diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 1899a23ec579..0adeae3867c6 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ FEATURES: IMPROVEMENTS: * Data Source: `azurerm_databricks_workspace` - support for the `tags` property [GH-9933] +* `azurerm_api_management` - support `Consumption_0` for the `sku_name` property [GH-6868] * `azurerm_cdn_endpoint` - only send `content_types_to_compress` and `geo_filter` to the API when actually set [GH-9902] * `azurerm_container_group` - support for the `volume.empty_dir` property [GH-9836] -* `azurerm_api_management` - support `Consumption_0` for the `sku_name` property [GH-6868] * `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_file_storage` - support for the `file_share` property [GH-9934] * `azurerm_dedicated_host` - support for addtional `sku_name` values [GH-9951] +* `azurerm_function_app` - make `pre_warmed_instance_count` computed to use azure's default [GH-9069] * `azurerm_hdinsight_hadoop_cluster` - allow the value `Standard_D4a_V4` for the `vm_type` property [GH-10000] * `azurerm_log_analytics_linked_service` - add validation for resource ID type [GH-9932] * `azurerm_log_analytics_linked_service` - update validation to use generated validate functions [GH-9950]