Tested on BlueStacks Air
- 5.21.680.7532
- 5.21.695.7506
- Install BlueStacks Air
- !! REQUIRED !! Open BlueStacks Air for the first time
- Close BlueStacks Air
- Download this repo and extract it
- Copy Kitsune Mask to the project folder, and rename it to
- Open Terminal.app or iTerm.app and navigate to the project folder
cd ~/Downloads/root-bluestacks-air
- Execute
sudo bash root.sh
- Wait until BlueStacks Air starts
- Install Kitsune Mask (
) - Open Kitsune Mask and proceed with additional setup. This will reboot BlueStacks Air,
causing it to crash. - Force quit BlueStacks Air (unnecessary in the latest version of BlueStacks Air)
- Execute
to relock the rootfssudo bash restore_initrd.sh
- Open BlueStacks Air and enjoy
- If you need Zygisk, enable it from Kitsune Mask settings and reboot BlueStacks Air
- Make sure BlueStacks Air is closed
- Execute
sudo bash unroot.sh
- Done