diff --git a/ui/app/styles/components/action-block.scss b/ui/app/styles/components/action-block.scss
index fa29cf6834f3..137b4fa540c9 100644
--- a/ui/app/styles/components/action-block.scss
+++ b/ui/app/styles/components/action-block.scss
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
   display: grid;
   padding: $spacing-m $spacing-l;
   line-height: inherit;
+  grid-gap: $spacing-m;
   @include until($mobile) {
     @include stacked-grid();
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
 .action-block-info {
   @include until($mobile) {
-    @include stacked-grid();
+    @include stacked-content();
@@ -42,17 +43,25 @@
+/* Action Block Grid */
 .replication-actions-grid-layout {
   display: flex;
   flex-wrap: wrap;
+  margin: $spacing-m 0;
+  @include until($tablet) {
+    display: block;
+  }
 .replication-actions-grid-item {
   flex-basis: 50%;
-  padding: 5px;
+  padding: $spacing-s;
 .replication-actions-grid-item .action-block {
   height: 100%;
   width: 100%;
+  @include until($tablet) {
+    height: inherit;
+  }
diff --git a/ui/app/styles/components/modal.scss b/ui/app/styles/components/modal.scss
index 01a8c899b868..34911989d518 100644
--- a/ui/app/styles/components/modal.scss
+++ b/ui/app/styles/components/modal.scss
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
+.modal-card-title.title {
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: center;
 pre {
   background-color: inherit;
@@ -52,3 +57,20 @@ pre {
     color: $yellow-dark;
+.modal-confirm-section .is-help {
+  color: $grey;
+  margin: $spacing-xxs 0;
+  strong {
+    color: inherit;
+  }
+.modal-confirm-section {
+  margin: $spacing-xl 0 $spacing-m;
+.modal-card-foot-outlined {
+  background: #f7f8fa;
+  border-top: 1px solid #bac1cc;
diff --git a/ui/app/styles/core/helpers.scss b/ui/app/styles/core/helpers.scss
index 1e0e528d6d16..1d01a39b964d 100644
--- a/ui/app/styles/core/helpers.scss
+++ b/ui/app/styles/core/helpers.scss
@@ -158,3 +158,8 @@
 .has-border-danger {
   border: 1px solid $danger;
+ul.bullet {
+  list-style: disc;
+  padding-left: $spacing-m;
diff --git a/ui/app/templates/vault/cluster/replication-dr-promote/details.hbs b/ui/app/templates/vault/cluster/replication-dr-promote/details.hbs
index dff7e35ea5c5..5efe8b721ff2 100644
--- a/ui/app/templates/vault/cluster/replication-dr-promote/details.hbs
+++ b/ui/app/templates/vault/cluster/replication-dr-promote/details.hbs
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
 <section class="section">
   <div class="container is-widescreen">
     <ReplicationPage @model={{model}} as |Page|>
-        <Page.header
-          @showTabs={{false}}
+      <Page.header
+        @showTabs={{true}}
+      />
+      {{#if Page.isDisabled}}
+        <EmptyState
+          @title="Disaster Recovery secondary not set up"
+          @message={{Page.message}}
+          @icon="alert-circle-outline"
+          @bottomBorder={{true}}
+        >
+          <nav class="breadcrumb">
+            <ul class="is-grouped-split">
+              <li>
+                {{#link-to "vault.cluster.secrets.backends" }}
+                  <span class="sep"/>
+                  Go back
+                {{/link-to}}
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <LearnLink @path="/vault/operations/ops-disaster-recovery" @class="has-text-grey">
+                  Need help?
+                </LearnLink>
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+          </nav>
+        </EmptyState>
+      {{else}}
+      <Page.dashboard
+      {{!-- passing in component to render so that the yielded components are flexible based on the dashboard --}}
+        @componentToRender='replication-secondary-card' as |Dashboard|>
+        <Dashboard.card
+          @title="States"
-        {{#if Page.isDisabled}}
-          <EmptyState
-            @title="Disaster Recovery secondary not set up"
-            @message={{Page.message}}
-            @icon="alert-circle-outline"
-            @bottomBorder={{true}}
-          >
-            <nav class="breadcrumb">
-              <ul class="is-grouped-split">
-                <li>
-                  {{#link-to "vault.cluster.secrets.backends" }}
-                    <span class="sep"/>
-                    Go back
-                  {{/link-to}}
-                </li>
-                <li>
-                  <LearnLink @path="/vault/operations/ops-disaster-recovery" @class="has-text-grey">
-                    Need help?
-                  </LearnLink>
-                </li>
-              </ul>
-            </nav>
-          </EmptyState>
-        {{else}}
-        <Page.dashboard
-        {{!-- passing in component to render so that the yielded components are flexible based on the dashboard --}}
-          @componentToRender='replication-secondary-card' as |Dashboard|>
-          <Dashboard.card
-            @title="States"
-          />
-          <Dashboard.card
-            @title="Primary cluster"
-          />
-          <Dashboard.rows/>
-        </Page.dashboard>
+        <Dashboard.card
+          @title="Primary cluster"
+        />
+        <Dashboard.rows/>
+      </Page.dashboard>
diff --git a/ui/app/templates/vault/cluster/replication-dr-promote/index.hbs b/ui/app/templates/vault/cluster/replication-dr-promote/index.hbs
index 2c4ef45f4a3f..71b515f5ef17 100644
--- a/ui/app/templates/vault/cluster/replication-dr-promote/index.hbs
+++ b/ui/app/templates/vault/cluster/replication-dr-promote/index.hbs
@@ -1,62 +1,40 @@
-<SplashPage as |Page|>
-  <Page.header>
-    <h1 class="title is-4">
-     Disaster Recovery secondary is&nbsp;enabled
-    </h1>
-  </Page.header>
-  <Page.content>
-    <nav class="tabs sub-nav is-marginless">
-      <ul>
-        <li class="{{if (eq action '') 'is-active'}}">
-          {{#link-to 'vault.cluster.replication-dr-promote' (query-params action='')}}
-            Operation token
-          {{/link-to}}
-        </li>
-        <li class="{{if (eq action 'update') 'is-active'}}">
-          {{#link-to 'vault.cluster.replication-dr-promote' (query-params action='update')}}
-            Update primary
-          {{/link-to}}
-        </li>
-        <li class="{{if (eq action 'promote') 'is-active'}}">
-          {{#link-to 'vault.cluster.replication-dr-promote' (query-params action='promote')}}
-            Promote
-          {{/link-to}}
-        </li>
-      </ul>
-    </nav>
-    {{#if (eq action 'promote')}}
-      <AlertBanner
-        @type="warning"
-        @title="Caution"
-        @message="Vault Replication is not designed for active-active usage and enabling two performance primaries should never be done, as it can lead to data loss if they or their secondaries are ever reconnected."
-        @class="unseal-warning"
-        data-test-cluster-status
+<section class="section">
+  <div class="container is-widescreen">
+    <ReplicationPage @model={{model}} as |Page|>
+      <Page.header
+        @showTabs={{true}}
-      <ReplicationActions
-        @replicationMode="dr"
-        @selectedAction="promote"
-        @model={{model}}
-        />
-    {{/if}}
-    {{#if (eq action 'update')}}
-      <ReplicationActions
-        @replicationMode="dr"
-        @selectedAction="update-primary"
-        @model={{model}}
-        />
-    {{/if}}
-    {{#unless action}}
-      <ShamirFlow
-        @action="generate-dr-operation-token"
-        @buttonText="Promote cluster"
-        @fetchOnInit=true
-        @generateAction=true
-      >
-        <p>
-          Generate an Operation Token by entering a portion of the master key.
-          Once all portions are entered, the generated operation token may be used to manage your secondary Disaster Recovery cluster.
-        </p>
-      </ShamirFlow>
-    {{/unless}}
-  </Page.content>
+      {{#if Page.isDisabled}}
+        <EmptyState
+          @title="Disaster Recovery secondary not set up"
+          @message={{Page.message}}
+          @icon="alert-circle-outline"
+          @bottomBorder={{true}}
+        >
+          <nav class="breadcrumb">
+            <ul class="is-grouped-split">
+              <li>
+                {{#link-to "vault.cluster.secrets.backends" }}
+                  <span class="sep"/>
+                  Go back
+                {{/link-to}}
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <LearnLink @path="/vault/operations/ops-disaster-recovery" @class="has-text-grey">
+                  Need help?
+                </LearnLink>
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+          </nav>
+        </EmptyState>
+      {{else}}
+        <section>
+          <ReplicationActions
+            @replicationMode="dr"
+            @model={{model}}
+            />
+        </section>
+      {{/if}}
+    </ReplicationPage>
+  </div>
diff --git a/ui/lib/core/addon/components/confirmation-modal.js b/ui/lib/core/addon/components/confirmation-modal.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2dda7d33f844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/lib/core/addon/components/confirmation-modal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * @module ConfirmationModal
+ * ConfirmationModal components are used to provide an alternative to ConfirmationButton that automatically prompts the user to fill in confirmation text before they can continue with a potentially destructive action. It is built off the Modal component
+ *
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * <ConfirmationModal
+ *   @onConfirm={action "destructiveAction"}
+ *   @title="Do Dangerous Thing?"
+ *   @isActive={{isModalActive}}
+ *   @onClose={{action (mut isModalActive) false}}
+ * />
+ * ```
+ * @param {function} onConfirm - onConfirm is the action that happens when user clicks onConfirm after filling in the confirmation block
+ * @param {boolean} isActive - Controls whether the modal is "active" eg. visible or not.
+ * @param {string} title - Title of the modal
+ * @param {function} onClose - specify what to do when user attempts to close modal
+ * @param {string} [buttonText=Confirm] - Button text on the confirm button
+ * @param {string} [confirmText=Yes] - The confirmation text that the user must type before continuing
+ * @param {string} [buttonClass=is-danger] - extra class to add to confirm button (eg. "is-danger")
+ * @param {sting} [type=warning] - Applies message-type styling to header. Override to default with empty string
+ * @param {string} [toConfirmMsg] - Finishes the sentence "Type YES to confirm ..."
+ */
+import Component from '@ember/component';
+import layout from '../templates/components/confirmation-modal';
+export default Component.extend({
+  layout,
+  buttonClass: 'is-danger',
+  buttonText: 'Confirm',
+  confirmText: 'Yes',
+  type: 'warning',
+  toConfirmMsg: '',
diff --git a/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/confirmation-modal.hbs b/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/confirmation-modal.hbs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..471c14b48d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/confirmation-modal.hbs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+  @title={{title}}
+  @onClose={{onClose}}
+  @isActive={{isActive}}
+  @type={{type}}
+  @showCloseButton={{true}}
+  <section class="modal-card-body">
+    <div class="box is-shadowless is-fullwidth is-sideless">
+      {{yield}}
+      <div class="modal-confirm-section">
+        <p class="has-text-weight-semibold is-size-6">
+          Confirm
+        </p>
+        <p class="is-help">Type <strong>{{confirmText}}</strong> to confirm {{toConfirmMsg}}</p>
+        {{input
+            type="text"
+            value=confirmationInput
+            name="confirmationInput"
+            class="input has-margin-top"
+            autocomplete="off"
+            spellcheck="false"
+            data-test-confirmation-modal-input="confirmationInput"
+          }}
+        </div>
+    </div>
+  </section>
+  <footer class="modal-card-foot modal-card-foot-outlined">
+    <button
+      class="button {{buttonClass}}"
+      disabled={{unless (eq confirmationInput confirmText) true}}
+      onclick={{onConfirm}}
+      data-test-confirm-button
+    >
+      {{buttonText}}
+    </button>
+    <button
+      class="button is-secondary"
+      onclick={{action (mut isActive) false}}
+      data-test-cancel-button>
+      Cancel
+    </button>
+  </footer>
diff --git a/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/modal.hbs b/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/modal.hbs
index 5c1f623514e7..f2eb136eaa72 100644
--- a/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/modal.hbs
+++ b/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/modal.hbs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-            {{title}}
+            <span>{{title}}</span>
           {{#if showCloseButton}}
             <button class="delete" aria-label="close" onclick={{onClose}} data-test-modal-close-button></button>
diff --git a/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-action-disable.hbs b/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-action-disable.hbs
index dede146a3141..ad13eae18c93 100644
--- a/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-action-disable.hbs
+++ b/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-action-disable.hbs
@@ -1,67 +1,52 @@
-<h4 class="title is-5 is-marginless">
-  Disable Replication
-<div class="content">
-  <p>
-    Disable {{replicationDisplayMode}} Replication entirely on the cluster.
-    {{#if model.replicationAttrs.isPrimary}}
-      Any secondaries will no longer be able to connect.
-    {{else if (eq model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl 'bootstrapping')}}
-      <br>
-      Since the cluster is currently bootstrapping, we need to know which mode to disable.
-      Be sure to choose it below.
-      <label for="replication-mode" class="is-label">
-        Replication cluster mode
-      </label>
-      <div class="field is-expanded">
-        <div class="control select is-fullwidth">
-          <select onchange={{action (mut mode) value="target.value"}} id="replication-mode" name="replication-mode">
-            {{#each (array 'primary' 'secondary') as |modeOption|}}
-              <option
-                selected={{if mode (eq mode modeOption) (eq modeOption 'primary')}}
-                value={{modeOption}}
-              >
-                {{modeOption}}
-              </option>
-            {{/each}}
-          </select>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    {{else}}
-      The cluster will no longer be able to connect to the primary.
-    {{/if}}
-    <AlertInline
-      @type="danger"
-      @message="Caution: re-enabling this node as a primary or secondary will change its cluster ID."
-    />
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    In the secondary case this means a wipe of the
-    underlying storage when connected to a primary, and in the primary case,
-    secondaries connecting back to the cluster (even if they have connected
-    before) will require a wipe of the underlying storage.
-  </p>
-<div class="field">
-  <div class="control">
-    <ConfirmAction
-      @buttonClasses="button is-primary"
-      @confirmTitle="Disable this cluster?"
-      @confirmMessage="Data in this cluster will no longer be replicated."
-      @confirmButtonText="Disable"
-      @horizontalPosition="auto-left"
-      @onConfirmAction={{action
-        "onSubmit"
-        "disable"
-        (if
-          (eq model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl 'bootstrapping')
-          mode
-          model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl
-        )
-      }}
-      data-test-disable-replication="true"
+<div class="action-block is-rounded" data-test-disable-replication>
+  <div class="action-block-info">
+    <h4 class="title is-5 is-marginless">
+      Disable Replication
+    </h4>
+    <p>
+      Disable {{replicationDisplayMode}} Replication entirely on the cluster.
+    </p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="action-block-action">
+    <button
+      class="button is-danger"
+      onclick={{action (mut isModalActive) true}}
+      data-test-replication-action-trigger
       Disable Replication
-    </ConfirmAction>
+    </button>
+  @title="Disable Replication?"
+  @onClose={{action (mut isModalActive) false}}
+  @isActive={{isModalActive}}
+  @confirmText={{if (eq replicationDisplayMode "DR") "Disaster Recovery" replicationDisplayMode}}
+  @toConfirmMsg="disabling {{replicationDisplayMode}} Replication on this cluster"
+  @onConfirm={{action
+    "onSubmit"
+    "disable"
+    (if
+      (eq model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl 'bootstrapping')
+      mode
+      model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl
+    )
+  }}
+  <p class="has-bottom-margin-m">
+    {{#if (and model.replicationAttrs.isPrimary (eq replicationDisplayMode "DR"))}}This cannot be undone. {{/if}}
+    Disabling {{replicationDisplayMode}} Replication entirely on this {{if (eq model.replicationAttrs.isPrimary true) "primary" "secondary"}} cluster means that:
+  </p>
+  <ul class="bullet">
+    {{#if model.replicationAttrs.isPrimary}}
+    <li>Secondaries will no longer be able to connect</li>
+    <li>We will wipe the underlying storage of connected secondaries</li>
+    <li>Secondaries connecting back to the cluster will require a wipe of the underlying storage</li>
+    {{else}}
+    <li>We will wipe the underlying storage of this secondary when connected to a primary</li>
+    {{/if}}
+    <li>Re-enabling this node will change its cluster ID</li>
+  </ul>
diff --git a/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-actions.hbs b/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-actions.hbs
index 9579ee45904f..3d0bdeeec561 100644
--- a/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-actions.hbs
+++ b/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-actions.hbs
@@ -2,14 +2,19 @@
   <LayoutLoading />
   <MessageError @errors={{errors}} />
-  {{#each (if selectedAction (array selectedAction) (replication-action-for-mode replicationMode model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl)) as |replicationAction index|}}
-    <div class="box is-fullwidth is-marginless {{if (gt index 0) 'is-bottomless' 'is-shadowless'}}">
-      {{component (concat 'replication-action-' replicationAction)
-        onSubmit=(action "onSubmit")
-        replicationMode=replicationMode
-        model=model
-        replicationDisplayMode=replicationDisplayMode
-      }}
-    </div>
-  {{/each}}
+  <div class="replication-actions-grid-layout">
+    {{#each
+      (replication-action-for-mode replicationMode model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl)
+       as |replicationAction|
+    }}
+        <div class="replication-actions-grid-item">
+          {{component (concat 'replication-action-' replicationAction)
+            onSubmit=(action "onSubmit")
+            replicationMode=replicationMode
+            model=model
+            replicationDisplayMode=replicationDisplayMode
+          }}
+        </div>
+    {{/each}}
+  </div>
diff --git a/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-header.hbs b/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-header.hbs
index 6eeb8351b5e3..d33d9bc37803 100644
--- a/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-header.hbs
+++ b/ui/lib/core/addon/templates/components/replication-header.hbs
@@ -47,14 +47,23 @@
   <div class="tabs-container box is-bottomless is-marginless is-fullwidth is-paddingless" data-test-tabs>
     <nav class="tabs">
+        {{#link-to
+          "vault.cluster.replication-dr-promote.details"
+          tagName="li"
+          activeClass="is-active"
+        }}
+          {{#link-to "vault.cluster.replication-dr-promote.details"}}
+            Details
+          {{/link-to}}
+        {{/link-to}}
-          current-when=""
+          current-when="vault.cluster.replication-dr-promote.index"
           {{#link-to "vault.cluster.replication-dr-promote"}}
-            Details
+            Manage
diff --git a/ui/lib/core/app/components/confirmation-modal.js b/ui/lib/core/app/components/confirmation-modal.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9cfcc6021b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/lib/core/app/components/confirmation-modal.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export { default } from 'core/components/confirmation-modal';
diff --git a/ui/tests/integration/components/confirmation-modal-test.js b/ui/tests/integration/components/confirmation-modal-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7b9b62e60295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/tests/integration/components/confirmation-modal-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { module, test } from 'qunit';
+import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
+import sinon from 'sinon';
+import { fillIn, find, render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
+import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
+module('Integration | Component | confirmation-modal', function(hooks) {
+  setupRenderingTest(hooks);
+  test('it renders with disabled confirmation button until input matches', async function(assert) {
+    let spy = sinon.spy();
+    this.set('onConfirm', spy);
+    await render(hbs`
+      <div id="modal-wormhole"></div>
+      <ConfirmationModal
+        @isActive={true}
+        @onConfirm={this.onConfirm}
+        @buttonText="Plz Continue"
+        @confirmText="Destructive Thing"
+      />
+    `);
+    assert.dom('[data-test-confirm-button]').isDisabled();
+    assert.equal(
+      find('[data-test-confirm-button]').textContent.trim(),
+      'Plz Continue',
+      'Confirm button has specified value'
+    );
+    await fillIn('[data-test-confirmation-modal-input="confirmationInput"]', 'Destructive Thing');
+    assert.dom('[data-test-confirm-button]').isNotDisabled();
+  });
diff --git a/ui/tests/integration/components/replication-actions-test.js b/ui/tests/integration/components/replication-actions-test.js
index 309cd51d0517..fbe5eb176476 100644
--- a/ui/tests/integration/components/replication-actions-test.js
+++ b/ui/tests/integration/components/replication-actions-test.js
@@ -39,21 +39,21 @@ module('Integration | Component | replication actions', function(hooks) {
   let testCases = [
-    ['dr', 'primary', 'disable', 'Disable Replication', null, ['disable', 'primary']],
-    ['performance', 'primary', 'disable', 'Disable Replication', null, ['disable', 'primary']],
-    ['dr', 'secondary', 'disable', 'Disable Replication', null, ['disable', 'secondary']],
-    ['performance', 'secondary', 'disable', 'Disable Replication', null, ['disable', 'secondary']],
-    ['dr', 'primary', 'recover', 'Recover', null, ['recover']],
-    ['performance', 'primary', 'recover', 'Recover', null, ['recover']],
-    ['performance', 'secondary', 'recover', 'Recover', null, ['recover']],
+    ['dr', 'primary', 'disable', 'Disable Replication', null, ['disable', 'primary'], false],
+    ['performance', 'primary', 'disable', 'Disable Replication', null, ['disable', 'primary'], false],
+    ['dr', 'secondary', 'disable', 'Disable Replication', null, ['disable', 'secondary'], false],
+    ['performance', 'secondary', 'disable', 'Disable Replication', null, ['disable', 'secondary'], false],
+    ['dr', 'primary', 'recover', 'Recover', null, ['recover'], true],
+    ['performance', 'primary', 'recover', 'Recover', null, ['recover'], true],
+    ['performance', 'secondary', 'recover', 'Recover', null, ['recover'], true],
-    ['dr', 'primary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex']],
-    ['performance', 'primary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex']],
-    ['dr', 'secondary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex']],
-    ['performance', 'secondary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex']],
+    ['dr', 'primary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex'], true],
+    ['performance', 'primary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex'], true],
+    ['dr', 'secondary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex'], true],
+    ['performance', 'secondary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex'], true],
-    ['dr', 'primary', 'demote', 'Demote cluster', null, ['demote', 'primary']],
-    ['performance', 'primary', 'demote', 'Demote cluster', null, ['demote', 'primary']],
+    ['dr', 'primary', 'demote', 'Demote cluster', null, ['demote', 'primary'], true],
+    ['performance', 'primary', 'demote', 'Demote cluster', null, ['demote', 'primary'], true],
     // we don't do dr secondary promote in this component so just test perf
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ module('Integration | Component | replication actions', function(hooks) {
         await blur('[name="primary_cluster_addr"]');
       ['promote', 'secondary', { primary_cluster_addr: 'cluster addr' }],
+      true,
     // don't yet update-primary for dr
@@ -80,10 +81,19 @@ module('Integration | Component | replication actions', function(hooks) {
         await blur('#primary_api_addr');
       ['update-primary', 'secondary', { token: 'token', primary_api_addr: 'addr' }],
+      true,
-  for (let [replicationMode, clusterMode, action, headerText, fillInFn, expectedOnSubmit] of testCases) {
+  for (let [
+    replicationMode,
+    clusterMode,
+    action,
+    headerText,
+    fillInFn,
+    expectedOnSubmit,
+    oldVersion,
+  ] of testCases) {
     test(`replication mode ${replicationMode}, cluster mode: ${clusterMode}, action: ${action}`, async function(assert) {
       const testKey = `${replicationMode}-${clusterMode}-${action}`;
       this.set('model', {
@@ -111,16 +121,32 @@ module('Integration | Component | replication actions', function(hooks) {
       this.set('storeService.capabilitiesReturnVal', ['root']);
       await render(
-        hbs`{{replication-actions model=model replicationMode=replicationMode selectedAction=selectedAction onSubmit=(action onSubmit)}}`
+        hbs`
+        <div id="modal-wormhole"></div>
+        {{replication-actions model=model replicationMode=replicationMode selectedAction=selectedAction onSubmit=(action onSubmit)}}
+        `
+      );
+      assert.equal(
+        find('h4').textContent.trim(),
+        headerText,
+        `${testKey}: renders the correct component header (${oldVersion})`
-      assert.equal(find('h4').textContent.trim(), headerText, `${testKey}: renders the correct component`);
       if (typeof fillInFn === 'function') {
         await fillInFn.call(this);
-      await click('[data-test-confirm-action-trigger]');
-      await click('[data-test-confirm-button]');
+      if (oldVersion) {
+        await click('[data-test-confirm-action-trigger]');
+        await click('[data-test-confirm-button]');
+      } else {
+        await click('[data-test-replication-action-trigger]');
+        await fillIn(
+          '[data-test-confirmation-modal-input]',
+          replicationMode === 'dr' ? 'Disaster Recovery' : 'Performance'
+        );
+        await blur('[data-test-confirmation-modal-input]');
+        await click('[data-test-confirm-button]');
+      }