From ae8d8bbdabf8f7583b670e65b9b23f4701aef296 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeromy Cannon <>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 07:04:08 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] feat: convert hugo docs workflow calls to use Taskfile task

Signed-off-by: Jeromy Cannon <>
 .github/workflows/flow-hugo-publish.yaml     |  69 +--
 .gitignore                                   |   7 +
 .remarkrc.yml                                |   1 +
 docs/Taskfile.yaml                           |  93 ++++
 docs/content/                       |   8 +-
 docs/content/contribution/    |   7 -
 docs/content/contribution/            |   7 -
 docs/content/getting-started/       | 515 -------------------
 docs/content/getting-started/ |  33 --
 docs/content/getting-started/        |  82 ---
 docs/data/menu/main.yml                      |  16 +-
 docs/                          |  17 -
 docs/hugo.toml                               |  11 +
 docs/jsdoc.conf.json                         |  10 +-
 docs/jsdoc2md.conf.json                      |  10 -
 package-lock.json                            |  85 +++
 package.json                                 |   7 +-
 src/commands/cluster.mjs                     |   2 +-
 src/commands/init.mjs                        |   2 +-
 src/commands/node.mjs                        |   5 +-
 src/commands/node/configs.mjs                |   1 -
 test/scripts/                       |   4 +-
 22 files changed, 245 insertions(+), 747 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/Taskfile.yaml
 delete mode 100644 docs/content/contribution/
 delete mode 100644 docs/content/contribution/
 delete mode 100644 docs/content/getting-started/
 delete mode 100644 docs/content/getting-started/
 delete mode 100644 docs/content/getting-started/
 delete mode 100755 docs/
 delete mode 100644 docs/jsdoc2md.conf.json

diff --git a/.github/workflows/flow-hugo-publish.yaml b/.github/workflows/flow-hugo-publish.yaml
index 6d41fbbbe..deaa47cf5 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/flow-hugo-publish.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/flow-hugo-publish.yaml
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 name: Deploy Hugo site to Pages
+  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
+  workflow_dispatch:
   # Runs on pushes targeting the default branch
@@ -28,9 +30,12 @@ on:
       - '**/package*.json'
       - ''
       - ''
-  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
-  workflow_dispatch:
+  # run in the pull request, but don't publish
+  pull_request:
+    types:
+      - opened
+      - reopened
+      - synchronize
 # Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN to allow deployment to GitHub Pages
@@ -81,58 +86,34 @@ jobs:
           enablement: true
-      - name: Install jsdoc
-        run: |
-          cd docs
-          npm i -g jsdoc
-          jsdoc --version
-          jsdoc -c jsdoc.conf.json
-          cd -
-      - name: Install jsdoc-to-markdown
-        run: |
-          cd docs
-          npm i -g jsdoc-to-markdown
-          jsdoc2md --version
-          ./
-          cd -
-      - name: Copy existing documentation
-        run: |
-          mkdir -p docs/content/Developer
-          cp docs/content/Developer/
-          mkdir -p docs/content/User
-          cp docs/content/User/
+      - name: Install Task
+        uses: arduino/setup-task@b91d5d2c96a56797b48ac1e0e89220bf64044611 # v2.0.0
+        with:
+          version: 3.39.2
+          repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
       - name: Build with Hugo
-        env:
-          # For maximum backward compatibility with Hugo modules
-          HUGO_ENVIRONMENT: production
-          HUGO_ENV: production
         run: |
           cd docs
-          echo "base_url ${{ steps.pages.outputs.base_url }}"
-          echo "origin ${{ steps.pages.outputs.origin }}"
-          echo "host ${{ }}"
-          echo "base_path ${{ steps.pages.outputs.base_path }}"
-          mkdir -p themes/hugo-geekdoc
-          curl -L | tar -xz -C themes/hugo-geekdoc/ --strip-components=1
-          ls -ltr
-          hugo version
-          hugo config
-          hugo \
-            --gc \
-            --config hugo.toml \
-            --minify \
-            --baseURL "${{ steps.pages.outputs.base_url }}/"
+          task default
-      - name: Upload artifact
+      # Upload the built site to GitHub Pages
+      - name: Upload Pages Artifact
         uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@56afc609e74202658d3ffba0e8f6dda462b719fa # v3.0.1
+        if: ${{ endsWith(github.ref, 'main') }}
+        with:
+          path: ./docs/public
+      # Upload the built site to artifacts for troubleshooting or verification
+      - name: Upload Artifact
+        uses: actions/upload-artifact@50769540e7f4bd5e21e526ee35c689e35e0d6874 # v4.4.0
+        if: ${{ !endsWith(github.ref, 'main') }}
           path: ./docs/public
   # Deployment job
+    if: ${{ endsWith(github.ref, 'main') }}
       name: github-pages
       url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 9877d70bb..fe9500473 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -516,3 +516,10 @@ coverage/
diff --git a/.remarkrc.yml b/.remarkrc.yml
index 0bf23f8da..7736b5762 100644
--- a/.remarkrc.yml
+++ b/.remarkrc.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+  - [ 'remark-frontmatter', 'yaml', '-' ]
   # Check that markdown is consistent.
   - remark-preset-lint-consistent
   # Few recommended rules.
diff --git a/docs/Taskfile.yaml b/docs/Taskfile.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3076685e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Taskfile.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+version: 3
+output: prefixed
+  - .env
+silent: false
+  HUGO_ENVIRONMENT: production
+  HUGO_ENV: production
+  default:
+    cmds:
+      - task: "check-doc-dir"
+      - task: "clean"
+      - task: "install"
+      - task: "build"
+  start:
+    cmds:
+      - task: "default"
+      - hugo server
+  check-doc-dir:
+    status:
+      - |
+        if [ "$(basename "$PWD")" != "docs" ]; then
+          exit 1
+        fi
+    cmds:
+      - |
+        echo "Error: Must be in the 'docs' directory."
+        exit 1
+  clean:
+    cmds:
+      - rm -Rf content/Classes
+      - rm -f content/Developer/
+      - rm -f content/User/
+      - rm -Rf public
+      - rm -Rf themes
+      - rm -f .hugo_build.lock
+  build:
+    cmds:
+      - task: "build:jsdoc"
+      - task: "build:copy"
+      - task: "build:hugo"
+  build:hugo:
+    cmds:
+      - echo "base_url  $HUGO_BASE_URL"
+      - echo "origin    $HUGO_ORIGIN"
+      - echo "host      $HUGO_HOST"
+      - echo "base_path $HUGO_BASEPATH"
+      - mkdir -p themes/hugo-geekdoc
+      - curl -L | tar -xz -C themes/hugo-geekdoc/ --strip-components=1
+      - hugo version
+      - hugo config
+      - hugo --gc --config hugo.toml --minify --baseURL "$HUGO_BASE_URL/"
+  build:jsdoc:
+    cmds:
+      - jsdoc -c jsdoc.conf.json
+  build:copy:
+    cmds:
+      - mkdir -p content/Developer
+      - cp ../ content/Developer/
+      - mkdir -p content/User
+      - cp ../ content/User/
+  install:
+    cmds:
+      - task: "install:hugo"
+      - task: "install:jsdoc"
+  install:hugo:
+    status:
+      - command -v hugo
+    cmds:
+      - go install
+  install:jsdoc:
+    status:
+      - command -v jsdoc
+    cmds:
+      - npm i -g jsdoc
+      - jsdoc --version
diff --git a/docs/content/ b/docs/content/
index 13e1d34c5..fb8f53242 100644
--- a/docs/content/
+++ b/docs/content/
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
 title: Welcome to Solo Documentation
 geekdocNav: true
 geekdocAlign: center
 geekdocAnchor: false
 geekdocDescription: Home page for Solo Documentation
 <!-- markdownlint-capture -->
@@ -23,7 +21,7 @@ geekdocDescription: Home page for Solo Documentation
 Solo is an opinionated CLI tool to deploy and manage standalone test networks.
-{{< button size="large" relref="getting-started/" >}}Getting Started{{< /button >}}
+{{< button size="large" relref="User/" >}}Getting Started{{< /button >}}
 ## Feature overview
diff --git a/docs/content/contribution/ b/docs/content/contribution/
deleted file mode 100644
index df86715ed..000000000
--- a/docs/content/contribution/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-title: Solo Contribution
-weight: -20
-geekdocNav: true
-geekdocAlign: center
diff --git a/docs/content/contribution/ b/docs/content/contribution/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f02651bb..000000000
--- a/docs/content/contribution/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-title: Docs Contribution
-weight: -20
-geekdocNav: true
-geekdocAlign: center
diff --git a/docs/content/getting-started/ b/docs/content/getting-started/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0c528189..000000000
--- a/docs/content/getting-started/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-title: Deploy
-weight: -20
-geekdocNav: true
-geekdocAlign: center
-geekdocAnchor: false
-### Example - 1: Deploy a standalone test network (version `0.42.5`)
-Initialize `solo` with tag `v0.42.5` and list of node names `node0,node1,node2`
-$ solo init -t v0.42.5 -i node0,node1,node2 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}" -s "${SOLO_CLUSTER_SETUP_NAMESPACE}" --key-format pfx
-Example output
-******************************* Solo *********************************************
-Version			: 0.27.0
-Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
-βœ” Setup home directory and cache
-βœ” Check dependency: helm [OS: linux, Release: 5.15.0-1061-gke, Arch: x64]
-βœ” Check dependencies
-βœ” Setup chart manager
-Note: solo stores various artifacts (config, logs, keys etc.) in its home directory: /home/runner/.solo
-If a full reset is needed, delete the directory or relevant sub-directories before running 'solo init'.
-βœ” Copy templates in '/home/runner/.solo/cache'
-Generate `pfx` formatted node keys
-We need to generate `pfx` keys as `pem` key files are only supported by Hedera platform >=`0.47.0-alpha.0`.
-$ solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys --key-format pfx
-Example output
-******************************* Solo *********************************************
-Version			: 0.27.0
-Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
-βœ” Initialize
-βœ” Check keytool exists (Version: 21.0.1+12)
-βœ” Backup old files
-βœ” Generate private-node0.pfx for node: node0
-βœ” Generate private-node1.pfx for node: node1
-βœ” Generate private-node2.pfx for node: node2
-βœ” Generate public.pfx file
-βœ” Clean up temp files
-βœ” Generate gossip keys
-βœ” Backup old files
-βœ” TLS key for node: node2
-βœ” TLS key for node: node1
-βœ” TLS key for node: node0
-βœ” Generate gRPC TLS keys
-βœ” Finalize
-Key files are generated in `~/.solo/keys` directory.
-$ ls ~/.solo/cache/keys
-hedera-node0.crt  hedera-node1.crt  hedera-node2.crt  private-node0.pfx private-node2.pfx
-hedera-node0.key  hedera-node1.key  hedera-node2.key  private-node1.pfx public.pfx
-Setup cluster with shared components.\
-In a separate terminal, you may run `k9s` to view the pod status.
-$ solo cluster setup
-Example output
-******************************* Solo *********************************************
-Version			: 0.27.0
-Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
-βœ” Initialize
-βœ” Prepare chart values
-βœ” Install 'fullstack-cluster-setup' chart
-Deploy helm chart with Hedera network components\
-It may take a while (5~15 minutes depending on your internet speed) to download various docker images and get the pods started.\
-If it fails, ensure you have enough resources allocated for Docker engine and retry the command.
-$ solo network deploy
-Example output
-******************************* Solo *********************************************
-Version			: 0.27.0
-Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
-βœ” Initialize
-βœ” Install chart 'fullstack-deployment'
-βœ” Check Node: node0
-βœ” Check Node: node1
-βœ” Check Node: node2
-βœ” Check node pods are running
-βœ” Check Envoy Proxy for: node0
-βœ” Check Envoy Proxy for: node2
-βœ” Check Envoy Proxy for: node1
-βœ” Check HAProxy for: node0
-βœ” Check HAProxy for: node1
-βœ” Check HAProxy for: node2
-βœ” Check proxy pods are running
-βœ” Check MinIO
-βœ” Check auxiliary pods are ready
-Setup node with Hedera platform software.\
-It may take a while as it download the hedera platform code from <>
-$ solo node setup
-Example output
-******************************* Solo *********************************************
-Version			: 0.27.0
-Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
-βœ” Initialize
-βœ” Check network pod: node0
-βœ” Check network pod: node1
-βœ” Check network pod: node2
-βœ” Identify network pods
-βœ” Copy configuration files
-βœ” Copy Gossip keys to staging
-βœ” Copy gRPC TLS keys to staging
-βœ” Prepare config.txt for the network
-βœ” Prepare staging directory
-βœ” Update node: node0
-βœ” Update node: node1
-βœ” Update node: node2
-βœ” Fetch platform software into network nodes
-βœ” Copy Gossip keys
-βœ” Copy Gossip keys
-βœ” Copy Gossip keys
-βœ” Copy TLS keys
-βœ” Copy TLS keys
-βœ” Copy TLS keys
-βœ” Copy configuration files
-βœ” Copy configuration files
-βœ” Copy configuration files
-βœ” Set file permissions
-βœ” Node: node2
-βœ” Set file permissions
-βœ” Node: node0
-βœ” Set file permissions
-βœ” Node: node1
-βœ” Setup network nodes
-βœ” Finalize
-Start the nodes.
-$ solo node start
-Example output
-******************************* Solo *********************************************
-Version			: 0.27.0
-Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
-βœ” Initialize
-βœ” Check network pod: node0
-βœ” Check network pod: node2
-βœ” Check network pod: node1
-βœ” Identify network pods
-βœ” Start node: node1
-βœ” Start node: node0
-βœ” Start node: node2
-βœ” Starting nodes
-βœ” Check node: node0
-βœ” Check node: node1
-βœ” Check node: node2
-βœ” Check nodes are ACTIVE
-βœ” Check proxy for node: node0
-βœ” Check proxy for node: node2
-βœ” Check proxy for node: node1
-βœ” Check node proxies are ACTIVE
-Deploy mirror node
-$ solo mirror-node deploy
-Example output
-******************************* Solo *********************************************
-Version			: 0.27.0
-Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
-βœ” Initialize
-βœ” Prepare address book
-βœ” Deploy mirror-node
-βœ” Enable mirror-node
-βœ” Check Hedera Explorer
-βœ” Check Postgres DB
-βœ” Check GRPC
-βœ” Check Monitor
-βœ” Check REST API
-βœ” Check Importer
-βœ” Check pods are ready
-Deploy a JSON RPC relay
-$ solo relay deploy
-Example output
-******************************* Solo *********************************************
-Version			: 0.27.0
-Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
-βœ” Initialize
-βœ” Prepare chart values
-βœ” Deploy JSON RPC Relay
-βœ” Check relay is ready
-You may view the list of pods using `k9s` as below:
- Context: kind-solo-e2e                            <0> all       <a>      Attach     <l>     … ____  __.________
- Cluster: kind-solo-e2e                            <1> default   <ctrl-d> Delete     <p>      |    |/ _/   __   \______
- User:    kind-solo-e2e                                          <d>      Describe   <shift-f>|      < \____    /  ___/
- K9s Rev: v0.27.4 ⚑️v0.32.4                                      <e>      Edit       <s>      |    |  \   /    /\___ \
- K8s Rev: v1.27.3                                                <?>      Help       <n>      |____|__ \ /____//____  >
- CPU:     n/a                                                    <ctrl-k> Kill       <f>              \/            \/
- MEM:     n/a
-β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ Pods(all)[27] ────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-β”‚ NAMESPACE↑          NAME                                                   PF READY RESTARTS STATUS   IP             β”‚
-β”‚ fullstack-setup     console-557956d575-fqctd                               ●  1/1          0 Running     β”‚
-β”‚ fullstack-setup     minio-operator-7d575c5f84-j9p6f                        ●  1/1          0 Running     β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         coredns-5d78c9869d-gknqp                               ●  1/1          0 Running     β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         coredns-5d78c9869d-q59pc                               ●  1/1          0 Running     β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         etcd-solo-e2e-control-plane                            ●  1/1          0 Running     β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         kindnet-w9ps5                                          ●  1/1          0 Running     β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         kube-apiserver-solo-e2e-control-plane                  ●  1/1          0 Running     β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         kube-controller-manager-solo-e2e-control-plane         ●  1/1          0 Running     β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         kube-proxy-p69z8                                       ●  1/1          0 Running     β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         kube-scheduler-solo-e2e-control-plane                  ●  1/1          0 Running     β”‚
-β”‚ local-path-storage  local-path-provisioner-6bc4bddd6b-8pkfk                ●  1/1          0 Running     β”‚
-β”‚ solo                envoy-proxy-node0-84947f844f-f28tp                     ●  1/1          0 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                envoy-proxy-node1-65f8879dcc-j2lrk                     ●  1/1          0 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                envoy-proxy-node2-667f848689-dkmf9                     ●  1/1          0 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                fullstack-deployment-grpc-69f9cc5666-lf6ql             ●  1/1          0 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                fullstack-deployment-hedera-explorer-79f79b7df4-wjdct  ●  1/1          0 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                fullstack-deployment-importer-864489ffb8-6v8tk         ●  1/1          0 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                fullstack-deployment-postgres-postgresql-0             ●  1/1          0 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                fullstack-deployment-rest-584f5cb6bb-q9vnt             ●  1/1          0 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                fullstack-deployment-web3-69dcdfc4fb-mm5pk             ●  1/1          0 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                haproxy-node0-6969f76c77-n5cfl                         ●  1/1          1 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                haproxy-node1-59f6976d45-x6xmp                         ●  1/1          1 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                haproxy-node2-6df64d5457-hf9ps                         ●  1/1          1 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                minio-pool-1-0                                         ●  2/2          1 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                network-node0-0                                        ●  5/5          0 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                network-node1-0                                        ●  5/5          0 Running   β”‚
-β”‚ solo                network-node2-0                                        ●  5/5          0 Running   β”‚
-#### Access Hedera Network services
-Once the nodes are up, you may now expose various services (using `k9s` (shift-f) or `kubectl port-forward`) and access. Below are most used services that you may expose.
-Node services: `network-<node ID>-svc`\
-HAProxy: `haproxy-<node ID>-svc`\
-Envoy Proxy: `envoy-proxy-<node ID>-svc`\
-Hedera explorer: `fullstack-deployment-hedera-explorer`\
-JSON Rpc Relays\
-You can deploy JSON RPC relays for one or more nodes as below:
-$ solo relay deploy -i node0,node1
-Example output
-******************************* Solo *********************************************
-Version			: 0.27.0
-Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
-βœ” Initialize
-βœ” Prepare chart values
-βœ” Deploy JSON RPC Relay
-βœ” Check relay is ready
-### Example - 2: Deploy a standalone test network (version `0.47.0-alpha.0`)
-Initialize `solo` with tag `v0.47.0-alpha.0` and list of node names `node0,node1,node2`:
-# reset .solo directory
-$ rm -rf ~/.solo
-$ solo init -t v0.47.0-alpha.0 -i node0,node1,node2 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}" -s "${SOLO_CLUSTER_SETUP_NAMESPACE}" --key-format pem
-Example output
-******************************* Solo *********************************************
-Version			: 0.27.0
-Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
-βœ” Setup home directory and cache
-βœ” Check dependency: helm [OS: linux, Release: 5.15.0-1061-gke, Arch: x64]
-βœ” Check dependencies
-βœ” Setup chart manager
-Note: solo stores various artifacts (config, logs, keys etc.) in its home directory: /home/runner/.solo
-If a full reset is needed, delete the directory or relevant sub-directories before running 'solo init'.
-βœ” Copy templates in '/home/runner/.solo/cache'
-Generate `pem` formatted node keys
-$ solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys --key-format pem
-Example output
-******************************* Solo *********************************************
-Version			: 0.27.0
-Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
-Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
-βœ” Initialize
-βœ” Backup old files
-βœ” Gossip pem key for node: node0
-βœ” Gossip pem key for node: node1
-βœ” Gossip pem key for node: node2
-βœ” Generate gossip keys
-βœ” Backup old files
-βœ” TLS key for node: node0
-βœ” TLS key for node: node1
-βœ” TLS key for node: node2
-βœ” Generate gRPC TLS keys
-βœ” Finalize
-PEM key files are generated in `~/.solo/keys` directory.
-$ ls ~/.solo/cache/keys
-a-private-node0.pem a-public-node1.pem  hedera-node1.crt    s-private-node0.pem s-public-node1.pem
-a-private-node1.pem a-public-node2.pem  hedera-node1.key    s-private-node1.pem s-public-node2.pem
-a-private-node2.pem hedera-node0.crt    hedera-node2.crt    s-private-node2.pem
-a-public-node0.pem  hedera-node0.key    hedera-node2.key    s-public-node0.pem
-Setup cluster with shared components
-$ solo cluster setup
-# output is similar to example-1
-In a separate terminal, you may run `k9s` to view the pod status.
-Deploy helm chart with Hedera network components
-$ solo network deploy
-# output is similar to example-1
-Setup node with Hedera platform.\
-It may take a while (~10 minutes depending on your internet speed) to download various docker images and get the
-pods started.
-$ solo node setup
-# output is similar to example-1
-Start the nodes
-$ solo node start
-# output is similar to example-1
-### For Developers Working on Hedera Service Repo
-First, pleaes clone hedera service repo `` and build the code
-with `./gradlew assemble`. If need to running nodes with different versions or releases, please duplicate the repo or build directories in
-multiple directories, checkout to the respective version and build the code.
-To set customized `settings.txt` file, edit the file
-`~/.solo/cache/templates/settings.txt` after `solo init` command.
-Then you can start customized built hedera network with the following command:
-solo node setup --local-build-path <default path to hedera repo>,node1=<custom build hedera repo>,node2=<custom build repo>
-### For Developers Working on Platform core
-To deploy node with local build PTT jar files, run the following command:
-solo node setup --local-build-path <default path to hedera repo>,node1=<custom build hedera repo>,node2=<custom build repo>
- --app PlatformTestingTool.jar --app-config <path-to-test-json1,path-to-test-json2>
-### Logs
-You can find log for running solo command under the directory `~/.solo/logs/`
-The file `solo.log` contains the logs for the solo command.
-The file `hashgraph-sdk.log` contains the logs from solo client when sending transactions to network nodes.
diff --git a/docs/content/getting-started/ b/docs/content/getting-started/
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--- a/docs/content/getting-started/
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-title: Installation
-weight: -20
-geekdocNav: true
-geekdocAlign: center
-geekdocAnchor: false
-### Requirements
-Node(>=20.14.0) (*lts/hydrogen*)
-### Setup
-Install [Node]( You may also use [nvm]( to manage different Node versions locally:
-nvm install lts/hydrogen
-nvm use lts/hydrogen
-### Install Solo
-Run `npm install -g @hashgraph/solo`
-{{< expand "Useful tools" ">" >}}
-Install [kubectl](
-Install [k9s](
-{{< /expand >}}
diff --git a/docs/content/getting-started/ b/docs/content/getting-started/
deleted file mode 100644
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-title: Setup
-weight: -20
-geekdocNav: true
-geekdocAlign: center
-geekdocAnchor: false
-### Remote cluster
-You may use remote kubernetes cluster. In this case, ensure kubernetes context is set up correctly.
-kubectl config use-context <context-name>
-### Local cluster
-You may use [kind]( or [microk8s]( to create a cluster.\
-In this case,
-ensure your Docker engine has enough resources (e.g. Memory >=8Gb, CPU: >=4). Below we show how you can use `kind` to create a cluster
-First, use the following command to set up the environment variables:
-export SOLO_CLUSTER_NAME=solo
-export SOLO_NAMESPACE=solo
-Then run the following command to set the kubectl context to the new cluster:
-kind create cluster -n "${SOLO_CLUSTER_NAME}"
-Example output
-Creating cluster "solo" ...
- βœ“ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.29.1) πŸ–Ό
- βœ“ Preparing nodes πŸ“¦
- βœ“ Writing configuration πŸ“œ
- βœ“ Starting control-plane πŸ•ΉοΈ
- βœ“ Installing CNI πŸ”Œ
- βœ“ Installing StorageClass πŸ’Ύ
-Set kubectl context to "kind-solo"
-You can now use your cluster with:
-kubectl cluster-info --context kind-solo
-Have a nice day! πŸ‘‹
-You may now view pods in your cluster using `k9s -A` as below:
- Context: kind-solo                                <0> all       <a>      Attac… ____  __.________
- Cluster: kind-solo                                <1> default   <ctrl-d> Delete|    |/ _/   __   \______
- User:    kind-solo                                              <d>      Descri|      < \____    /  ___/
- K9s Rev: v0.27.4 ⚑️v0.32.3                                      <e>      Edit  |    |  \   /    /\___ \
- K8s Rev: v1.27.3                                                <?>      Help  |____|__ \ /____//____  >
- CPU:     n/a                                                    <ctrl-k> Kill          \/            \/
- MEM:     n/a
-β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ Pods(all)[9] ─────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-β”‚ NAMESPACE↑          NAME                                        PF READY RESTARTS STATUS   IP          β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         coredns-5d78c9869d-kc27p                    ●  1/1          0 Running  β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         coredns-5d78c9869d-r8mzz                    ●  1/1          0 Running  β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         etcd-solo-control-plane                     ●  1/1          0 Running  β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         kindnet-gppbk                               ●  1/1          0 Running  β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         kube-apiserver-solo-control-plane           ●  1/1          0 Running  β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         kube-controller-manager-solo-control-plane  ●  1/1          0 Running  β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         kube-proxy-wb9w5                            ●  1/1          0 Running  β”‚
-β”‚ kube-system         kube-scheduler-solo-control-plane           ●  1/1          0 Running  β”‚
-β”‚ local-path-storage  local-path-provisioner-6bc4bddd6b-5vh5d     ●  1/1          0 Running  β”‚
-β”‚                                                                                                        β”‚
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-      - name: Installation
-        ref: "/getting-started/"
-      - name: Setup
-        ref: "/getting-started/"
-      - name: Deploy
-        ref: "/getting-started/"
-  - name: Contribution
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-      - name: Solo
-        ref: "/contribution/"
-      - name: Docs
-        ref: "/contribution/"
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index d270b0e34..30d790a8a 100644
--- a/src/commands/cluster.mjs
+++ b/src/commands/cluster.mjs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 'use strict'
 import { ListrEnquirerPromptAdapter } from '@listr2/prompt-adapter-enquirer'
 import { Listr } from 'listr2'
-import { SoloError, IllegalArgumentError } from '../core/errors.mjs'
+import { SoloError } from '../core/errors.mjs'
 import * as flags from './flags.mjs'
 import { BaseCommand } from './base.mjs'
 import chalk from 'chalk'
diff --git a/src/commands/init.mjs b/src/commands/init.mjs
index 916fdaaf7..715734ba0 100644
--- a/src/commands/init.mjs
+++ b/src/commands/init.mjs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { BaseCommand } from './base.mjs'
 import * as core from '../core/index.mjs'
 import { constants } from '../core/index.mjs'
 import * as fs from 'fs'
-import { SoloError, IllegalArgumentError } from '../core/errors.mjs'
+import { SoloError } from '../core/errors.mjs'
 import * as flags from './flags.mjs'
 import chalk from 'chalk'
diff --git a/src/commands/node.mjs b/src/commands/node.mjs
index 320df7ee6..186d36a03 100644
--- a/src/commands/node.mjs
+++ b/src/commands/node.mjs
@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ import {
-  ServiceEndpoint,
-  Timestamp
+  ServiceEndpoint
 } from '@hashgraph/sdk'
 import * as crypto from 'crypto'
 import {
@@ -357,6 +356,8 @@ export class NodeCommand extends BaseCommand {
    * stops and closes the port forwards
+   * - calls the accountManager.close()
+   * - for all portForwards, calls k8.stopPortForward(srv)
    * @returns {Promise<void>}
   async close () {
diff --git a/src/commands/node/configs.mjs b/src/commands/node/configs.mjs
index 8e420f57b..1c90ad5db 100644
--- a/src/commands/node/configs.mjs
+++ b/src/commands/node/configs.mjs
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-import * as flags from '../flags.mjs'
 import { FREEZE_ADMIN_ACCOUNT } from '../../core/constants.mjs'
 export const PREPARE_UPGRADE_CONFIGS_NAME = 'prepareUpgradeConfig'
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index d66764375..2b9749f05 100644
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ There are two scripts to generate node gossip keys and grpc TLS keys as below:
 * `test/scripts/`: It generates keys using `openssl` where each private and public keys are separate `pem` files.
 ## Usage
 In order to generate keys in PEM format for 3 nodes (`node0,node1,node3`), run as below:
@@ -14,7 +15,8 @@ $ ./ node0,node1,node3 ./keys
 View the certificate using command below:
 $ ls keys 
 a-private-node0.pem a-public-node0.pem  backup              hedera-node0.crt    hedera-node0.key    s-private-node0.pem s-public-node0.pem
 $ openssl x509 -in keys/s-public-node0.pem -noout -text