language: python python: 3.7 # To turn off cached cython files and compiler cache # set NOCACHE-true # To delete caches go to or run # travis cache --delete inside the project directory from the travis command line client # The cache directories will be deleted if anything in ci/ changes in a commit cache: ccache: true directories: - $HOME/.cache # cython cache - $HOME/.ccache # compiler cache env: global: # Variable for test workers - PYTEST_WORKERS="auto" # create a github personal access token # cd pandas-dev/pandas # travis encrypt 'PANDAS_GH_TOKEN=personal_access_token' -r pandas-dev/pandas - secure: "EkWLZhbrp/mXJOx38CHjs7BnjXafsqHtwxPQrqWy457VDFWhIY1DMnIR/lOWG+a20Qv52sCsFtiZEmMfUjf0pLGXOqurdxbYBGJ7/ikFLk9yV2rDwiArUlVM9bWFnFxHvdz9zewBH55WurrY4ShZWyV+x2dWjjceWG5VpWeI6sA=" git: # for cloning depth: false matrix: fast_finish: true include: # In allowed failures - dist: bionic python: 3.9-dev env: - JOB="3.9-dev" PATTERN="(not slow and not network and not clipboard)" - env: - JOB="3.8" ENV_FILE="ci/deps/travis-38.yaml" PATTERN="(not slow and not network and not clipboard)" - env: - JOB="3.7" ENV_FILE="ci/deps/travis-37.yaml" PATTERN="(not slow and not network and not clipboard)" - arch: arm64 env: - JOB="3.7, arm64" PYTEST_WORKERS=8 ENV_FILE="ci/deps/travis-37-arm64.yaml" PATTERN="(not slow and not network and not clipboard)" - env: - JOB="3.6, locale" ENV_FILE="ci/deps/travis-36-locale.yaml" PATTERN="((not slow and not network and not clipboard) or (single and db))" LOCALE_OVERRIDE="zh_CN.UTF-8" SQL="1" services: - mysql - postgresql - env: # Enabling Deprecations when running tests # PANDAS_TESTING_MODE="deprecate" causes DeprecationWarning messages to be displayed in the logs # See pandas/ for more details. - JOB="3.6, coverage" ENV_FILE="ci/deps/travis-36-cov.yaml" PATTERN="((not slow and not network and not clipboard) or (single and db))" PANDAS_TESTING_MODE="deprecate" COVERAGE=true SQL="1" services: - mysql - postgresql - env: - JOB="3.6, slow" ENV_FILE="ci/deps/travis-36-slow.yaml" PATTERN="slow" SQL="1" services: - mysql - postgresql allow_failures: - arch: arm64 env: - JOB="3.7, arm64" PYTEST_WORKERS=8 ENV_FILE="ci/deps/travis-37-arm64.yaml" PATTERN="(not slow and not network and not clipboard)" - dist: bionic python: 3.9-dev env: - JOB="3.9-dev" PATTERN="(not slow and not network)" before_install: - echo "before_install" # Use blocking IO on travis. Ref: - python -c 'import os,sys,fcntl; flags = fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL); fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags&~os.O_NONBLOCK);' - source ci/ - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$PATH" - df -h - pwd - uname -a - git --version - ./ci/ # Because travis runs on Google Cloud and has a /etc/boto.cfg, # it breaks moto import, see: # # # This overrides travis and tells it to look nowhere. - export BOTO_CONFIG=/dev/null install: - echo "install start" - ci/ - ci/ - ci/ - echo "install done" script: - echo "script start" - echo "$JOB" - if [ "$JOB" != "3.9-dev" ]; then source activate pandas-dev; fi - ci/ after_script: - echo "after_script start" - source activate pandas-dev && pushd /tmp && python -c "import pandas; pandas.show_versions();" && popd - ci/ - echo "after_script done"