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PTB Mensa (Berlin) Menu

This python package parses the PTB Mensa's (in Berlin) menu and provides it as machine readable python structures.

The challenge here is, that the menu is only provided as an image, and therefore needs to be processed with OCR.


You can install the module directly with pip:

$ pip install git+

You can also clone and install the module:

$ git clone
$ cd ptb-mensa
$ pip install -e .


The acompanying cli can be used as follows:

$ ptb-mensa help
Unknown argument: help
  ptb-mensa [day|week]
    Prints the PTB mensa's menu of the day (default) or week.
$ ptb-mensa day
|                                                PTB Mensa Menu Mittwoch 21.09.2022                                                |
|        |             Vegan              |          Vegetarisch           |            Fleisch             |        Suppe         |
|   Menu |     Sellerieschnitzel mit      |         Pumpernickel-          |   Kalbleber Berliner Art mit   |  Brokkolicremesuppe  |
|        | Süßkartoffelpüree_ Gurkensalat |     Frischkäsebällchen auf     |   Apfel, Zwiebeln und Püree    |                      |
|        |      und Schwarzen Bohnen      |  Blaubeersoße, Kräuterbrot &   |                                |                      |
|        |                                |       Wildkräuter salat        |                                |                      |
|  Preis |             5,00 €             |             5,00 €             |             6,50 €             |  klein 2,80 € groß   |
|        |                                |                                |                                |        3,80 €        |
|  Extra |              None              |              G/AJ              |            G/Aa /€             |          V           |

But the module can also be used directly in python:

In [1]: import ptb_mensa

In [2]:
Out[2]: DayMenu(vegan=Menu(description='Sellerieschnitzel mit Süßkartoffelpüree_ Gurkensalat und Schwarzen Bohnen', price='5,00 €', extra=None), veggi=Menu(description='Pumpernickel-Frischkäsebällchen auf Blaubeersoße, Kräuterbrot & Wildkräuter salat', price='5,00 €', extra='G/AJ'), meat=Menu(description='Kalbleber Berliner Art mit Apfel, Zwiebeln und Püree', price='6,50 €', extra='G/Aa /€'), soup=Menu(description='Brokkolicremesuppe', price='klein 2,80 € groß 3,80 €', extra='V'))


I am not affiliated in any way with the PTB mensa!