A [BC BREAK] means the update will break the project for many reasons:
- new mandatory configuration
- new dependencies
- class refactoring
[BC BREAK] The page bundle has now a dependency to the SonataNotificationBundle to run the snapshot task asynchronously.
Command changes :
app/console sonata:page:create-snapshots --site=all --mode=sync # default mode (BC) app/console sonata:page:create-snapshots --site=all --mode=async
[BC BREAK] prefix internal route to page_internal*, all internals routes must be renamed to include the correct prefix
SQL Update :
UPDATE `page__page` SET `route_name` = CONCAT('_page_internal_', route_name) WHERE url IS NULL AND route_name != 'cms_page' AND SUBSTR(route_name, 1, 14) <> '_page_internal' republish the snaphsot pages.
- Add SEO fields to Site and alter the SeoPage information
- [BC BREAK] DecoratorStrategy : Update regular expressions, regular expression separators are not fixed in the class.
- Add a twig global variable sonata_page (sonata_page.cmsmanager, sonata_page.siteavailables, sonata_page.currentsite)
- Add locale to Site model, if the locale is set an _locale attribute is set to the request and no site available for the current url, then the user is redirected to the default site a (ie, / => /en, if /en is the default)
[BC BREAK] Move cache and some block to the BlockBundle
Block names has been updated:
UPDATE `page__bloc` SET `type` = 'sonata.block.service.text' WHERE `type` = 'sonata.page.block.text'; UPDATE `page__bloc` SET `type` = 'sonata.block.service.action' WHERE `type` = 'sonata.page.block.action'; UPDATE `page__bloc` SET `type` = 'sonata.block.service.rss' WHERE `type` = 'sonata.page.block.rss'; republish the snaphsot pages.
[BC BREAK] Sonata\PageBundle\Block\BaseBlockService does not exist anymore.
use Sonata\BlockBundle\Block\BaseBlockService;
- [BC BREAK] Integrates the SeoBundle