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Running the Antrea end-to-end tests

Creating the test Kubernetes cluster

The tests must be run on an actual Kubernetes cluster. At the moment, we require the cluster to be created using Vagrant and the provided Vagrantfile, which you can do by following the instructions below.

Creating the test Kubernetes cluster with Vagrant

We use Vagrant to provision two Virtual Machines (one Kubernetes control-plane Node and one worker Node). The required software is installed on each machine with Ansible. By default the Vagrantfile uses VirtualBox but you should be able to edit the file to use your favorite Vagrant provider.


We require the following to be installed on your host machine:

  • vagrant (>= 2.0.0)
  • ansible (>= 2.4.0)
  • virtualbox (See supported versions here).
Ubuntu 18.04 (or later)

You can install all dependencies with sudo apt install vagrant ansible virtualbox.

Mac OS

You can install all the dependencies with brew:

  • brew cask install virtualbox
  • brew cask install vagrant
  • brew install ansible

If an action is required on your part, brew will let you know in its log messages.

Managing the cluster

Use the following Bash scripts to manage the Kubernetes Nodes with Vagrant:

  • ./infra/vagrant/ create the required VMs and provision them
  • ./infra/vagrant/ load Antrea Docker image to each Node, along with the Antrea deployment YAML
  • ./infra/vagrant/ suspend all Node VMs
  • ./infra/vagrant/ resume all Node VMs
  • ./infra/vagrant/ destoy all Node VMs, you will need to run again to create a new cluster

Note that ./infra/vagrant/ can take a while to complete but it only needs to be run once.


You can SSH into any of the Node VMs using vagrant ssh [Node name] (must be run from the infra/vagrant directory. The control-plane Node is named k8s-node-control-plane and the worker Nodes are named k8s-node-worker-<N> (for a single worker Node, the name is k8s-node-worker-1. kubectl is installed on all the Nodes.

The kubeconfig file for the cluster can also be found locally on your machine at ./infra/vagrant/playbook/kube/config. If you install kubectl locally and set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to the absolute path of this kubeconfig file, you can run commands against your test cluster created with Vagrant. For example:

cd <directory containing this README file>
export KUBECONFIG=`pwd`/infra/vagrant/playbook/kube/config
kubectl cluster-info

Running the tests

Make sure that your cluster was provisioned and that the Antrea build artifacts were pushed to all the Nodes. You can then run the tests from the top-level directory with go test -v -timeout=30m (the -v enables verbose output).

If you are running the test for the first time and are using the scripts we provide under infra/vagrant to provision your Kubernetes cluster, you will therefore need the following steps:

  1. ./infra/vagrant/
  2. make
  3. ./infra/vagrant/
  4. go test -v -timeout=30m

If you need to test an updated version of Antrea, just run ./infra/vagrant/ and then run the tests again.

By default, if a test case fails, we write some useful debug information to a temporary directory on disk. This information includes the detailed description (obtained with kubectl describe) and the logs (obtained with kubectl logs) of each Antrea Pod at the time the test case exited. When running the tests in verbose mode (i.e. with -v), the test logs will tell you the location of that temporary directory. You may also choose your own directory using --logs-export-dir. For example:

mkdir antrea-test-logs
go test -count=1 -v -run=TestDeletePod --logs-export-dir `pwd`/antrea-test-logs

If the user provides a log directory which was used for a previous run, existing contents (subdirectories for each test case) will be overridden. By default the description and logs for Antrea Pods are only written to disk if a test fails. You can choose to dump this information unconditionally with --logs-export-on-success.

Testing the Prometheus Integration

The Prometheus integration tests can be run as part of the e2e tests when enabled explicitly.

  • To load Antrea into the cluster with Prometheus enabled, use: ./infra/vagrant/ --prometheus
  • To run the Prometheus tests within the e2e suite, use: go test -v --prometheus

Running the e2e tests on a Kind cluster

The simplest way is to run the following command:

./ci/kind/ [options]

It will set up a two worker Node Kind cluster to run the e2e tests, and destroy the cluster after the tests stop (succeed or fail). kubectl needs to be present in your PATH to set up the test cluster. For more information on the usage of this script and the options, run:

./ci/kind/ --help

You can also run the e2e tests with an existing Kind cluster. Refer to this document for instructions on how to create a Kind cluster and use Antrea as the CNI. You need at least one control-plane Node and one worker Node. Before running the Go e2e tests, you will also need to copy the Antrea manifest to the control-plane Docker container:

./hack/ --kind | docker exec -i kind-control-plane dd of=/root/antrea.yml
go test -v -provider=kind

As part of code development, if you want to run the tests with local changes, then make the code changes on the local repo and build the image. You can load the new image into the kind cluster using the command below:

kind load docker-image --name <kind_cluster_name>

Running the performance test

To run all benchmarks, without the standard e2e tests:

go test -v -timeout=30m -run=XXX -bench=. \ \

The above command uses -run=XXX to deselect all Test* tests and uses -bench=. to select all Benchmark* tests. Since performance tests take a while to complete, you need to extend the timeout duration -timeout from the default 10m to a longer one like 30m.

If you would like to run the performance tests in a different scale, you could run:

go test -v -timeout=30m -run=XXX -bench=BenchmarkCustomize \ \
    --performance.http.requests=5000 \
    --performance.http.policy_rules=1000 \

All flags of performance tests includes:

  • performance.http.concurrency (int): Number of allowed concurrent http requests (default 1)
  • performance.http.requests (int): Total Number of http requests
  • performance.http.policy_rules (int): Number of CIDRs in the network policy
  • performance.realize.timeout (duration): Timeout of the realization of network policies (default 5m0s)