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User Configuration

Neil Sabde edited this page Jan 22, 2022 · 6 revisions

To allow custom user configurations edit the ./lua/vapour/user-config/init.lua file.

The order of loading is as follows:

  • ./lua/vapour/init.lua
  • ./lua/vapour/options.lua
  • ./lua/vapour/user-config/init.lua
  • ./lua/vapour/plugins/init.lua
  • ./lua/vapour/keybindings/init.lua

This is important because this means that while Vapour's default options, config, etc... is loaded in we can easily modify it to our tastes.

How To Configure Vapour

The defaults are sane, however below will illustrate different ways to customize Vapour.

Enable A plugin

By default most plugins are disabled for performance reasons (i.e.: not everyone using this needs to have a Markdown previewer enabled). To enable a Vapour-defined plugin simply set it's enabled property to non-falsy:

Vapour.plugins.toggleterm.enabled = true

This will then let you sync your plugins and install it if it was not so previously.

If you want to define multiple elements of the plugin (see ./lua/vapour/plugins/init.lua) you can do so like this:

Vapour.plugins.telescope = {
  enabled = true,
  which_key = {
    root = 'f',
    definitions = {
      z = {':Telescope file_browser<cr>', 'File Browser'}

This will make the plugin enabled and also define a which_key table for it.

User-Defined Plugins

The chances are you will at some point want to have plugins installed that Vapour doesn't have defined. You can either submit a PR for the plugin, or define it yourself as a user plugin:

Vapour.plugins.user = {
  {'mfussenegger/nvim-dap', {opt=true}},
  {'rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui', {opt=true}},
  {'folke/zen-mode.nvim', {config = function() require('zen-mode').setup {} end}},
  {"folke/twilight.nvim", {config = function() require('twilight').setup {} end}},

The above demonstrates how to define plugins regularly and for any special set ups needed. What happens under the hood is each entry will simply be passed to packer.use so if you want to know what options are available for a plugin please see the documentation for Packer.

Configure Packer

Since Packer is loaded in after the user config is, you can customize how Packer works as well. Currently you can pass in configuration changes to Vapour.plugins.packer.init like so:

Vapour.plugins.packer.init.display = {
  open_fn = function()
    return Vapour.utils.plugins.require('packer.util').float { border = "single" }

This will give a floating window with a border to Packer instead of popping up in a new window.

Again, anything that you can pass into packer.init can be defined here.

Custom which_key options

Vapour uses which_key as a sort of menu system and to remember what keys are mapped to which action. You are also able to define your own as well:

Vapour.plugins.which_key.user_defined.p = {
  name = "Plugins",
  s = {":PackerSync<cr>", "Sync"},
  u = {":PackerUpdate<cr>", "Update"},

Now when you do <leader>p you'll be prompted to either sync or update Packer.

You can also do this on a deeper level:

Vapour.plugins.zenmode = {
  enabled = true,
  which_key = {
    name = "Zen Mode",
    root = 'z',
    definitions = {
      z = {':ZenMode<cr>', 'Toggle'},
      t = {
        name = 'Twilight',
        t = {':Twilight<cr>', 'Toggle'},

This will not only give me <leader>z to toggle with z but also if I choose <leader>zt I'm presented with an option to toggle Twilight plugin for zen mode.

The definition for which_key looks like this:

which_key = {
  name = "Name to display on menu",
  root = "", -- This will be the key after <leader> to activate the option
  definitions = {
    z = {':SomeAction<cr>', 'Description'},
    t = {
      name = 'Sub-menu for this which_key',
      t = {':AnotherAction<cr>', 'Description for this action'}

In the example above, z and t can be any keys. If it's something special like / then you would wrap it around ' instead (i.e.: '/').


You can also organize your user configs into sub-folders.

For example, if you wanted to define a colorscheme but not clutter up your init.lua file, you can create a folder or file within ./lua/vapour/user-config and then require it.

Going with the exmple of a custom colorscheme, assuming the folder is theme and located in the user-config directory, then in your init.lua file you just do this:

require 'vapour.user-config.theme'

. or / are acceptable here but . is the convention.

You can then set your theme-specific configuration in ./lua/vapour/user-config/theme/init.lua. Below is an example:

Vapour.utils.plugins.add_user({'nacro90/numb.nvim', {config = function() require'numb'.setup{show_numbers = false} end}})

Vapour.settings.colorscheme = 'tokyonight'

-- Example config in Lua
vim.g.tokyonight_style = "night"
vim.g.tokyonight_italic_functions = false
vim.g.tokyonight_italic_comments = false
vim.g.tokyonight_italic_keywords = false
vim.g.tokyonight_sidebars = { "qf", "vista_kind", "terminal", "packer" }

-- Change the "hint" color to the "orange" color, and make the "error" color bright red
vim.g.tokyonight_colors = { hint = "orange", error = "#ff0000" }

-- Load the colorscheme
vim.cmd[[colorscheme tokyonight]]

You could also put this in lua/vapour/user-config/theme.lua, it's a matter of preference.

Custom options for language servers

You can add your own configuration for any language server that you have installed using nvim-lsp-installer. For example if you want to update options for the sumneko_lua language server you can add this to your user config file:

Vapour.language_servers.sumneko_lua = {
  config = function(opts)
    opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", {
      settings = {
        Lua = {
          runtime = {version = 'LuaJIT', path = vim.split(package.path, ';')},
          diagnostics = {globals = {'vim'}},
          workspace = {
            library = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true),
            checkThirdParty = false,
            preloadFileSize = 10000
          telemetry = {enable = false}

    }, opts)
    return opts

Configuring options for individual plugins

You can find default options that are set for some plugins in the ~/.config/nvim/lua/vapour/init.lua file. You can update the options in your user config file.


There's helpers kind of spread throughout the project, which are outlined below. These are also exposed to the user config, which will be demonstrated further on.

Each item is a sub-property of the parent, so file.create is actually referenced as Vapour.utils.file.create.


  • file.create : Creates a file, taking in the path + filename
  • file.exists : True if the passed in file exists, false if not (simply checks to see if the file is readable)
  • plugins.require : If a plugin is being require'...''ed then check to see if it's enabled, and if not or if the module isn't able to be loaded, return nil otherwise the module/plugin
  • plugins.packadd : If a plugin is lazy-loaded they must be passed in to packadd!, which this serves as a wrapper for
  • plugins.exists : Sugar to say if not Vapour.utils.plugins.exists('something') then ... end more often than not
  • plugins.which_key : Define a which_key mapping, often for plugins
  • plugins.add_user : For user-defined plugins, simply pass in like you would to Packer (plugins.add_user {'some/plugin', {config...}}) which can then be installed via :PackerSync
  • plugins.require_if_installed : Tries to laod in a module, and if it can't then if it's passed in as <user>/<repo> then it will add it to the list of user plugins