The QR Code Utility is a command-line tool for generating and decoding QR codes. It provides functionalities for creating QR codes from text data/file, decoding QR codes from images, and scanning QR codes using a webcam.
clone/download qrutility and run/test/update on your local machine.
git clone qrutil
cd ./qrutil
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run tests, run the following command
PS C:\qrutil> py .\ generate -q "This is test
>> And this is Line 2." -f test
QR Code Generated.
Saved as test.png
Program End.
- Generate QR codes from text data.
- Generate QR codes from text files.
- Decode QR codes from image files.
- Decode QR codes in real-time using a webcam.
PS C:\qrutil> py .\ generate -r test.txt -f test1.png
File Content:
This is a test file to encode the text into qr coede.
This is the second line to test if takes multiple line
QR Code Generated.
Saved as test1.png.png
Program End.
PS C:\qrutil> py .\ decode -f .\test1.png
QRCode data:
This is a test file to encode the text into qr coede.
This is the second line to test if takes multiple line
Program End.
PS S:\WorkSpace\Projects\QR-Code>
PS C:\qrutil> py .\ webcam
QR Code Scanner is opened look for new window.
Press CTRL-C to Exit.
Closed the QR Code Scanner..
Program End.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at ig: @0x07da