Time for a new personal page 🙂
Hi, I’m Carsten 👋🏼
I’m a lead software developer specializing in web applications and related technologies, I’m all about collaboration. I try to be as open and honest about what I don’t know as I can be. I am a curious human and I love to learn 🙂
I’ve been programming professionally for over a decade. My career started with Microsoft ASP 2.0, hacking on VBScript and Access Data Objects. From there I discovered PHP and open source software. This lead me to Python through Django and eventually to Ruby, Rails, and beyond.
During this time I attempted to get into design school twice (YSDN). I could never make it past the interview, too little applicable education, and a brutally weak portfolio. I kept persisting though, developing my design eye and related skills in tandem with web development. Reading as much literature on the subject that I could get my hands on, online, at the library, and book stores.
I guess you’d say I’m a Full Stack Developer. Now that you know a little bit about how I got to where I am, I’m going to share with you the tools that I use to perform my various roles as a software developer.
These preferences I have developed over time, based on my experiences and requirements, also my privilege. Some of these things are expensive, and I’m fortunate enough to be able to afford them or be provided them by my workplace. This is not intended to convince you what I have chosen is better. You may have different preferences based on your own requirements, that’s a good thing!
This is my company issued laptop (thanks Crowdmark), it is also my choice of laptop. I would own this exact computer regardless of my workplace or not. I like Apple hardware, I like how well they support their products. My experience with Apple products since 2006 has been overwhelmingly positive.
In the fall I had an issue with the keyboard sticking, I took it in and they replaced the entire keyboard, battery, and TouchBar, no questions asked. Since then I have had zero issues.
When I was first diagnosed with lymphoma, my friend Jamie Gilgen rallied the cycling community and gathered enough money to buy me a much needed new phone! Amazing. I’m still in awe of all of the generosity I have received.
I have always thought of tablets as sort of a frivolous thing, useful, but also not really necessary. I don’t think that anymore. During my time sitting in chairs hooked up to IV pumps, I pulled the trigger and got an iPad. It was great! I could watch YouTube, do emails, play games, Facebook, all that good stuff so easily, without toting a 15’’ laptop everywhere. I also find the tablet incredibly useful as a writing tool, some of my fave apps:
- iA Writer: Awesome writing tool with Markdown support
- Working Copy: Great app for interacting with Git repos
- GoCoEdit: Great text editor for code and can SSH too
I’ve also used VMware Fusion for many years, it’s good. It works well, but it’s not free and I just don’t think it’s worth the cost given how good VirtualBox is these days. In the past I had all of my development environments in VMs managed with Vagrant. These days I’m using Docker.
Docker and Docker Compose make creating and running development environments a breeze. You also gain the advantage of being able to apply a lot of these learnings directly to a production environment. These days with Docker Desktop the performance and stability of Docker is satisfactory or beyond satisfactory for my needs. Shout-out to my lad Aanand, good friend and co-creator of Docker Compose!
Oh, text editors. I have used a number of editors over the years, you name it, if it’s somewhat popular, I’ve probably tried it. Notepad+ back in my Windows days, TextMate 1 and 2, Coda, Sublime Text 2 and 3, Atom, vim, MacVim, NeoVim, Spacemacs, and Visual Studio Code.
These days I do 80% of my coding and writing in Visual Studio Code, it works fantastically. The ecosystem of extensions is incredibly rich and diverse, and often very high quality too. It works great for any project I am working on, and VS Code Live is a godsend for pairing. It’s a very powerful programming environment and is also incredibly accessible to newcomers. It even works really well on Linux.
I really like the Material Dark theme, I’ve always preferred dark themes, I find them less fatiguing. I set a visible gutter to 80 columns and keep my code within that boundary. I use spaces for indentation, defaulting to 2 spaces. I’ll change that depending on the project, but that’s my default. I also enable show trailing white spaces. I use the Source Code Pro typeface at 15pt.
However you decide to store your source repositories, it’s super important to use some form of version control. When I started my career Subversion was the standard, around 2007-2008 I learned about Git and was sold on it immediately. I also really like GitHub, I have been using it since it launched and continue to be a satisfied customer.
For about 5 years now I have been using zsh as my shell, with the help of Oh-My-ZSH. I still really like it a lot. I had a brief time with Hyper a year or so ago and I liked it but it just wasn’t quite for me at the time. I look forward to seeing how it has progressed since then.
Installing command-line software on your host computer (directly on your laptop) can be a messy thing. Package managers like Homebrew attempt to solve this problem.
At a time I was just happy to get a server running my code! Over time, I saw shortcomings in my processes. Manually building servers, became manually provisioning VPSes on Linode and AWS EC2. That then became a step-by-step guide. Which then became a shell script, that then became a CLI tool for building and deploying shell scripts. That became a series of Ansible Playbooks (no longer maintained) for provisioning and configuring servers.
These days I still use Ansible, but not as often for configuring servers and development environments since I just use Docker for that. It’s a great tool for automating systems administrator tasks.
For running and installing Python, Ruby, and Node directly on my host machine, I use their respective version managers so that I can easily toggle between versions for different projects. I can also easily “implode” an environment and bring it back up if I need to. I prefer this method over installing specific versions of programming tools directly on my machine.
I use public key authentication exclusively for accessing remote systems.
I do not have an external monitor at the moment, I plan to get one in the future when I am able.
I have not included “tech stack” stuff here: programming languages, frameworks, libraries.