To get list of possible arguments run- ign pkg_create -h
Based on requirement select arguments, an example command is-
ign pkg_create -n test_package --init-with-example-system -b ament_cmake -e colcon --ign_dependecies
Currently supported arguments are-
- Name- Name of new package.
- Init-with-example-system- Selecting this will add example world,model,plugin and executbale to the package.Also code for installing and sourcing will be also added using following macros.You can checkout comments for detailed description of macros.
- Built_type [Default- cmake]- Currently subcommand support ament and cmake package types. Tn ament_cmake type, various ament dependencies and macros will be added to CMakeLists.txt
- Export_type [Default - colcon]- Currently subcommand supports colcon and plain cmake export types.In colocn pkg mode it will create colocon.pkg and hooks whereas in plain-cmake it will create a .sh file for exporting required variables.
- Ign_dependecies- This argument will dependencies on common gazebo packages.
- Gazebo_version [Default- Fortress]- Specify the version of gazebo which you want dependeices for.
To test the package first install it and then run follwing commands-
$ mkdir test_ws
$ cd test_ws
$ mkdir src
$ cd src
$ ign pkg_create -n test_package --init-with-example-system -e colcon --ign_dependecies
$ cd ..
$ colcon build --merge-install
$ source install/setup.bash
You can try executable demo by running-
You will see 2 random points being generated. You can try world and plugin demo by running-
ign gazebo empty_platform_with_elevator.sdf -v4
You will see example world whose path has been exported run. Also on the terminal you will hello world plugin giving information about state of simulation.