naemon2influx.cfgiguration file.
Configuration is line based. Comments can be added by prefixing with "#". The default location for this file is /etc/naemon/naemon2influx.cfg.
Options are case insensitive.
- database
This option is required when writing to InfluxDB's TCP listener.
- debug
The debug verbosity to be used if not specified on the command line.
- global_prefix
If specified, all metrics will be prefixed with this value and a ".".
- output
stdout: parsed results are written to stdout. This is the expected mechanism to write to InfluxDB's UDP listener.
The URL (in the form http://host:port) of InfluxDB's TCP listener.
- username password
Required when writing to InfluxDB's TCP listener with authentication enabled.
- perfdata
The locaiton of the Nagios performance datafile.
- perfdelimiter
A regular experession used to break a performance datafile line into component fields.
- perfformat
The format of the performance dataline line. Delimiters here must be literals.
Columns can be described in one of the following ways.
- data
The performace data. Metics must follow the Nagios performace data standard. See Nagios documentation for further details.
- label
The name on the metric. This is usually the service name.
- tag=name
A field used to tag the metric with the value given be name.
- time
The timestamp field .
- void
A field to be discarded.
To process the Nagios default installed performace datafile of format:
Results are written to InfluxDB's Nagios database (via local TCP listener).
perfformat=time tag=hostname label tag=state void void void void void data
Note: the format here uses tabs.
To process the preformace data format used by the naemongraphs plugin specified as
Metrics are written to stdout.
If the -n (or --preserve) option is used on the command line, the datafile can be processes by naemongraph after being processed by naemon2influx. Note the need to esacape the delimiter.
- /usr/bin/naemon2influx
Andrew Pickin