All contributions are welcome: ideas, patches, documentation, bug reports, complaints, etc!
Programming is not a required skill, and there are many ways to help out! It is more important to us that you are able to contribute.
That said, some basic guidelines, which you are free to ignore :)
Want to write your own code to do something Curator doesn't do out of the box?
- Curator API Documentation Since version 2.0, Curator ships with both an API and wrapper scripts (which are actually defined as entry points). This allows you to write your own scripts to accomplish similar goals, or even new and different things with the Curator API, and the Elasticsearch Python API.
Want to know how to use the command-line interface (CLI)?
- Curator CLI Documentation The Curator CLI Documentation is now a part of the document repository at at
Want to lurk about and see what others are doing with Curator?
- The irc channels (#logstash and #elasticsearch on are good places for this
Have a problem you want Curator to solve for you?
- You are welcome to join the IRC channel #logstash (or #elasticsearch) on and ask for help there!
- File a ticket on github
If you think you found a bug, it probably is a bug.
- File it on github
If you have a bugfix or new feature that you would like to contribute to Curator, and you think it will take more than a few minutes to produce the fix (ie; write code), it is worth discussing the change with the Curator users and developers first! You can reach us via github, or via IRC (#logstash or #elasticsearch on freenode irc)
Documentation is in two parts: API and CLI documentation.
API documentation is generated from comments inside the classes and methods within the code. This documentation is rendered and hosted at
CLI documentation is in Asciidoc format in the GitHub repository at This documentation can be changed via a pull request as with any other code change.
- Test your changes! Run the test suite ('python test'). Please note
that this requires an Elasticsearch instance. The tests will try to connect
to your local elasticsearch instance and run integration tests against it.
This will delete all the data stored there! You can use the env variable
to point to a different instance (for example 'otherhost:9203'). - Please make sure you have signed our Contributor License Agreement. We are not asking you to assign copyright to us, but to give us the right to distribute your code without restriction. We ask this of all contributors in order to assure our users of the origin and continuing existence of the code. You only need to sign the CLA once.
- Send a pull request! Push your changes to your fork of the repository and submit a pull request. In the pull request, describe what your changes do and mention any bugs/issues related to the pull request.