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CHEF: Cross-modal Hierarchial Embedding for Food Domain Retrieval

This repository holds the code for the work presented in: Hai. X Pham, Ricardo Guerrero, Jiatong Li and Vladimir Pavlovic. CHEF: Cross-modal Hierarchial Embedding for Food Domain Retrieval (Appeared in AAAI 2021)

Python dependency requirements

  • Anaconda python enviroment (Python 3.6 or above), which already includes: numpy, nltk and most other necessary libraries
  • Pytorch & torchvision (latest - currently 1.10)
  • gensim (version >= 4)
  • lmdb
  • OpenCV

Using the code

Note: this code has been refactored, including data preparation. Combined with latest Pytorch (1.10), these changes result in improved performance.

  1. Data preparation

All data will be stored in "data" by default.

Put the 3 following files: layer1.json, layer2.json, det_ingrs.json into "data" folder.

The images should be stored somewhere with the following structures:

image_root (ideally put inside "data", declared as default in the command options script "")
    |_____ train
             |___ subfolders
    |_____ test
             |___ subfolders
    |_____ val
             |___ subfolders
  • Generate data & word2vec

This step creates the following files inside "data" folder:

File Description
train_samples.pkl training set recipes
test_samples.pkl test set recipes
val_samples.pkl validation set recipes
w2v_tokenized_text.txt word2vec training data
w2v.bin the trained Word2Vec model, using Gensim
vocab.bin word2vec vectors, C format
ingr_vocab.pkl text to vocab mapping
vocab_ingr.pkl vocab to text mapping
  • Create LMDB

This step creates 3 subfolders in "data": train_lmdb, test_lmdb, val_lmdb, corresponding to training set, test set and validation set, respectively.

NOTE: All of the data described above can be found on the Cnode machine: ""

  1. Train model
python --gpu 0,1,2,3 --batch-size 160 --ingrInLayer [RNN/dense/tstsLSTM] --instInLayer [LSTM/tstsLSTM] --docInLayer [LSTM/tstsLSTM] --img-path [image root path] --data-path [data root path]

where data root path is the place where data is stored (which is "data" in the default setting), and image root path is the root folder of all images as shown in the above hierarchy. ingrInLayer can be one among [RNN/dense/tstsLSTM], likewise for instInLayer and docInLayer. The log and checkpoints of this training session are stored in "tensorboard/timestamp" where timestamp is when training started. It's essential to train different models for all combinations of these three options in order to recreate the tables in paper. The saved models can be found in "tensorboard/timestamp/models"

Users can try different input options declared in Some examples:

Model Train command options
T+T+T --gpu 0,1,2,3 --batch-size 160 --ingrInLayer tstsLSTM --instInLayer tstsLSTM --docInLayer tstsLSTM
T+T+L --gpu 0,1,2,3 --batch-size 160 --ingrInLayer tstsLSTM --instInLayer tstsLSTM --docInLayer LSTM
T+L+L --gpu 0,1,2,3 --batch-size 160 --ingrInLayer tstsLSTM --instInLayer LSTM --docInLayer LSTM
G+L+L --gpu 0,1,2,3 --batch-size 160 --ingrInLayer RNN --instInLayer LSTM --docInLayer LSTM

NOTE: Pretrained models can be found on the Cnode machine: ""

  1. Test retrieval In order to carry out retrieval test on a trained model, use the following command:
python --test-model-path [trained model file path] --ingrInLayer [RNN/dense/tstsLSTM] --instInLayer [LSTM/tstsLSTM] --docInLayer [LSTM/tstsLSTM] --test-split [data split, default="test] --test-N-folds [N, default=10] --test-K [K, default=1000]

where trained model file path is the path to the model file (such as "tensorboard/20211203-171011__train/models/model_BEST_REC_e008_v-10.200_cr-1.0507.pth.tar"). *test split can be either "test" or "val" (or "train" if you so wish, but it will take 6 times longer).

By default, the test will be 10 folds (test-N-folds) retrieval rankings of 1000 samples (test-K) each time.

ingrInLayer, instInLayer and docInLayer should be specified to load the model weights correctly.

Some results (image-to-recipe retrieval on the "test" set) are given below.

Model MedR R@1 R@5 R@10
T+T+T 1.2 50.8 78.9 86
T+T+L - - - -
T+L+L - - - -
G+L+L - - - -
  1. Extract embedding structure To extract the tree structures of ingredients/sentences/whole instruction, run the following script:
python --test-model-path [trained model file path] --ingrInLayer [RNN/dense/tstsLSTM] --instInLayer [LSTM/tstsLSTM] --docInLayer [LSTM/tstsLSTM] --test-save-dir [save path] --test-split [data split, default="test]

Upon completion, the recipes will be saved inside save path. Each recipe includes its text and inferred tree structures. This script also reports the main action word detection performance as described in the paper.

  1. Test ingredient pruning To evaluation retrieval performance after performing ingredient tree pruning, execute the following script:
python --test-model-path [trained model file path] --ingrInLayer [RNN/dense/tstsLSTM] --instInLayer [LSTM/tstsLSTM] --docInLayer [LSTM/tstsLSTM] --test-split [data split, default="test] --test-save-dir [save path] --mode [prune mode]

prune mode is among REMOVE_LAST (default - reported in paper), KEEP_FIRST, KEEP_DEPTH.

The pruned recipes as well as their (pruned) embeddings will be stored in save path. The new ranking metrics are reported as well as stored in "test_{:s}_summary_{:d}_folds_{:d}_fold_size.json".format(mode, opts.test_N_folds, opts.test_K))

  1. Test ingredient subsitution To perform ingredient substitution task on a particular data split, run the following script:
python --test-model-path [trained model file path] --ingrInLayer [RNN/dense/tstsLSTM] --instInLayer [LSTM/tstsLSTM] --docInLayer [LSTM/tstsLSTM] --test-split [data split, default="test] --test-save-dir [save path] --ingr-to-replace chicken --new-ingr beef

where ingr-to-replace is the ingredient to be subsituted (detault="chicken") and new-ingr is the ingredient it is replaced with (default="beef").