Check the Example Application for reference.
#import <RNAnimatedSplash/Splash.h>
@class Splash;
#import <RNAnimatedSplash/GroupAnimation.h>
@class GroupAnimation;
#import <RNAnimatedSplash/SingleAnimation.h>
@class SingleAnimation;
#import <RNAnimatedSplash/HideGroupAnimation.h>
@class HideGroupAnimation;
#import <RNAnimatedSplash/HideSingleAnimation.h>
@class HideSingleAnimation;
// Create Splash
static Splash *splash = [[Splash alloc] init];
[splash createSplashView:self.window];
//Set Background Color To View
[splash setBackgroundColor:@"101010"];
//Set Hiding Animation for Splash
[splash setSplashHideAnimation:SPLASH_SLIDE_DOWN];
//Set Delay for Splash to hide
[splash setSplashHideDelay:10000];
Add all the code just above the return statement in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method.
Prop | Description | Type |
colorString | Background color of your splash, give color value in Hex String (@"101010") | String |
Prop | Description | Type |
String | Background image of your splash, give any name of image from resources | String |
Prop | Description | Type |
animationType | Background Image of your splash, use constants provided in the library | Int |
Prop | Description | Type |
delay | Duration of the splashscreen after animations are done rendering, Provide delay time in milliseconds | Int |
Renders the native splash screen and runs the animations.
Animation | Description |
SPLASH_SLIDE_LEFT | Hides splash sliding left. |
SPLASH_SLIDE_RIGHT | Hides splash sliding right. |
SPLASH_SLIDE_DOWN | Hides splash sliding down. |
SPLASH_FADE | Hides splash with fade effect. |
AnimatedObject *square = [[AnimatedObject alloc] initImage:@"square" width:screenWidth + screenWidth * 0.29 height:screenHeight * 0.676];
Parameter | Description | Type |
imageSource | Image that you want to add on splash screen from assets in iOS | Integer |
height | Height of image drawable | Double |
width | Width of image drawable | Double |
[square setPositionX:(float) 0];
[square setPositionY:(float) 0];
[square setVisibility:(bool) false];
[square setScaleType:(int) FIT_CENTER];
[square addAnimationWithAnimationtType:square animationType:FADE duration:2000 fromValue:0 toValue:1];
[square addHideAnimationWithAnimationtType:square animationType:FADE duration:2000 fromValue:1 toValue:0];
Method | Description | Type |
setPositionX | Set position of image drawable on X-Axis on Splash Screen | Double |
setPositionY | Set position of image drawable on Y-Axis on Splash Screen | Double |
setScaleType | Set scaleType of image drawable. (possible options could be: FIT_XY, FIT_CENTER, FIT_END, FIT_START) | String (To be importted from Constants class) |
setVisibility | Set visiblity of the image on splash screen initially. | Boolean |
setRotateDegree | Set initial rotate degree of image | Double |
setOpacity | Set initial opacity of image. Value ranges from 0-1 | Double |
Animation | Description |
SLIDE | Slide image object to given x and y axis. |
SCALE | Scale image object starting from initial value to final value. |
FADE | Fade image object starting from initial value to final value. Value ranges from 0 - 1 (for fade in) or 1-0 (for fade out) |
ROTATE | Rotate image object starting from initial value to final value. |
Looping is not available in the "setHideAnimation".
ObjectAnimation *squareAnimation1 = [[ObjectAnimation alloc] initimage:square animationtype:FADE animationDuration:800 fromVal:0 toVal:1];
//Without Loop
ObjectAnimation *squareAnimation1 = [[ObjectAnimation alloc] initimage:square animationtype:SLIDE animationDuration:2000 fromX:0 toX:screenWidth-screenWidth*0.5 fromY:0 toY:0];
// With Loop
ObjectAnimation *squareAnimation1 = [[ObjectAnimation alloc] initimage:square animationtype:SLIDE animationDuration:2000 fromX:0 toX:screenWidth-screenWidth*0.5 fromY:0 toY:0 loop:true];
Attribute | Description | Type |
imageSource | Add the source image itself | AnimatedObject |
animationType | Type of animation | Int (Constant) |
animationDuration | Duration of animation in milliseconds | Int |
fromX | Initial position of object on X-Axis | Float |
toX | Final position of object on X-Axis | Float |
fromY | Initial position of object on Y-Axis | Float |
toY | Final position of object on Y-Axis | Float |
loop | Loop the animation (Default value is false) | Boolean |
//Without Loop
ObjectAnimation *squareAnimation1 = [[ObjectAnimation alloc] initimage:square animationtype:SCALE animationDuration:2000 scaleX:2 scaleY:2];
// With Loop
ObjectAnimation *squareAnimation1 = [[ObjectAnimation alloc] initimage:square animationtype:SCALE animationDuration:2000 scaleX:2 scaleY:2 loop:true];
Attribute | Description | Type |
imageSource | Add the source image itself | AnimatedObject |
animationType | Type of animation | Int (Constant) |
animationDuration | Duration of animation in milliseconds | Int |
scaleX | Final mulitple size of object on X-Axis | Float |
scaleY | Final mulitple position of object on Y-Axis | Float |
loop | Loop the animation (Default value is false) | Boolean |
2 means the size of image is multiplied by 2.
//Without Loop
ObjectAnimation *squareAnimation1 = [[ObjectAnimation alloc] initimage:square animationtype:FADE animationDuration:2000 fromValue:0 toValue:1];
// With Loop
ObjectAnimation *squareAnimation1 = [[ObjectAnimation alloc] initimage:square animationtype:FADE animationDuration:2000 fromValue:0 toValue:1 loop:true];
Attribute | Description | Type |
imageSource | Add the source image itself | AnimatedObject |
animationType | Type of animation | Int (Constant) |
animationDuration | Duration of animation in milliseconds | Int |
fromValue | Initial opacity of object or image | Float |
toValue | Final opacity of object or image | Float |
loop | Loop the animation (Default value is false) | Boolean |
//Without Loop
ObjectAnimation *squareAnimation1 = [[ObjectAnimation alloc] initimage:square animationtype:FADE animationDuration:2000 rotateDegree:180];
// With Loop
ObjectAnimation *squareAnimation1 = [[ObjectAnimation alloc] initimage:square animationtype:FADE animationDuration:2000 rotateDegree:180 loop:true];
Attribute | Description | Type |
imageSource | Add the source image itself | AnimatedObject |
animationType | Type of animation | Int (Constant) |
duration | Duration of animation in milliseconds | Int |
rotateDegree | Rotation degree of object or image | Float |
loop | Loop the animation (Default value is false) | Boolean |
Animations added in the group will run simultaneously. Animation with lesser priority will run after all the objects in the group are done animating.
GroupAnimation *groupAnimation1 = [[GroupAnimation alloc] init:1];
[groupAnimation1 addAnimation:square1];
[groupAnimation1 addAnimation:square2];
Parameter | Description | Type |
priority | priority or the sequence of animation | Int |
Method | Description | Type |
addAnimation | Adds the given image or object in the group | ObjectAnimation |
Single Animations will animate the object one at a time and the next animation will run after it's animation is completed.
SingleAnimation *singleAnimation1 = [[SingleAnimation alloc] init:square priority:1];
Parameter | Description | Type |
object | Single object or image that will animate one at a time | ObjectAnimation |
priority | priority or the sequence of animation | Int |
These animations will run just before the splash starts to hide.
Animations added in the group will run simultaneously. Animation with lesser priority will run after all the objects in the group are done animating.
HideGroupAnimation *hideGroupAnimation1 = [[HideGroupAnimation alloc] init: 2];
[hideGroupAnimation1 addAnimation:square];
[hideGroupAnimation1 addAnimation:square];
Parameter | Description | Type |
priority | priority or the sequence of animation | Int |
Method | Description | Type |
addAnimation | Adds the given image or object in the group | ObjectAnimation |
Single Animations will animate the object one at a time and the next animation will run after it's animation is completed.
HideSingleAnimation *h = [[HideSingleAnimation alloc] init:square priority:1];
Parameter | Description | Type |
object | Single object or image that will animate one at a time | ObjectAnimation |
priority | priority or the sequence of animation | Int |
After all the objects and their animations are added, add this line before return statement
[splash splashShow];
Call hide function of splash in your app, from react native like this:
import AnimatedSplash from "react-native-animated-splash";
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