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A Clojure interface to Minecraft: Pi Edition.

Clojure logo in Minecraft


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

    [redstone "0.1.4"]


    (require '[redstone.client :as mc])

    (def server
      {:host "localhost"
       :port 4711})

    (mc/send-message! server "Hello Minecraft")


Minecraft: Pi Edition supports a handful of commands for querying and updating the player's position and blocks in the world.

Positions are maps of x, y, z coordinates.

    user=> (mc/player-position server)
	{:x 120.767 :y 44.252 :z 25.235}

    user=> (mc/player-tile-position server)
	{:x 121 :y 44 :z 25}

Blocks types are represented by maps of id and data.

    ;; Get the block the player is standing on
    user=> (let [player-position       (mc/player-tile-position server)
                 position-under-player (update-in player-position [:y] dec)]
             (-> server
			     (mc/block-at position-under-player))
    {:data 0 :id 2}

If you already know the block id of the block you want to place you can use its id and data values directly. Alternatively you can provide the block's name as a symbol. A complete list of available block types is here.

    user=> (def position {:x 25 :y 55 :z 22})

    user=> (mc/set-block-at! server position {:id 4 :data 0})

    ;; equivalent to
	user=> (mc/set-block-at! server position :cobblestone)

	;; Block names are kebab-case...
	user=> (mc/set-block-at! server position :red-flower)

	;; ...with optional data values (:red-flower:4 is a Tulip)
	user=> (mc/set-block-at! server position :red-flower:4)

In addition to standard block names, convenience names are also provided for coloured wool blocks.

    user=> (mc/set-block-at! server position :orange-wool)

    ;; ...where the block type is one of
	;; {:white|:orange|:magenta|:light-blue|:yellow|:lime|:pink|:gray|:light-gray|:cyan|:purple|:blue|:brown|:green|:red|:black}-wool


You can set up event listeners by calling listen! with an event and handler function. The handler function will be called with the server and event data each time the event occurs.

    user=> (defn event-handler [server event]
             (prn event))

    user=> (mc/listen! server :block:hit event-handler)

    ;; Hit a block with a sword
	{:event :block:hit, :position {:x 1, :y 2, :z 3}, :face 4, :player-id 10}
	user=> (defn midas-touch [server event]
	         (mc/set-block-at! server (:position event) :gold-block))

    ;; Turn everything to gold!
	user=> (mc/listen! server :block:hit midas-touch)

:block:hit is the only event currently emitted.

More Examples

For inspiration check out the Minecraft Sketchpad repository.

No Raspberry Pi?

Even you don't have a Raspberry Pi you can still run a version of the game which supports the Pi Edition API.

This involves:

Comprehensive instructions for setting up a Craftbukkit server with RaspberryJuice are available here.


Copyright © 2014 Henry Garner

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0