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Scientific PEP -- Protocols for Sparse ndarray Formats



We propose a gradual rewrite of the current functions taking in as input the spmatrix subclasses. This will be a three-step process:

  • Make spmatrix subclasses adhere to the interface proposed below.
  • Rewrite parts of scipy taking in spmatrix subclasses as input to accept anything following the interface.
  • Write sparray and subclasses to follow the ndarray interface.

After these three steps are complete, the current spmatrix classes will be deprecated and sparray will be made the new default. Alternatively, it will be possible to make spmatrix a subclass of sparray with * just performing matrix multiplication, and other np.matrix semantics.

The newly-developed classes will

  • have easier maintenance, testing, and development,
  • and follow the ndarray interface.

Sparse matrices are a critical part of SciPy's API, and we believe we can enhance the API while retaining backwards compatibility and improving maintainability.

We propose introducing a unified interface for sparse arrays, which encourages alternate implementations and promotes inter-operability. Old classes will be deprecated, as np.matrix has been deprecated to be removed. If concise matrix multiplication is needed, the matrix multiplication operator @ will be recommended.

Alternate implementations hoping to maintain inter-compatibility with SciPy will adopt this interface, and be able to use SciPy methods on these arrays.

The proposed interface will provide

  • a way to check if something is a sparse array,
  • a way to detect its format,
  • inter-format conversions,
  • standard constructors,
  • a shape attribute,
  • and format specific attributes.

Existing Work

Open Issues


Alternative Implementations

If these protocols are followed; it is well within reach to make scipy.sparse work with any alternative implementations, even returning structures from the original implementation.

Under our proposal, the workflow for any Scipy Operation would look like the following:

  • Check if the input is a sparse array
  • (Optional) Convert to appropriate format from same implementation.
  • Work with format natively.
  • Call the constructor from the specific implementation at the end.

Format-Agnostic Functions

Checking if an object is a sparse array

Implementation objects should have an attribute of __is_sparray__ such that bool(object.__is_sparray__) evaluates to True if they implement this interface. Code to check if something is a sparse array will be of the form. Only if the attribute exists and evaluates to True will the array be considered an sparse array. Any errors during this conversion will be propagated up. The code to check if something is a sparse array will look like the following:

if getattr(obj, '__is_sparray__', None):
    # Do something with sparse array
    # Error handling code/do something else

Universally Supported Attributes

All implementations must support the following ndarray attributes at minimum.

Checking the Format of a Sparse Array

Implementation objects must have a format attribute that should be a Python string. It should specify the most specific format of this array. For a description of the formats supported by this set of protocols, read the section on formats. It is completely up to the implementation which formats it supports.

if obj.format == 'csr':
    # CSR-specific code.

The format code is the lowercase abbreviation for the format in all cases.

Sub-formats do not necessarily need to implement all the things required by super-formats; nor do super-formats need to handle all cases for sub-formats. Super-formats are provided so that implementations can be unified; However; if a certain format code is returned, then it should implement everything that particular format requires.

Converting Between Formats

A library must be able to convert between all formats it supports with an asformat() method which takes a single argument by default: the format code. Unsupported formats should return NotImplemented. The code to convert to a format will look like the following:

if obj.format != 'csr':
    obj = obj.asformat('csr')

# Do something with CSR

Getting the type of a format

All types of sparse arrays must implement a gettype(format) method that would take in the format code, and return the type that supports all operations of that format. For example, to get the type relating to CSR, both of the following code would work:

obj.gettype('csr') # Returns the CSR type for a given implementation.
type(obj).gettype('csr') # Should be a class/static method.

Standard Constructors

All formats must provide constructors that take all the mandatory array properties for a particular format as a tuple in the first argument, and shape as a kwarg. If it's a format supporting writes, dtype should also be supported as a kwarg, otherwise, it will be inferred from the data. For example, for CSR, the constructor would look like the following:

csr_object = csr_type((data, indices, indptr), shape=shape)

And for DOK, the following should work:

dok_object = dok_type(dtype=dtype, shape=shape)

Proposed Formats

Implementing any given format is purely optional for a given implementation. Any operations with an unsupported format should return NotImplemented if attempted.

Ideally, if all formats are to be implemented, only implementations for the following formats will be needed, and the rest can just be subclassed stubs relying on their respective super-formats.

  • BSD
  • BDOK
  • BLIL
  • BDIA

So the number of formats that actually need to be implemented in order to support everything is just 4.


See the Scipy page on CSR.

This format is a sub-format of CSD and BSR.

Must provide at least the following extra attributes:

  • data
  • indices
  • indptr

All of these must follow the array interface, but do not need to be ndarray objects.

In line with the SciPy conventions for CSR, but with the following exception: If ndim > 2 is supported, then CSD conventions are followed where only the rows (axis=ndim-2) are compressed.

Potential Uses

This format is important as many linear algebra and machine learning operations rely on it.


See the Scipy page on CSC.

This format is a sub-format of CSD and BSC.

Must provide at least the following extra attributes:

  • data
  • indices
  • indptr

All of these must follow the array interface, but do not need to be ndarray objects.

In line with the SciPy conventions for CSR, but with the following exception: If ndim > 2 is supported, then CSD conventions are followed where only the columns (axis=ndim-1) are compressed.

Potential Uses

This format is important as many linear algebra and machine learning operations rely on it.


See the Scipy page on COO.

This format is a sub-format of CSD and BOO.

Must provide at least the following extra attributes:

  • data
  • coords

All of these must follow the array interface, but do not need to be ndarray objects.

rows on the Scipy page corresponds to coords[-2] and cols to coords[-1].

coords is a (ndim, nnz) shaped array that contains the coordinates of the nonzero elements.

Potential Uses

This format is important as it has a simplified representation of coordinates.


An acronym for Compressed Sparse Dimensions. A generalization of CSR, CSC and COO.

This format is a sub-format of BSD.

  • CSR is CSD with only rows (ndim - 2) compressed.
  • CSC is CSD with only columns (ndim - 1) compressed.
  • COO is CSD with no axes compressed.

Mandatory: CSD can store any number of non-compressed axes in coords and any number of compressed axes in indptr (where these axes will be linearized before being compressed). Additionally, it exposes an extra attribute, compressedaxes which lists the compressed axes in order in a tuple[int]. It also exposes data (same as above).

Optional: It should provide an indices attribute which must be coords[0] iff if len(compressed_axes) = 1 and raise a ValueError otherwise.

asformat will take an additional mandatory argument: compressedaxes.

Potential Uses

This format is important as it can be used to unify CSR, CSC, COO and then some. The non-compressed axes have better support for fast broadcasting, but the compressed axes are faster for other operations such as dot and tensordot.


These acronyms aren't (strictly speaking) correct, but they are keeping in line with current conventions.

See Scipy page on BSR.

They represent Block Compressed Row, Block Compressed Column, Block Coordinate and Block Compressed Dimensions respectively. An implementation can implement any combination of these it so chooses.

CSR, CSC, COO, and CSD are sub-formats of these for a block size of (1,) * ndim.

Mandatory: The only difference with the above is that certain dimensions are in blocks. data in this case is a (nnz_blocks * block_size) shaped array.

coords, indices, indptr should all be divided by the block size where appropriate so they address blocks and not elements.

It also provides a blocksize attribute, which is tuple[int] (ndim,).

asformat will take an additional optional argument: blocksize, along with any arguments required for sub-formats. By default, the block size will not be changed on conversion.

Optional: It should provide a blockdata attribute which will be simply data.reshape((-1,) + blocksize).

Block formats must provide a __is_bsparse__ (abbreviation for Is Block Sparse) attribute that checks for block format storage. If the returned format is non-block, this must also evaluate to False or not be present.

Potential Uses

Block arrays come up often in scientific applications, particularly in kron(sparse, dense) type operations which are common in many fields. This allows the benefits of BSD along with many of the benefits of block arrays. See the Wikipedia article on block matrices.


DOK is a read-write format by default. It must implement __getitem__ and __setitem__ for individual items.

See the Scipy page on DOK.

Potential Uses

This format can be used to construct sparse arrays fairly efficiently. It can also be useful for algorithms that build or work with dynamic graphs.


BDOK is read-write, and supports __getitem__ and __setitem__ for values that only read from or affect a single block respectively. It must also follow block matrix conventions. This is a super format of DOK.

Potential Uses

This format can be used to construct block sparse arrays fairly efficiently.


LIL is a write-only format by default, although implementations can implement reads if they so wish. It must implement __setitem__ such that if __setitem__ can only be called in succession with C-ordered indices.

See the Scipy page on LIL.

Potential Uses

This format can be used to construct sparse arrays more efficiently than DOK where we know that we are iterating in order.


BLIL is a write-only format by default, although implementations can implement reads if they so wish. It must implement __setitem__ such that if __setitem__ can only be called in succession with C-ordered indices of blocks. It must also follow block matrix conventions. This is a super-format of LIL.

Potential Uses

This format can be used to construct block sparse arrays more efficiently than BDOK where we know that we are iterating in order.


DIA must have the following additonal properties:

  • data
  • offsets

See the Scipy page on DIA.

Potential Uses

Diagonal matrices come up fairly often in scientific computing e.g. eigendecomposition and SVD. This is to cater for those use-cases. Some uses also need tridiagonal matrices.


The block extension for DIA. data must be of the shape (number_of_blocks_in_main_diagonal * block_size,). Must follow block format conventions.

Potential Uses

Block diagonal or block tridiagonal matrices are also fairly important in some scientific applications.