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File metadata and controls

124 lines (114 loc) · 4.95 KB


Field Description Type Value
Magic HiC magic string String HIC
Version Version number int 8
mIdxPos File position of master index
genomeId Genome identifier (e.g. hg19, mm9, etc) String
nAttributes Number of key-value pair attributes int
List of key-value pair attributes (n = nAttributes)
key String
value String
nChrs Number of chromosomes int
List of chromosome lengths (n = nChrs)
chrName Chromosome name String
chrLength Chromosome length int
nBpResolutions Number of base pair resolutions int
List of bin sizes for bp resolution levels (n = nBpResolutions)
resBP Bin size in base pairs int
nFragResolutions Number of fragment resolutions int
List of bin sizes for frag resolution levels (n = nFragResolutions)
resFrag Bin size in fragment units (1, 2, 5, etc) int
List of fragment sites per chromosome, in same order as chromosome list above (n = nChrs). This section absent if nFragResolutions == 0.)
nSites Number of sites for this chromosome int
List of sites (n = nSites)
site Site position in base pairs int


Field Description Type Value
The section below is repeated for each chr-chr combination
chr1Idx Chr 1 index int
chr2Idx Chr 2 index int
nResolutions Total number of resolutions, including base pair and fragment resolutions. int
Resolution headers (n = nResolutions)
unit Distance unit, base-pairs or fragments String FRAG : BP
resIdx Index number for this resolution level. int
sumCounts Sum of all counts (or scores) across all bins float
occupiedCellCount Total count of cells that are occupied int
percent90 Estimate of 90th percentile of counts among occupied bins
percent95 Estimate of 95th percentile of counts among occupied bins
binSize The bin size in base-pairs or fragments
Block index (n = nResolutions)
blockID Numeric id for block int
blockPosition File position of block long
blockSize Size of block in bytes
Resolution level data (n = nResolutions)
Block data (n = blockCount)
cellCount Number or cells in this block (sparse matrix) int
Cell data (n = cellCount)
binX X axis index int
binY Y axis index long
value Value (counts or score) float


Field Description Type Value
nBytesV5 Number of bytes for the “v5” footer, that is everything up to the normalized expected vectors int
Master index for “Matrix” records
nEntries Number of index entries int
List of index entries (n = nEntries)
key Key, constructed as _ String
position Position of start of matrix record in bytes long
size Size of matrix record in bytes int
Expected value vectors
nExpectedValueVectors Number of expected value vectors to follow. These are expected values from the non-normalized observed matrix. int
List of expected value vectors (n = nExpectedValueVectors)
binSize Bin (grid) size for this calculation int
unit Bin units either FRAG or BP. String FRAG : BP
nValues Size of the vector int
List of expected values (n = nValues)
value Expected value double
List of normalization factors (n = nChrScaleFactors)
chrIndex Chromosome index int
chrScaleFactor Chromosome scale factor double
nNormExpectedValueVectors Number of normalized expected value vectors to follow int
Type Indicates type of normalization String VC:KR:INTER_KR:INTER_VC:GW_KR:GW_VC
binSize Bin (grid) size for this calculation int
unit Bin units either FRAG or BP. String FRAG : BP
nValues Size of the vector int
List of expected values (n = nValues)
value Expected value double
List of normalization factors (n = nChrScaleFactors)
chrIndex Chromosome index int
chrScaleFactor Chromosome scale factor double
Normalization vector index
nNormVectors Number of normalization vectors int
List of normalization vectors (n= nNormalizationVectors)
type Indicates type of normalization String VC:KR:INTER_KR:INTER_VC:GW_KR:GW_VC
chrIdx Chromosome index int
unit Bin units either FRAG or BP. String FRAG : BP
binSize Resolution int
position File position of value array long
nBytes Size in bytes of value array int
Normalization vector arrays (repeat for each entry above)
nValues Number of values in array int
Normalization vector values (n= nValues)
value double
Attribute dictionary
nAttributes Number of attributes int
List of key-value pair attributes (n = nAttributes)
key String
value String