用的工具

    • 通过简单配置即可实现对模型变体的实现
    • 将实用功能与工具进行模块化设计
    • 对于教育者和从业者的使用低门槛
    • 所有模型以统一框架实现
  3. 符合用户的自定义需求

    • 提供每个模型的实现的最佳实践
    • 提供方便用户调整自定义配置的模型实现
    • 模型文件可以独立使用以便于用户快速复现算法
  4. 高性能

    • 支持DDP (多进程训练/评估,其中每个进程在单个GPU上运行)
    • 支持混合精度 support (AMP)训练策略


图像分类 (Transformers)

  1. ViT (from Google), released with paper An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale, by Alexey Dosovitskiy, Lucas Beyer, Alexander Kolesnikov, Dirk Weissenborn, Xiaohua Zhai, Thomas Unterthiner, Mostafa Dehghani, Matthias Minderer, Georg Heigold, Sylvain Gelly, Jakob Uszkoreit, Neil Houlsby.
  2. DeiT (from Facebook and Sorbonne), released with paper Training data-efficient image transformers & distillation through attention, by Hugo Touvron, Matthieu Cord, Matthijs Douze, Francisco Massa, Alexandre Sablayrolles, Hervé Jégou.
  3. Swin Transformer (from Microsoft), released with paper Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows, by Ze Liu, Yutong Lin, Yue Cao, Han Hu, Yixuan Wei, Zheng Zhang, Stephen Lin, Baining Guo.
  4. VOLO (from Sea AI Lab and NUS), released with paper VOLO: Vision Outlooker for Visual Recognition, by Li Yuan, Qibin Hou, Zihang Jiang, Jiashi Feng, Shuicheng Yan.
  5. CSwin Transformer (from USTC and Microsoft), released with paper CSWin Transformer: A General Vision Transformer Backbone with Cross-Shaped Windows , by Xiaoyi Dong, Jianmin Bao, Dongdong Chen, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu, Lu Yuan, Dong Chen, Baining Guo.
  6. CaiT (from Facebook and Sorbonne), released with paper Going deeper with Image Transformers, by Hugo Touvron, Matthieu Cord, Alexandre Sablayrolles, Gabriel Synnaeve, Hervé Jégou.
  7. PVTv2 (from NJU/HKU/NJUST/IIAI/SenseTime), released with paper PVTv2: Improved Baselines with Pyramid Vision Transformer, by Wenhai Wang, Enze Xie, Xiang Li, Deng-Ping Fan, Kaitao Song, Ding Liang, Tong Lu, Ping Luo, Ling Shao.
  8. Shuffle Transformer (from Tencent), released with paper Shuffle Transformer: Rethinking Spatial Shuffle for Vision Transformer, by Zilong Huang, Youcheng Ben, Guozhong Luo, Pei Cheng, Gang Yu, Bin Fu.
  9. T2T-ViT (from NUS and YITU), released with paper Tokens-to-Token ViT: Training Vision Transformers from Scratch on ImageNet , by Li Yuan, Yunpeng Chen, Tao Wang, Weihao Yu, Yujun Shi, Zihang Jiang, Francis EH Tay, Jiashi Feng, Shuicheng Yan.
  10. CrossViT (from IBM), released with paper CrossViT: Cross-Attention Multi-Scale Vision Transformer for Image Classification, by Chun-Fu Chen, Quanfu Fan, Rameswar Panda.
  11. BEiT (from Microsoft Research), released with paper BEiT: BERT Pre-Training of Image Transformers, by Hangbo Bao, Li Dong, Furu Wei.
  12. Focal Transformer (from Microsoft), released with paper Focal Self-attention for Local-Global Interactions in Vision Transformers, by Jianwei Yang, Chunyuan Li, Pengchuan Zhang, Xiyang Dai, Bin Xiao, Lu Yuan and Jianfeng Gao.
  13. Mobile-ViT (from Apple), released with paper MobileViT: Light-weight, General-purpose, and Mobile-friendly Vision Transformer, by Sachin Mehta, Mohammad Rastegari.
  14. ViP (from National University of Singapore), released with Vision Permutator: A Permutable MLP-Like Architecture for Visual Recognition, by Qibin Hou and Zihang Jiang and Li Yuan and Ming-Ming Cheng and Shuicheng Yan and Jiashi Feng.
  15. XCiT (from Facebook/Inria/Sorbonne), released with paper XCiT: Cross-Covariance Image Transformers, by Alaaeldin El-Nouby, Hugo Touvron, Mathilde Caron, Piotr Bojanowski, Matthijs Douze, Armand Joulin, Ivan Laptev, Natalia Neverova, Gabriel Synnaeve, Jakob Verbeek, Hervé Jegou.
  16. PiT (from NAVER/Sogan University), released with paper Rethinking Spatial Dimensions of Vision Transformers, by Byeongho Heo, Sangdoo Yun, Dongyoon Han, Sanghyuk Chun, Junsuk Choe, Seong Joon Oh.
  17. HaloNet, (from Google), released with paper Scaling Local Self-Attention for Parameter Efficient Visual Backbones, by Ashish Vaswani, Prajit Ramachandran, Aravind Srinivas, Niki Parmar, Blake Hechtman, Jonathon Shlens.
  18. PoolFormer, (from Sea AI Lab/NUS), released with paper MetaFormer is Actually What You Need for Vision, by Weihao Yu, Mi Luo, Pan Zhou, Chenyang Si, Yichen Zhou, Xinchao Wang, Jiashi Feng, Shuicheng Yan.

图像分类 (MLP & others)

  1. MLP-Mixer (from Google), released with paper MLP-Mixer: An all-MLP Architecture for Vision, by Ilya Tolstikhin, Neil Houlsby, Alexander Kolesnikov, Lucas Beyer, Xiaohua Zhai, Thomas Unterthiner, Jessica Yung, Andreas Steiner, Daniel Keysers, Jakob Uszkoreit, Mario Lucic, Alexey Dosovitskiy
  2. ResMLP (from Facebook/Sorbonne/Inria/Valeo), released with paper ResMLP: Feedforward networks for image classification with data-efficient training, by Hugo Touvron, Piotr Bojanowski, Mathilde Caron, Matthieu Cord, Alaaeldin El-Nouby, Edouard Grave, Gautier Izacard, Armand Joulin, Gabriel Synnaeve, Jakob Verbeek, Hervé Jégou.
  3. gMLP (from Google), released with paper Pay Attention to MLPs, by Hanxiao Liu, Zihang Dai, David R. So, Quoc V. Le.
  4. FF Only (from Oxford), released with paper Do You Even Need Attention? A Stack of Feed-Forward Layers Does Surprisingly Well on ImageNet, by Luke Melas-Kyriazi.
  5. RepMLP (from BNRist/Tsinghua/MEGVII/Aberystwyth), released with paper RepMLP: Re-parameterizing Convolutions into Fully-connected Layers for Image Recognition, by Xiaohan Ding, Chunlong Xia, Xiangyu Zhang, Xiaojie Chu, Jungong Han, Guiguang Ding.
  6. CycleMLP (from HKU/SenseTime), released with paper CycleMLP: A MLP-like Architecture for Dense Prediction, by Shoufa Chen, Enze Xie, Chongjian Ge, Ding Liang, Ping Luo.
  7. ConvMixer (from Anonymous), released with Patches Are All You Need?, by Anonymous.
  8. ConvMLP (from UO/UIUC/PAIR), released with ConvMLP: Hierarchical Convolutional MLPs for Vision, by Jiachen Li, Ali Hassani, Steven Walton, Humphrey Shi.


  1. CvT (from McGill/Microsoft), released with paper CvT: Introducing Convolutions to Vision Transformers, by Haiping Wu, Bin Xiao, Noel Codella, Mengchen Liu, Xiyang Dai, Lu Yuan, Lei Zhang
  2. HVT (from Monash University), released with paper Scalable Vision Transformers with Hierarchical Pooling, by Zizheng Pan, Bohan Zhuang, Jing Liu, Haoyu He, Jianfei Cai.
  3. DynamicViT (from Tsinghua/UCLA/UW), released with paper DynamicViT: Efficient Vision Transformers with Dynamic Token Sparsification, by Yongming Rao, Wenliang Zhao, Benlin Liu, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou, Cho-Jui Hsieh.


  1. DETR (from Facebook), released with paper End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers, by Nicolas Carion, Francisco Massa, Gabriel Synnaeve, Nicolas Usunier, Alexander Kirillov, Sergey Zagoruyko.
  2. Swin Transformer (from Microsoft), released with paper Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows, by Ze Liu, Yutong Lin, Yue Cao, Han Hu, Yixuan Wei, Zheng Zhang, Stephen Lin, Baining Guo.
  3. PVTv2 (from NJU/HKU/NJUST/IIAI/SenseTime), released with paper PVTv2: Improved Baselines with Pyramid Vision Transformer, by Wenhai Wang, Enze Xie, Xiang Li, Deng-Ping Fan, Kaitao Song, Ding Liang, Tong Lu, Ping Luo, Ling Shao.


  1. Focal Transformer (from Microsoft), released with paper Focal Self-attention for Local-Global Interactions in Vision Transformers, by Jianwei Yang, Chunyuan Li, Pengchuan Zhang, Xiyang Dai, Bin Xiao, Lu Yuan and Jianfeng Gao.
  2. UP-DETR (from Tencent), released with paper UP-DETR: Unsupervised Pre-training for Object Detection with Transformers, by Zhigang Dai, Bolun Cai, Yugeng Lin, Junying Chen.



  1. SETR (from Fudan/Oxford/Surrey/Tencent/Facebook), released with paper Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Sequence Perspective with Transformers, by Sixiao Zheng, Jiachen Lu, Hengshuang Zhao, Xiatian Zhu, Zekun Luo, Yabiao Wang, Yanwei Fu, Jianfeng Feng, Tao Xiang, Philip H.S. Torr, Li Zhang.
  2. DPT (from Intel), released with paper Vision Transformers for Dense Prediction, by René Ranftl, Alexey Bochkovskiy, Vladlen Koltun.
  3. Swin Transformer (from Microsoft), released with paper Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows, by Ze Liu, Yutong Lin, Yue Cao, Han Hu, Yixuan Wei, Zheng Zhang, Stephen Lin, Baining Guo.
  4. Segmenter (from Inria), realeased with paper Segmenter: Transformer for Semantic Segmentation, by Robin Strudel, Ricardo Garcia, Ivan Laptev, Cordelia Schmid.
  5. Trans2seg (from HKU/Sensetime/NJU), released with paper Segmenting Transparent Object in the Wild with Transformer, by Enze Xie, Wenjia Wang, Wenhai Wang, Peize Sun, Hang Xu, Ding Liang, Ping Luo.
  6. SegFormer (from HKU/NJU/NVIDIA/Caltech), released with paper SegFormer: Simple and Efficient Design for Semantic Segmentation with Transformers, by Enze Xie, Wenhai Wang, Zhiding Yu, Anima Anandkumar, Jose M. Alvarez, Ping Luo.
  7. CSwin Transformer (from USTC and Microsoft), released with paper [CSWin Transformer: A General Vision Transformer Backbone with Cross-Shaped Windows


  1. FTN (from Baidu), released with paper Fully Transformer Networks for Semantic Image Segmentation, by Sitong Wu, Tianyi Wu, Fangjian Lin, Shengwei Tian, Guodong Guo.
  2. Shuffle Transformer (from Tencent), released with paper Shuffle Transformer: Rethinking Spatial Shuffle for Vision Transformer, by Zilong Huang, Youcheng Ben, Guozhong Luo, Pei Cheng, Gang Yu, Bin Fu
  3. Focal Transformer (from Microsoft), released with paper Focal Self-attention for Local-Global Interactions in Vision Transformers, by Jianwei Yang, Chunyuan Li, Pengchuan Zhang, Xiyang Dai, Bin Xiao, Lu Yuan and Jianfeng Gao. ](, by Xiaoyi Dong, Jianmin Bao, Dongdong Chen, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu, Lu Yuan, Dong Chen, Baining Guo.


  1. TransGAN (from Seoul National University and NUUA), released with paper TransGAN: Two Pure Transformers Can Make One Strong GAN, and That Can Scale Up, by Yifan Jiang, Shiyu Chang, Zhangyang Wang.
  2. Styleformer (from Facebook and Sorbonne), released with paper Styleformer: Transformer based Generative Adversarial Networks with Style Vector, by Jeeseung Park, Younggeun Kim.


  1. ViTGAN (from UCSD/Google), released with paper ViTGAN: Training GANs with Vision Transformers, by Kwonjoon Lee, Huiwen Chang, Lu Jiang, Han Zhang, Zhuowen Tu, Ce Liu.



  • Linux/MacOS/Windows
  • Python 3.6/3.7
  • PaddlePaddle 2.1.0+
  • CUDA10.2+

注意: 建议安装最新版本的 PaddlePaddle 以避免训练PaddleViT时出现一些 CUDA 错误。 PaddlePaddle稳定版安装请参考链接 , PaddlePaddle开发版安装请参考链接.


  1. 创建Conda虚拟环境并激活.

    conda create -n paddlevit python=3.7 -y
    conda activate paddlevit
  2. 按照官方说明安装 PaddlePaddle, e.g.,

    conda install paddlepaddle-gpu==2.1.2 cudatoolkit=10.2 --channel

    注意: 请根据您的环境更改 paddlepaddle 版本 和 cuda 版本.

  3. 安装依赖项.

    • 通用的依赖项:
      pip install yacs, pyyaml
    • 分割需要的依赖项:
      pip install cityscapesScripts
      安装 detail package:
      git clone
      cd detail-api/PythonAPI
      make install
    • GAN需要的依赖项:
      pip install lmdb
  4. 从GitHub克隆项目

    git clone 

预训练模型和下载 (Model Zoo)


Model Acc@1 Acc@5 #Params FLOPs Image Size Crop pct Interp Link
vit_base_patch32_224 80.68 95.61 88.2M 4.4G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(ubyr)
vit_base_patch32_384 83.35 96.84 88.2M 12.7G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(3c2f)
vit_base_patch16_224 84.58 97.30 86.4M 17.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(qv4n)
vit_base_patch16_384 85.99 98.00 86.4M 49.8G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(wsum)
vit_large_patch16_224 85.81 97.82 304.1M 59.9G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(1bgk)
vit_large_patch16_384 87.08 98.30 304.1M 175.9G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(5t91)
vit_large_patch32_384 81.51 96.09 306.5M 44.4G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(ieg3)
swin_t_224 81.37 95.54 28.3M 4.4G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(h2ac)
swin_s_224 83.21 96.32 49.6M 8.6G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(ydyx)
swin_b_224 83.60 96.46 87.7M 15.3G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(h4y6)
swin_b_384 84.48 96.89 87.7M 45.5G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(7nym)
swin_b_224_22kto1k 85.27 97.56 87.7M 15.3G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(6ur8)
swin_b_384_22kto1k 86.43 98.07 87.7M 45.5G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(9squ)
swin_l_224_22kto1k 86.32 97.90 196.4M 34.3G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(nd2f)
swin_l_384_22kto1k 87.14 98.23 196.4M 100.9G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(5g5e)
deit_tiny_distilled_224 74.52 91.90 5.9M 1.1G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(rhda)
deit_small_distilled_224 81.17 95.41 22.4M 4.3G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(pv28)
deit_base_distilled_224 83.32 96.49 87.2M 17.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(5f2g)
deit_base_distilled_384 85.43 97.33 87.2M 49.9G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(qgj2)
volo_d1_224 84.12 96.78 26.6M 6.6G 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(xaim)
volo_d1_384 85.24 97.21 26.6M 19.5G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(rr7p)
volo_d2_224 85.11 97.19 58.6M 13.7G 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(d82f)
volo_d2_384 86.04 97.57 58.6M 40.7G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(9cf3)
volo_d3_224 85.41 97.26 86.2M 19.8G 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(a5a4)
volo_d3_448 86.50 97.71 86.2M 80.3G 448 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(uudu)
volo_d4_224 85.89 97.54 192.8M 42.9G 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(vcf2)
volo_d4_448 86.70 97.85 192.8M 172.5G 448 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(nd4n)
volo_d5_224 86.08 97.58 295.3M 70.6G 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(ymdg)
volo_d5_448 86.92 97.88 295.3M 283.8G 448 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(qfcc)
volo_d5_512 87.05 97.97 295.3M 371.3G 512 1.15 bicubic google/baidu(353h)
cswin_tiny_224 82.81 96.30 22.3M 4.2G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(4q3h)
cswin_small_224 83.60 96.58 34.6M 6.5G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(gt1a)
cswin_base_224 84.23 96.91 77.4M 14.6G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(wj8p)
cswin_base_384 85.51 97.48 77.4M 43.1G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(rkf5)
cswin_large_224 86.52 97.99 173.3M 32.5G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(b5fs)
cswin_large_384 87.49 98.35 173.3M 96.1G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(6235)
cait_xxs24_224 78.38 94.32 11.9M 2.2G 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(j9m8)
cait_xxs36_224 79.75 94.88 17.2M 33.1G 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(nebg)
cait_xxs24_384 80.97 95.64 11.9M 6.8G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(2j95)
cait_xxs36_384 82.20 96.15 17.2M 10.1G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(wx5d)
cait_s24_224 83.45 96.57 46.8M 8.7G 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(m4pn)
cait_xs24_384 84.06 96.89 26.5M 15.1G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(scsv)
cait_s24_384 85.05 97.34 46.8M 26.5G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(dnp7)
cait_s36_384 85.45 97.48 68.1M 39.5G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(e3ui)
cait_m36_384 86.06 97.73 270.7M 156.2G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(r4hu)
cait_m48_448 86.49 97.75 355.8M 287.3G 448 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(imk5)
pvtv2_b0 70.47 90.16 3.7M 0.6G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(dxgb)
pvtv2_b1 78.70 94.49 14.0M 2.1G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(2e5m)
pvtv2_b2 82.02 95.99 25.4M 4.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(are2)
pvtv2_b2_linear 82.06 96.04 22.6M 3.9G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(a4c8)
pvtv2_b3 83.14 96.47 45.2M 6.8G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(nc21)
pvtv2_b4 83.61 96.69 62.6M 10.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(tthf)
pvtv2_b5 83.77 96.61 82.0M 11.5G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(9v6n)
shuffle_vit_tiny 82.39 96.05 28.5M 4.6G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(8a1i)
shuffle_vit_small 83.53 96.57 50.1M 8.8G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(xwh3)
shuffle_vit_base 83.95 96.91 88.4M 15.5G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(1gsr)
t2t_vit_7 71.68 90.89 4.3M 1.0G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(1hpa)
t2t_vit_10 75.15 92.80 5.8M 1.3G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(ixug)
t2t_vit_12 76.48 93.49 6.9M 1.5G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(qpbb)
t2t_vit_14 81.50 95.67 21.5M 4.4G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(c2u8)
t2t_vit_19 81.93 95.74 39.1M 7.8G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(4in3)
t2t_vit_24 82.28 95.89 64.0M 12.8G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(4in3)
t2t_vit_t_14 81.69 95.85 21.5M 4.4G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(4in3)
t2t_vit_t_19 82.44 96.08 39.1M 7.9G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(mier)
t2t_vit_t_24 82.55 96.07 64.0M 12.9G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(6vxc)
t2t_vit_14_384 83.34 96.50 21.5M 13.0G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(r685)
cross_vit_tiny_224 73.20 91.90 6.9M 1.3G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(scvb)
cross_vit_small_224 81.01 95.33 26.7M 5.2G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(32us)
cross_vit_base_224 82.12 95.87 104.7M 20.2G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(jj2q)
cross_vit_9_224 73.78 91.93 8.5M 1.6G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(mjcb)
cross_vit_15_224 81.51 95.72 27.4M 5.2G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(n55b)
cross_vit_18_224 82.29 96.00 43.1M 8.3G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(xese)
cross_vit_9_dagger_224 76.92 93.61 8.7M 1.7G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(58ah)
cross_vit_15_dagger_224 82.23 95.93 28.1M 5.6G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(qwup)
cross_vit_18_dagger_224 82.51 96.03 44.1M 8.7G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(qtw4)
cross_vit_15_dagger_384 83.75 96.75 28.1M 16.4G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(w71e)
cross_vit_18_dagger_384 84.17 96.82 44.1M 25.8G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(99b6)
beit_base_patch16_224_pt22k 85.21 97.66 87M 12.7G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(fshn)
beit_base_patch16_384_pt22k 86.81 98.14 87M 37.3G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(arvc)
beit_large_patch16_224_pt22k 87.48 98.30 304M 45.0G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(2ya2)
beit_large_patch16_384_pt22k 88.40 98.60 304M 131.7G 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(qtrn)
beit_large_patch16_512_pt22k 88.60 98.66 304M 234.0G 512 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(567v)
Focal-T 82.03 95.86 28.9M 4.9G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(i8c2)
Focal-T (use conv) 82.70 96.14 30.8M 4.9G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(smrk)
Focal-S 83.55 96.29 51.1M 9.4G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(dwd8)
Focal-S (use conv) 83.85 96.47 53.1M 9.4G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(nr7n)
Focal-B 83.98 96.48 89.8M 16.4G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(8akn)
Focal-B (use conv) 84.18 96.61 93.3M 16.4G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(5nfi)
mobilevit_xxs 70.31 89.68 1.32M 0.44G 256 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(axpc)
mobilevit_xs 74.47 92.02 2.33M 0.95G 256 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(hfhm)
mobilevit_s 76.74 93.08 5.59M 1.88G 256 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(34bg)
vip_s7 81.50 95.76 25.1M 7.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(mh9b)
vip_m7 82.75 96.05 55.3M 16.4G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(hvm8)
vip_l7 83.18 96.37 87.8M 24.5G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(tjvh)
xcit_nano_12_p16_224_dist 72.32 90.86 0.6G 3.1M 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(7qvz)
xcit_nano_12_p16_384_dist 75.46 92.70 1.6G 3.1M 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(1y2j)
xcit_large_24_p16_224_dist 84.92 97.13 35.9G 189.1M 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(kfv8)
xcit_large_24_p16_384_dist 85.76 97.54 105.5G 189.1M 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(ffq3)
xcit_nano_12_p8_224_dist 76.33 93.10 2.2G 3.0M 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(jjs7)
xcit_nano_12_p8_384_dist 77.82 94.04 6.3G 3.0M 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(dmc1)
xcit_large_24_p8_224_dist 85.40 97.40 141.4G 188.9M 224 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(y7gw)
xcit_large_24_p8_384_dist 85.99 97.69 415.5G 188.9M 384 1.0 bicubic google/baidu(9xww)
pit_ti 72.91 91.40 4.8M 0.5G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(ydmi)
pit_ti_distill 74.54 92.10 5.1M 0.5G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(7k4s)
pit_xs 78.18 94.16 10.5M 1.1G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(gytu)
pit_xs_distill 79.31 94.36 10.9M 1.1G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(ie7s)
pit_s 81.08 95.33 23.4M 2.4G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(kt1n)
pit_s_distill 81.99 95.79 24.0M 2.5G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(hhyc)
pit_b 82.44 95.71 73.5M 10.6G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(uh2v)
pit_b_distill 84.14 96.86 74.5M 10.7G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(3e6g)
halonet26t 79.10 94.31 12.5M 3.2G 256 0.95 bicubic google/baidu(ednv)
halonet50ts 81.65 95.61 22.8M 5.1G 256 0.94 bicubic google/baidu(3j9e)
poolformer_s12 77.24 93.51 11.9M 1.8G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(zcv4)
poolformer_s24 80.33 95.05 21.3M 3.4G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(nedr)
poolformer_s36 81.43 95.45 30.8M 5.0G 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(fvpm)
poolformer_m36 82.11 95.69 56.1M 8.9G 224 0.95 bicubic google/baidu(whfp)
poolformer_m48 82.46 95.96 73.4M 11.8G 224 0.95 bicubic google/baidu(374f)
mlp_mixer_b16_224 76.60 92.23 60.0M 12.7G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(xh8x)
mlp_mixer_l16_224 72.06 87.67 208.2M 44.9G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(8q7r)
resmlp_24_224 79.38 94.55 30.0M 6.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(jdcx)
resmlp_36_224 79.77 94.89 44.7M 9.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(33w3)
resmlp_big_24_224 81.04 95.02 129.1M 100.7G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(r9kb)
resmlp_12_distilled_224 77.95 93.56 15.3M 3.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(ghyp)
resmlp_24_distilled_224 80.76 95.22 30.0M 6.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(sxnx)
resmlp_36_distilled_224 81.15 95.48 44.7M 9.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(vt85)
resmlp_big_24_distilled_224 83.59 96.65 129.1M 100.7G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(4jk5)
resmlp_big_24_22k_224 84.40 97.11 129.1M 100.7G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(ve7i)
gmlp_s16_224 79.64 94.63 19.4M 4.5G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(bcth)
ff_only_tiny (linear_tiny) 61.28 84.06 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(mjgd)
ff_only_base (linear_base) 74.82 91.71 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(m1jc)
repmlp_res50_light_224 77.01 93.46 87.1M 3.3G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(b4fg)
cyclemlp_b1 78.85 94.60 15.1M 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(mnbr)
cyclemlp_b2 81.58 95.81 26.8M 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(jwj9)
cyclemlp_b3 82.42 96.07 38.3M 224 0.9 bicubic google/baidu(v2fy)
cyclemlp_b4 82.96 96.33 51.8M 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(fnqd)
cyclemlp_b5 83.25 96.44 75.7M 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(s55c)
convmixer_1024_20 76.94 93.35 24.5M 9.5G 224 0.96 bicubic google/baidu(qpn9)
convmixer_768_32 80.16 95.08 21.2M 20.8G 224 0.96 bicubic google/baidu(m5s5)
convmixer_1536_20 81.37 95.62 51.8M 72.4G 224 0.96 bicubic google/baidu(xqty)
convmlp_s 76.76 93.40 9.0M 2.4G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(3jz3)
convmlp_m 79.03 94.53 17.4M 4.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(vyp1)
convmlp_l 80.15 95.00 42.7M 10.0G 224 0.875 bicubic google/baidu(ne5x)


Model backbone box_mAP Model
DETR ResNet50 42.0 google/baidu(n5gk)
DETR ResNet101 43.5 google/baidu(bxz2)
Mask R-CNN Swin-T 1x 43.7 google/baidu(qev7)
Mask R-CNN Swin-T 3x 46.0 google/baidu(m8fg)
Mask R-CNN Swin-S 3x 48.4 google/baidu(hdw5)
Mask R-CNN pvtv2_b0 38.3 google/baidu(3kqb)
Mask R-CNN pvtv2_b1 41.8 google/baidu(k5aq)
Mask R-CNN pvtv2_b2 45.2 google/baidu(jh8b)
Mask R-CNN pvtv2_b2_linear 44.1 google/baidu(8ipt)
Mask R-CNN pvtv2_b3 46.9 google/baidu(je4y)
Mask R-CNN pvtv2_b4 47.5 google/baidu(n3ay)
Mask R-CNN pvtv2_b5 47.4 google/baidu(jzq1)


Pascal Context

Model Backbone Batch_size mIoU (ss) mIoU (ms+flip) Backbone_checkpoint Model_checkpoint ConfigFile
SETR_Naive ViT_large 16 52.06 52.57 google/baidu(owoj) google/baidu(xdb8) config
SETR_PUP ViT_large 16 53.90 54.53 google/baidu(owoj) google/baidu(6sji) config
SETR_MLA ViT_Large 8 54.39 55.16 google/baidu(owoj) google/baidu(wora) config
SETR_MLA ViT_large 16 55.01 55.87 google/baidu(owoj) google/baidu(76h2) config


Model Backbone Batch_size Iteration mIoU (ss) mIoU (ms+flip) Backbone_checkpoint Model_checkpoint ConfigFile
SETR_Naive ViT_Large 8 40k 76.71 79.03 google/baidu(owoj) google/baidu(g7ro) config
SETR_Naive ViT_Large 8 80k 77.31 79.43 google/baidu(owoj) google/baidu(wn6q) config
SETR_PUP ViT_Large 8 40k 77.92 79.63 google/baidu(owoj) google/baidu(zmoi) config
SETR_PUP ViT_Large 8 80k 78.81 80.43 google/baidu(owoj) baidu(f793) config
SETR_MLA ViT_Large 8 40k 76.70 78.96 google/baidu(owoj) baidu(qaiw) config
SETR_MLA ViT_Large 8 80k 77.26 79.27 google/baidu(owoj) baidu(6bgj) config


Model Backbone Batch_size Iteration mIoU (ss) mIoU (ms+flip) Backbone_checkpoint Model_checkpoint ConfigFile
SETR_Naive ViT_Large 16 160k 47.57 48.12 google/baidu(owoj) baidu(lugq) config
SETR_PUP ViT_Large 16 160k 49.12 49.51 google/baidu(owoj) baidu(udgs) config
SETR_MLA ViT_Large 8 160k 47.80 49.34 google/baidu(owoj) baidu(mrrv) config
DPT ViT_Large 16 160k 47.21 - google/baidu(owoj) baidu(ts7h) config
Segmenter ViT_Tiny 16 160k 38.45 - TODO baidu(1k97) config
Segmenter ViT_Small 16 160k 46.07 - TODO baidu(i8nv) config
Segmenter ViT_Base 16 160k 49.08 - TODO baidu(hxrl) config
Segmenter ViT_Large 16 160k 51.82 - TODO baidu(wdz6) config
Segmenter_Linear DeiT_Base 16 160k 47.34 - TODO baidu(5dpv) config
Segmenter DeiT_Base 16 160k 49.27 - TODO baidu(3kim) config
Segformer MIT-B0 16 160k 38.37 - TODO baidu(ges9) config
Segformer MIT-B1 16 160k 42.20 - TODO baidu(t4n4) config
Segformer MIT-B2 16 160k 46.38 - TODO baidu(h5ar) config
Segformer MIT-B3 16 160k 48.35 - TODO baidu(g9n4) config
Segformer MIT-B4 16 160k 49.01 - TODO baidu(e4xw) config
Segformer MIT-B5 16 160k 49.73 - TODO baidu(uczo) config
UperNet Swin_Tiny 16 160k 44.90 45.37 - baidu(lkhg) config
UperNet Swin_Small 16 160k 47.88 48.90 - baidu(vvy1) config
UperNet Swin_Base 16 160k 48.59 49.04 - baidu(y040) config
UperNet CSwin_Tiny 16 160k 49.46 baidu(l1cp) baidu(y1eq) config
UperNet CSwin_Small 16 160k 50.88 baidu(6vwk) baidu(fz2e) config
UperNet CSwin_Base 16 160k 50.64 baidu(0ys7) baidu(83w3) config


Model Backbone Batch_size Iteration mIoU (ss) mIoU (ms+flip) Backbone_checkpoint Model_checkpoint ConfigFile
Trans2seg_Medium Resnet50c 16 16k 75.97 - google/baidu(4dd5) google/baidu(w25r) config


Model FID Image Size Crop_pct Interpolation Model
styleformer_cifar10 2.73 32 1.0 lanczos google/baidu(ztky)
styleformer_stl10 15.65 48 1.0 lanczos google/baidu(i973)
styleformer_celeba 3.32 64 1.0 lanczos google/baidu(fh5s)
styleformer_lsun 9.68 128 1.0 lanczos google/baidu(158t)

*使用fid50k_full指标在 Cifar10, STL10, Celeba 以及 LSUNchurch 数据集上评估结果.


如果需要使用模型预训练权重,需要转到对应子文件夹,例如, /image_classification/ViT/, 然后下载 .pdparam 权重文件并在python脚本中更改相关文件路径。模型的配置文件位于.、configs/.

假设下载的预训练权重文件存储在./vit_base_patch16_224.pdparams, 在python中使用vit_base_patch16_224模型:

from config import get_config
from visual_transformer import build_vit as build_model
# config files in ./configs/
config = get_config('./configs/vit_base_patch16_224.yaml')
# build model
model = build_model(config)
# load pretrained weights, .pdparams is NOT needed
model_state_dict = paddle.load('./vit_base_patch16_224')

🤖 详细用法庆参见每个模型对应文件夹中的README文件.





python \
    -cfg='./configs/vit_base_patch16_224.yaml' \
    -dataset='imagenet2012' \
    -batch_size=16 \
    -data_path='/dataset/imagenet' \
    -eval \


python \
    -cfg='./configs/vit_base_patch16_224.yaml' \
    -dataset='imagenet2012' \
    -batch_size=16 \
    -data_path='/dataset/imagenet' \
    -eval \





python \
  -cfg='./configs/vit_base_patch16_224.yaml' \
  -dataset='imagenet2012' \
  -batch_size=32 \
  -data_path='/dataset/imagenet' \


python \
    -cfg='./configs/vit_base_patch16_224.yaml' \
    -dataset='imagenet2012' \
    -batch_size=16 \
    -data_path='/dataset/imagenet' \


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  • 此 repo 遵循 Apache-2.0 许可.


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