In this guide, we will create a Relative Frequency Histogram - a type of graph that shows how often something happens in percentages that looks like this:
//The data is binned with first transform.
// The number of values per bin and the total number are calculated in the second and third transform
// Calculate the relative frequency in the last transformation step.
CustomChart {
fields {
field x_axis {
type: "dimension"
label: "dimension"
template: @vgl {
"data": {
"values": @{values}
"transform": [{
"bin": true, "field": @{}, "as": "bin_Horsepwoer"
}, {
"aggregate": [{"op": "count", "as": "Count"}],
"groupby": ["bin_Horsepwoer", "bin_Horsepwoer_end"]
}, {
"joinaggregate": [{"op": "sum", "field": "Count", "as": "TotalCount"}]
}, {
"calculate": "datum.Count/datum.TotalCount", "as": "PercentOfTotal"
"mark": {"type": "bar", "tooltip": true},
"encoding": {
"x": {
"title": @{},
"field": "bin_Horsepwoer",
"bin": {"binned": true}
"x2": {"field": "bin_Horsepwoer_end"},
"y": {
"title": "Frequency",
"field": "PercentOfTotal",
"type": "quantitative",
"axis": {
"format": ".1~%"
} ;;