DTBS: Dual-Teacher Bi-directional Self-training for Domain Adaptation in Nighttime Semantic Segmentation
- by Fanding Huang, Zihao Yao, and Wenhui Zhou
🔔 News:
- [2023-07-15] We are happy to announce that our paper was accepted at ECAI23.
For this project, we used python 3.8. We recommend setting up a new virtual environment:
python -m venv ~/venv/DTBS
source ~/venv/DTBS/bin/activate
In that environment, the requirements can be installed with:
pip install -r requirements.txt -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install mmcv-full==1.3.7 # requires the other packages to be installed first
All experiments were executed on a NVIDIA RTX 3090.
Cityscapes: Please, download leftImg8bit_trainvaltest.zip and
gt_trainvaltest.zip from here
and extract them to data/cityscapes
ACDC: Please, download rgb_anon_trainvaltest.zip and
gt_trainval.zip from here and
extract them to data/acdc
Dark Zurich : Please, download the Dark_Zurich_train_anon.zip
and Dark_Zurich_val_anon.zip from
here and extract it
to data/dark_zurich
Data Preprocessing: Finally, please run the following scripts to convert the label IDs to the train IDs and to generate the class index for RCS:
python tools/convert_datasets/cityscapes.py data/cityscapes --nproc 8
A training job of Cityscapes to ACDC night can be launched using:
python run_experiments.py --config configs/DTBS/cs2acdc_uda_warm_fdthings_rcs_croppl_a999_DTBS.py
Note download the MiT ImageNet weights (b3-b5) provided by SegFormer from OneDrive and put them in the folder pretrained/
More experiments in our paper (e.g. network architecture comparison,
component ablations, ...) are coming soon
Already as this point, the provided DTBS pretrained model in the checkpoint below which can be applied to a demo image:
python -m demo.image_demo demo/demo.png work_dirs/acdc/acdc_pretrained.json work_dirs/acdc/cs2acdc_latest.pth
python -m demo.image_demo demo/demo.png work_dirs/dark_zurich/dark_zurich_pretrained.json work_dirs/dark_zurich/cs2dark_latest.pth
For the test part of the various benchemarks, we follow the requirements of the ACDC as follows to inference about the test dataset
- Image dimensions of result files must be equal to input RGB image dimensions, i.e., 1920 x 1080.
- Labels must be encoded in trainIDs format, e.g., road should correspond to ID 0.
python -m demo.image_test data/acdc/rgb_anon/night/test work_dirs/acdc/acdc_pretrained.json work_dirs/acdc/cs2acdc_latest.pth
python -m demo.image_test data/acdc/rgb_anon/night/test work_dirs/dark_zurich/dark_zurich_pretrained.json work_dirs/dark_zurich/cs2dark_latest.pth
Note that data/acdc/rgb_anon/night/test
is the path for test datasets.
When judging the predictions, please keep in mind that DTBS had no access to real-world labels during the training.
Below, we provide checkpoints of DTBS for different benchmarks.
Place them in the following positions respectively:DTBS/work_dirs/acdc/
and DTBS/work_dirs/dark_zurich/
title={DTBS: Dual-Teacher Bi-Directional Self-Training for Domain Adaptation in Nighttime Semantic Segmentation},
author={Huanga, Fanding and Yaob, Zihao and Zhoua, Wenhui},