Hello hackers,
Thank you to Dev Bootcamp for hosting us - we really appreciate it!
Bse Converter is a web app that converts any positive integer between any two base-notation systems, from base-2 (binary) to base-36.
Shy built a receipt printer that sits on my desk at work and prints out my daily schedule before he arrives. It's setup using python running flask off a raspberry pi. Sadly, he ended up locked out of it before giving his talk, but saved the day by spending his time working together with the whole room to try to hack into his printer in less than 10 minutes! (We totally failed. But it was fun to try!)
Duct is an open source library for spawning child processes. It's designed to support wacky bash-style pipelines, with an API that's portable to any modern programming language. Right now there are implementations in Rust and Python.
This is a twitter bot... Automating lifelong connections, Disrupting dating, Pairing potential soul mates whether they want love or not.
Michelle taught us how to build a javascript module system, without having to rely on any fancy newfangled frameworks. So if you want to go back in time and release your app a few decades early, now you can.
Andrew built a very WIP simple and modern RPC IDL generator for C, inspired by the generally disappointing state of rpcgen & XDR.
Aditya showed ErowidCoin, a Twitter bot that posts Markov-powered mashups of Erowid trip reports and reddit comments from /r/bitcoin and /r/btc. Psychedelics are good for Bitcoin.
Our next meetup will take place on June 15, 2017. Meetup itself has offered to host us this time - hooray!
We'll release the official Meetup announcement soon, and like last time, RSVPs will open 2 weeks before the event.
Time to start thinking about what you might want to present in June! Tell us about your hack here: https://docs.google.com/a/adityamukerjee.net/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6kYkSZz77hWuqmK2rVhgUyVjNRwOVKJtq-We_BYk1GT0B5Q/viewform
As always, you can follow us on twitter, and we look forward to seeing you in June!
Happy hacking,
&&{ aditya, danielle, sasha }