diff --git a/data/organizer/calendar.tab b/data/organizer/calendar.tab
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fc335c54..000000000
--- a/data/organizer/calendar.tab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-1	2001.10.2	10:20	Test Event	Test	This is a test event to make sure data entry is working.
-2	2002.3.16	2:57 pm	test		
-3	2002.3.19	12:52 pm	test		
-4	2002.3.29	6:27 pm	test		
-5	2002.3.29	7:26 pm	test 2		
-6	2002.4.20	7 pm	Look at the stars		
-7	2002.5.6	10:20 PM	test it's now "time"		
-8	2002.5.6	10:19 PM	test hi there		
-9	2002.6.2	2 pm	David's Open House		
-10	2002.6.2	3 pm 	David's Open House		
-11	2002.6.2	4 pm 	David's Open House		
-12	2002.6.6	8 am	Pay Estimated Tax		
-13	2002.6.4		test		
-14	2002.6.8		Seep in		
-15	2002.6.6		Mow the lawn		
-16	2002.6.30	8:18 pm	test again		
-17	2002.10.12	1:15 pm		test1	
-18	2002.10.12	8 pm	test2		hi
-19	2005.1.18	9 pm	Chris radio show		http://www.thespacereport.com/
diff --git a/lib/mqtt.pm b/lib/mqtt.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1090cc5f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mqtt.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,1076 @@
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=begin comment
+    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
+    =head1 B<MQTT_Device>
+    Neil Cherry <ncherry@linuxha.com>
+    =head2 SYNOPSIS
+    A MQTT Interface and Item module for Misterhouse
+    =head2 DESCRIPTION
+    Misterhouse MQTT interface for use with any MQTT service
+    MQTT website: http://mqtt.org/
+    MQTT Test service: http//test.mosquitto.org/ (test.mosquitto.org port 1883)
+    mqtt.pm
+    This is the base interface class for Message Queue Telemetry Transport
+    (MQTT)
+    For more information about the MQTT protocol:
+        http://mqtt.org
+    Author(s):
+    Neil Cherry <ncherry@linuxha.com> 
+    Based loosely on the UPMPIM.pm and SqueezeCLI.pm code
+    - Jason Sharpee (UPB)
+    - Lieven Hollevoet (SqueezeCLI)
+    This free software is licensed under the terms of the GNU public license.
+    .mht file:
+        # MQTT stuff
+        CODE, require mqtt; #noloop
+        #
+        CODE, $mqtt_1 = new mqtt('mqtt_1', '', 1883, 'home/ha/#', "", "", 121);
+        CODE, $mqtt_2 = new mqtt('mqtt_2', 'test.mosquitto.org', 1883, 'home/test/#', "", "", 122);
+        CODE, $mqtt_3 = new mqtt('mqtt_3', '', 1883, 'home/network/#', "", "", 122); #noloop
+        #
+        CODE, $CR_Temp = new mqtt_Item($mqtt_1, "home/ha/text/x10/1");
+        CODE, $M2_Temp = new mqtt_Item($mqtt_2, "test.mosquitto.org/test/x10/1");
+        CODE, $M3_Temp = new mqtt_Item($mqtt_3, "home/network/test/x10/1");
+        #
+        CODE, $CR_Temp->set("On");
+        CODE, $M2_Temp->set("Off");
+        CODE, $M3_Temp->set("On");
+    and my mqtt.pl in my code dir:
+        #
+        if ($New_Minute and !($Minute % 30)) {
+            my $state = ('on' eq state $M2_Temp) ? 'off' : 'on';
+            set $M2_Temp $state;
+            my $remark = "M2 Light set to $state";
+            print_log "$remark";
+        }
+    CLI generation of a command to the CR_Temp
+        mosquitto_pub -d -h test.mosquitto.org -q 0 -t test.mosquitto.org/test/x10/1 -m "Off"
+Example initialization:
+    $myMQTT = new mqtt("MQTT",<host>,<port>,<topic>,<user>,<password>,<keepalive>);
+    - 
+    Special Thanks to:
+    Bruce Winter - MH
+    Jason Sharpee - MH UPB pkg
+    Lieven Hollevoet - SqueezeCLI.pm
+    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
+    =head2 B<Notes:>
+    The test.mosquitto.org server listens on ports 1883, 8883, 8884 and
+    8885. Port 1883 is the standard unencrypted MQTT port and can be used
+    with any MQTT client. Ports 8883 and 8884 use certificate based
+    SSL/TLS encryption (TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.0) and require client
+    support to connect.
+    Web sockets are not supported here in MH
+    Topics (examples)
+        #
+        ha/#
+        ha/house/livingroom/lamp
+        ha/weather/temp
+        ha/weather/windspeed
+    For now we'll use the wildcard. I'll think about a rewrite later without the
+    wild card support. I don't recommend using the '#' if the MQTT is test.mqtt.org
+    Rather pick something a bit more unique like /username/ha/# and play from there
+    Because of the wildcard it probably makes sense to support multiple mqtt
+    connections on 1 or more servers. This would allow for:
+        home/ha/x10/#
+        home/ha/z-wave/#
+        home/ha/zigbee/#
+    instead of:
+        home/#
+    or
+        #
+    Which could cover things like this:
+        home/email/...
+        home/statistics/...
+        offsite/...
+    and just about everything else on this server too. :-)
+    If you're using a home mqtt server then this might not be such as issue.
+    Give this command a try and see the amount of traffic generated:
+        mosquitto_sub -d -h test.mosquitto.org -t "#"
+    The intial device needs some kind of way to tell that it's still connected
+    to the MQTT server (MQTT Ping comes to mind).
+    =head2 INHERITS
+    B<NONE>
+    =head2 METHODS
+    =over
+    =item B<UnDoc>
+    =item B<ToDo>
+    There are a number of things that need to be done. There is a lack of error
+    checking and connectivity checks and restoration. I'm sure there are a huge
+    number of features that need to be added.
+    @FIXME: Topic handling needs work, if the same host:port is used the first
+            instance (same socket) is used but this causes issues and at
+            reconnect we need to resubscribe. There is no way to do that now
+            (we'll need to resubscribe all the same socket related subscriptions)
+    @FIXME: We're really not checking for ConnAck or SubAck.
+    @FIXME: there is no reconnect logic
+    @FIXME: No SSL
+    @FIXME: Lots of error checking needs to be done
+    @FIXME: Use of uninitialized value
+    @TODO:  Callbacks to handle decoding of the tiopic messages
+    @TODO:  Analog device and string device handling
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+use constant { TRUE => 1, FALSE => 0 };
+package mqtt;
+@mqtt::ISA = ('Generic_Item');
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Net::MQTT::Constants qw/:all/;
+use Net::MQTT::Message;
+use IO::Select;
+use IO::Socket::INET;
+use Time::HiRes;
+#use JSON qw( decode_json );     #
+use Data::Dumper;
+eval "use bytes";  # Not on all installs, so eval to avoid errors
+# Need to share this with the outside world
+my $buf     = '';
+my $msg_id  = 1;
+my %MQTT_Data;
+$main::Debug{mqtt} = 1;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub dump() {
+    &main::print_log("*** mqtt Dumper (MQTT_Data):\n" . Dumper(\%MQTT_Data) . "***");
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item <mqtt_reconnect()>
+Okay, I can see this is going to get complicated and require I do a rewrite of
+the subscription handling. When we reconnect we want to also resubscribe.
+Currently we can't do that.
+sub mqtt_reconnect() {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    ###
+    ### Do we need to do a clean up on the existing socket before we reconnect?
+    ### Will a close do that for us ?
+    ###
+    $$self{socket}->close();
+    &main::print_log("*** mqtt $$self{instance} mqtt_connect Socket ($$self{host}:$$self{port},$$self{keep_alive_timer}) ") if($main::Debug{mqtt}||1);
+    ### 1) open a socket (host, port and keepalive
+    my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $self->{host} . ':' . $self->{port},
+                                       Timeout  => $self->{keep_alive_timer}, );
+    # Can't use this at this time
+    # $socket = new main::Socket_Item(undef, undef, "$host:$port", $instance);
+    &main::print_log("*** mqtt $$self{instance} Socket check #1 ($$self{keep_alive_timer}) [ $! ]: " . ($self->isConnected() ? "Connected" : "Failed")) if($main::Debug{mqtt});
+    return if(!defined($socket));
+    $self->{socket}            = $socket;
+    $self->{got_ping_response} = 1;
+    $self->{next_ping}         = $self->{keep_alive_timer};
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ### 2) Send MQTT_CONNECT
+    $self->send_mqtt_msg(message_type => MQTT_CONNECT, keep_alive_timer => $self->{keep_alive_timer}, user_name => $self->{user_name}, password => $self->{password});
+    ### 3) Check for ACK or fail
+    &main::print_log("*** mqtt $$self{instance} Socket check #2 ($$self{keep_alive_timer}) [ $! ]: " . ($self->isConnected() ? "Connected" : "Failed")) if($main::Debug{mqtt});
+    my $msg = read_mqtt_msg_timeout($self, $buf);
+    if(!$msg) {
+	&main::print_log ("XXX mqtt $$self{instance} No ConnAck ");
+        #exit 1;
+	return;
+    }
+    # We should actually get a SubAck but who is checking (yes, I know I should)
+    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance} Received: " . $msg->string) if ($main::Debug{mqtt});
+    ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ###
+    ### Here is where we need to make the changes to support multiple
+    ### subscriptions.
+    ###
+    ### 4) Send a subscribe '#' (we'll have many of these, one for each device)
+    ###    I don't know if this is a good idea or not but that's what I intend to do for now
+    $self->send_mqtt_msg(message_type => MQTT_SUBSCRIBE,
+			 message_id => $msg_id++,
+			 topics => [ map { [ $_ => MQTT_QOS_AT_MOST_ONCE ] } $self->{topic} ]);
+    ### 5) Check for ACK or fail
+    ###    we really should check for a SubAck and that it's the correct SubAck
+    $msg = $self->read_mqtt_msg_timeout($buf) or &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance} Received: ". "No SubAck");
+    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance} Sub 1 Received: " .  "$$msg{string}") if($main::Debug{mqtt});
+    ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ### 6) check for data
+    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance} Initializing MQTT re_connection ...") if($main::Debug{mqtt});
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item <mqtt_connect()>
+sub mqtt_connect() {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    &main::print_log("*** mqtt mqtt_connect Socket ($$self{host}:$$self{port},$$self{keep_alive_timer}) ") if($main::Debug{mqtt}||1);
+    ### 1) open a socket (host, port and keepalive
+    my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $self->{host} . ':' . $self->{port},
+                                       Timeout  => $self->{keep_alive_timer}, );
+    # Can't use this at this time
+    # $socket = new main::Socket_Item(undef, undef, "$host:$port", $instance);
+    return if(!defined($socket));
+    $self->{socket}            = $socket;
+    $self->{got_ping_response} = 1;
+    $self->{next_ping}         = $self->{keep_alive_timer};
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ### 2) Send MQTT_CONNECT
+    $self->send_mqtt_msg(message_type => MQTT_CONNECT, keep_alive_timer => $self->{keep_alive_timer}, , user_name => $self->{user_name}, password => $self->{password});
+    ### 3) Check for ACK or fail
+    &main::print_log("*** mqtt Socket check ($$self{keep_alive_timer}) [ $! ]: " . ($self->isConnected() ? "Connected" : "Failed")) if($main::Debug{mqtt});
+    my $msg = read_mqtt_msg_timeout($self, $buf);
+    if(!$msg) {
+	&main::print_log ("XXX mqtt $$self{instance} No ConnAck ");
+        #exit 1;
+	return;
+    }
+    # We should actually get a SubAck but who is checking (yes, I know I should)
+    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance} Received: " . $msg->string) if ($main::Debug{mqtt});
+    ### 4) Send a subscribe '#' (we'll have many of these, one for each device)
+    ###    I don't know if this is a good idea or not but that's what I intend to do for now
+    $self->send_mqtt_msg(message_type => MQTT_SUBSCRIBE,
+			 message_id => $msg_id++,
+			 topics => [ map { [ $_ => MQTT_QOS_AT_MOST_ONCE ] } $self->{topic} ]);
+    ### 5) Check for ACK or fail
+    $msg = $self->read_mqtt_msg_timeout($buf) or &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance} Received: " . "No SubAck");
+    if($main::Debug{mqtt}) {
+	my $s = defined($$msg{string}) ? "($$msg{string})" : '(--No $$msg{string}--)';
+	###
+	### IF we're not getting $$msg{string} then what are we getting ?
+	###
+	&main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance} Sub 1 Received: " .  "$s"); # @FIXME: Use of uninitialized value
+    }
+    ### 6) check for data
+    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance} Initializing MQTT connection ...") if($main::Debug{mqtt});
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<isConnected()>
+sub isConnected {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return $$self{socket}->connected;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<isNotConnected()>
+sub isNotConnected {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return !$$self{socket}->connected;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<new()>
+    Used to send commands to the interface.
+sub new {
+    my ($class, $instance, $host, $port, $topic, $user, $password, $keep_alive_timer) = @_;
+    my $self = {};
+    # If we have already created a socket and have an existing instance then
+    # return the existing instance. MQTT doesn't like having 2 sockets to the
+    # same server and will close the old socket.
+    # But what should I do about the new topic. I'll need to subscribe to the
+    # topic before returning the existing instance
+    foreach my $inst (keys %MQTT_Data) {
+	if("$MQTT_Data{$inst}{self}{host}" eq "$host") {
+	    if("$MQTT_Data{$inst}{self}{port}" eq "$port") {
+		# subscribe to the topic if it doesn't already exist
+		if("$MQTT_Data{$inst}{self}{topic}" ne "$topic") {
+		    # Old, existing instace with the same host and port info
+		    $self = $MQTT_Data{$inst}{self};
+		    # Subscribe to the new topic
+		    send_mqtt_msg($self, message_type => MQTT_SUBSCRIBE,
+				  message_id => $msg_id++,
+				  topics => [ map { [ $_ => MQTT_QOS_AT_MOST_ONCE ] } $topic ]);
+		    ### 5) Check for ACK or fail
+		    $buf = '';
+		    my $msg = read_mqtt_msg($self, $buf) or &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance} Received: ". "No SubAck");
+		    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $inst Sub 2 Received: " .  $msg->string) if($main::Debug{mqtt});
+		}
+		# This is the little messages that appear when MH starts
+		&main::print_log ("*** Reusing $inst (instead of $instance) on $host:$port $topic");
+		###
+		### Ran into an issue doing it this way, it renames the object to the last
+		### object name it encounters :(
+		### I guess what I need to to create a new object but copy everything from the
+		### previous one
+		###
+		return $MQTT_Data{$inst}{self};
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    # This is the little messages that appear when MH starts
+    &main::print_log ("*** Creating $instance on $host:$port $topic");;
+    $$self{state}            = 'off';
+    $$self{said}             = '';
+    $$self{state_now}        = 'off';
+    @{$$self{command_stack}} = ();
+    $$self{instance}         = $instance;
+    $$self{host}             = "$host"           || "";
+    $$self{port}             = $port             || 1883;
+    # Use the wildcard here, not in the mqtt_Item
+    $$self{topic}            = "$topic"          || "home/ha/#";
+    # Currently not used
+    $$self{user_name}        = "$user"           || "";
+    # Currently not used
+    $$self{password}         = "$password"       || "";
+    $$self{keep_alive_timer} = $keep_alive_timer || 120;
+    #
+    $$self{next_ping}         = 0;
+    $$self{got_ping_response} = 1; # We really don't use this (yet)
+    bless $self, $class;
+    $self->set_states("off","on");
+    $MQTT_Data{$instance}{self} = $self;
+    if($main::Debug{mqtt}) {
+	&main::print_log("*** Opening MQTT ($instance) connection to $$self{host}/$$self{port}/$$self{topic}");
+	&main::print_log("*** Host       = $$self{host}");
+	&main::print_log("*** Port       = $$self{port}");
+	&main::print_log("*** Topic      = $$self{topic}");
+	&main::print_log("*** User       = $$self{user_name}");
+	&main::print_log("*** Password   = $$self{password}");
+	&main::print_log("*** Keep Alive = $$self{keep_alive_timer}");
+    }
+    ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    $self->mqtt_connect();
+    &main::print_log("\n***\n*** Hmm, this is not good!, can't find myself\n***\n") unless $self;
+    return unless $self;
+    # Hey what happens when we fail ?
+    #$MQTT_Data{$instance}{self} = $self;
+    if (1 == scalar(keys %MQTT_Data)) {  # Add hooks on first call only
+	&main::print_log ("*** mqtt added MQTT check_for_data ...");
+	&::MainLoop_pre_add_hook(\&mqtt::check_for_data, 1);
+    } else {
+	#&main::print_log ("*** mqtt already added MQTT poll ..." . scalar(keys %MQTT_Data) );
+	#&main::print_log ("*** mqtt already added MQTT poll ... but that's okay" );
+	#exit 1;
+    }
+    $self->set('on', $self);
+    return $self;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handle device I/O: Read and write messages on the bus
+=item C<check_for_data()>
+    Called at the start of every loop. This checks for new data.
+my @outqueue = (); # Queue of messages to be sent
+sub check_for_data {
+    foreach my $inst (keys %MQTT_Data) {
+	my $self = $MQTT_Data{$inst}{self};
+	### MQTT stuff below
+	# Check for connectivity
+	if($self->isNotConnected()) {
+	    ###
+	    ### This needs a lot of work
+	    ###
+	    ### @FIXME: failed connection
+	    if('off' ne $self->{state}) {
+		# First say something
+		&main::print_log ("*** mqtt $inst failed ($$self{host}/$$self{port}/$$self{topic})");
+		# Then do something (reconnect)
+		# check the state to see if it's off already
+=begin comment
+03/29/15 11:17:47 AM *** mqtt mqtt_4 failed (m11.cloudmqtt.com/15050/home/network/#)
+03/29/15 11:17:47 AM *** mqtt mqtt set mqtt_4: [(off), undefined set_by, $mqtt_4]
+03/29/15 11:17:47 AM *** mqtt mqtt set mqtt_4: isa mqtt
+		$self->set('off', $self);
+	    }
+	    # Skip if we're not connected
+	    next ;
+	}
+	# This one doesn't block
+	my $msg = read_mqtt_msg($self, $buf);
+	### -[ Input ]----------------------------------------------------------
+	if ($msg) {
+	    ###
+	    ### Okay this is the hard part
+	    ### For now I'm only worried about data that fits into 1 read
+	    ###
+	    ### I've got a message, I think it has
+	    ###     $msg->topic
+	    ###     $msg->message
+	    ### I need to map this into the user device
+	    ### the top is the address, the message the value
+	    ###
+	    if ($msg->message_type == MQTT_PUBLISH) {
+		###
+		### Someone published something, deal with it
+		###
+		if ($main::Debug{mqtt}) {
+		    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $inst check_for_data rcv'd: T:" . $msg->topic, ", M:", $msg->message);
+		    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $inst check_for_data rcv'd: S:" . $msg->string . ",");
+		}
+		###
+		### So we want the topic and the message
+		### $msg->topic   = address or identifier of the device
+		### $msg->message = is the value of the device
+		###
+		### We also need the instance to know who set the obj
+		###
+		$self->parse_data_to_obj($msg, $inst, $self);
+	    } elsif ($msg->message_type == MQTT_PINGRESP) {
+		$$self{got_ping_response} = 1;
+		&main::print_log ("*** mqtt $inst check_for_data Ping rcvd: " . $msg->string) if ($main::Debug{mqtt});
+	    } else {
+		# "$msg->string"
+		# Net::MQTT::Message::SubAck=HASH(0x2da94e0)->string
+		&main::print_log ("*** mqtt $inst check_for_data Received: " . $msg->string) if ($main::Debug{mqtt});
+	    }
+	}
+	### -[ Output ]---------------------------------------------------------
+=begin comment
+	# This is where we need to check for outgoing
+	# I think we're writing directly at the moment, So I probably won't need
+	# this. Not sure which is better
+	if ($#outqueue >= 0) {
+	    my $mref = shift @outqueue;
+	    ###
+	    ### Okay this is the other hard part
+	    ### 
+	    #send_mqtt_msg($mref));
+	    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $inst check_for_data send_mqtt_msg $mref ") if ($main::Debug{mqtt});
+	}
+	### -[ Ping ]-----------------------------------------------------------
+	###
+	### We need to deal with the mqtt ping for each socket, not 1 ping for all
+	###
+	# Ping check
+	if (Time::HiRes::time > $$self{next_ping}) {
+	    ###
+	    ### We've exceeded the ping time
+	    ###
+	    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $inst read_mqtt_msg Ping Response timeout.") unless ($$self{got_ping_response});
+	    ###
+	    ### This has confused me, I'm not certain if I should put it back in or not
+	    ### I'll need to sit down a put together a state table and review this
+	    ###
+	    # return unless ($$self{got_ping_response});
+	    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $inst read_mqtt_msg Ping Request") if ($main::Debug{mqtt});
+	    send_mqtt_msg($self, message_type => MQTT_PINGREQ);
+	    $$self{got_ping_response} = 0;
+	}
+    } # End of foreach $socket
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<(send_mqtt_msg)>
+sub send_mqtt_msg {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $msg = Net::MQTT::Message->new(@_);
+    $msg = $msg->bytes;
+    # syswrite ?
+    syswrite $$self{socket}, $msg, length $msg;
+    # Reset the next_ping timer (we sent something so we don't need another ping
+    # until now+keep_alive_timer
+    $$self{next_ping} = Time::HiRes::time + $$self{keep_alive_timer};
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<read_mqtt_msg()>
+sub read_mqtt_msg {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $select  = IO::Select->new($$self{socket});
+    my $timeout = $$self{next_ping} - Time::HiRes::time;
+    do {
+	###
+	### I really need to sit down and figure this out
+	### 
+	my $mqtt = Net::MQTT::Message->new_from_bytes($_[0], 1);
+	#
+	# I am a little confused by this
+	#
+	return $mqtt if (defined $mqtt);
+	### very short wait
+	### Return if there is no data
+	$select->can_read(0.1) || return;
+	#
+	$timeout  = $$self{next_ping} - Time::HiRes::time;
+	# can return undef (error) or 0 bytes (eof)
+	my $bytes = sysread $$self{socket}, $_[0], 2048, length $_[0];
+	# We get no bytes if there is an error or the socket has closed
+	unless ($bytes) {
+	    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance}: read_mqtt_msg Socket closed " . (defined $bytes ? 'gracefully ' : "with error [ $! ]"));
+	    # Not a permanent solution just a way to keep debugging
+	    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt deleting $$self{instance}\n" . Dumper(\$self)) if ($main::Debug{mqtt});
+	    delete($MQTT_Data{$$self{instance}});
+	    return;
+	}
+    } while ($timeout > 0);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<read_mqtt_msg_timeout()>
+sub read_mqtt_msg_timeout {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $select  = IO::Select->new($$self{socket});
+    my $timeout = $$self{next_ping} - Time::HiRes::time;
+    do {
+	my $mqtt = Net::MQTT::Message->new_from_bytes($_[0], 1);
+	return $mqtt if (defined $mqtt);
+	###
+	### This is where it waits (blocking)
+	###
+	$select->can_read($timeout) || return;
+	#
+	$timeout  = $$self{next_ping} - Time::HiRes::time;
+	# can return undef (error) or 0 bytes (eof)
+	my $bytes = sysread $$self{socket}, $_[0], 2048, length $_[0];
+	# We get no bytes if there is an error or the socket has closed
+	unless ($bytes) {
+	    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance}: read_mqtt_msg Socket closed " . (defined $bytes ? 'gracefully ' : "with error [ $! ]"));
+	    # Not a permanent solution just a way to keep debugging
+	    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt deleting $$self{instance}\n" . Dumper(\$self)) if ($main::Debug{mqtt});
+	    delete($MQTT_Data{$$self{instance}});
+	    return;
+	}
+    } while ($timeout > 0);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<set()>
+sub set {
+    my ($self, $msg, $set_by) = @_;
+    if($main::Debug{mqtt} || 1) {
+	my $xStr = defined($msg) ? "($msg)" : "undefined message";
+	$xStr   .= defined($set_by) ? ", ($set_by)" : ", undefined set_by";
+	$xStr   .= ", Obj: " . defined($$self{object_name}) ? ", $$self{object_name}" : ", undefined object_name"; # @FIXME: Use of uninitialized value
+	&main::print_log ("*** mqtt mqtt set $$self{instance}: [$xStr]");
+	&main::print_log ($self->isa('mqtt') ? "*** mqtt mqtt set $$self{instance}: isa mqtt" : "*** mqtt mqtt set $$self{instance}: is nota mqtt");
+    }
+    return unless($msg);
+    if($self->isa('mqtt')) {
+	# I really want to use this to allow the user to manually
+	# connect and disconnect the socket
+	#
+	$self->SUPER::set($msg, $set_by) if defined $msg;
+    } else {
+	###
+	### Okay here is the hard part
+	### I need the instance socket, the obj's topic and message
+	### in order to send the message
+	###
+	$$self{instance}->pub_msg(message_type => MQTT_PUBLISH,
+				  retain       => $$self{retain},
+				  topic        => $$self{topic},
+				  message      => $msg);
+    }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<(pub_msg())>
+### We're writing direct but that's okay as it's not like we're waiting on a
+### serial port where things can really get backed up (Hmm, are we blocking on
+### a write?)
+sub pub_msg {
+    my $self = shift;
+    # Check for connectivity
+    if($self->isNotConnected()) {
+	# First say something
+	&main::print_log ("*** mqtt $$self{instance} failed ($$self{host}/$$self{port}/$$self{topic})");
+	# Then do something (reconnect)
+	# Skip if we're not connected
+	return ;
+    }
+    $self->send_mqtt_msg(@_);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<(add)>
+sub add {
+    my ($self, @p_objects) = @_;
+    my @l_objects;
+    for my $l_object (@p_objects) {
+	if ($l_object->isa('Group_Item') ) {
+	    @l_objects = $$l_object{members};
+	    for my $obj (@l_objects) {
+		$self->add($obj);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    $self->add_item($l_object);
+	}
+    }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<(add_item)>
+sub add_item {
+    my ($self, $p_object) = @_;
+    push @{$$self{objects}}, $p_object;
+    return $p_object;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<(remove_all_items)>
+sub remove_all_items {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    &main::print_log ("*** mqtt mqtt remove_all_items()");
+=begin comment
+    if (ref $$self{objects}) {
+	foreach (@{$$self{objects}}) {
+	    #        $_->untie_items($self);
+	}
+    }
+    delete $self->{objects};
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<(add_item_if_not_present)>
+sub add_item_if_not_present {
+    my ($self, $p_object) = @_;
+    if (ref $$self{objects}) {
+	foreach (@{$$self{objects}}) {
+	    if ($_ eq $p_object) {
+		return 0;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    $self->add_item($p_object);
+    return 1;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<(remove_item)>
+sub remove_item {
+    my ($self, $p_object) = @_;
+    if (ref $$self{objects}) {
+	for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$$self{objects}}); $i++) {
+	    if ($$self{objects}->[$i] eq $p_object) {
+		splice @{$$self{objects}}, $i, 1;
+		#           $p_object->untie_items($self);
+		return 1;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+=item C<parse_data_to_obj()>
+    Take the data and parse it to the MH obj()
+    $msg = bless( {
+                    'topic' => 'home/ha/test/x10/1',
+                    'remaining' => '',
+                    'retain' => 1,
+                    'dup' => 0,
+                    'message_type' => 3,
+                    'qos' => 0,
+                    'message' => 'deprecated also'
+                  },
+                 'Net::MQTT::Message::Publish'
+              );
+sub parse_data_to_obj {
+    my ($self, $msg, $p_setby) = @_;
+    #
+    for my $obj (@{$$self{objects}}) {
+	if("$$obj{topic}" eq "$$msg{topic}") {
+	    $obj->set($$msg{message}, $self,);
+	} else {
+	    #&main::print_log ("***mqtt mqtt obj ($$obj{topic}) vs ($$msg{topic})");
+	}
+    }
+=begin comment
+# -[ Fini - mqtt ]--------------------------------------------------------------
+package mqtt_Item;
+use strict;
+use Net::MQTT::Constants qw/:all/;
+use Data::Dumper;
+@mqtt_Item::ISA = ( 'Generic_Item', "mqtt" );
+=item C<new(name, interface, topic, retain, qos)>
+    Creates a MQTT Item/object. The following parameter are required:
+    =over
+    =item name: the 'friendly' name of the squeezebox in squeezecenter. This parameter is used to link this object to the correct status messages in the CLI interface of squeezecenter
+    =item interface: the object that is the CLI interface to assign this player to.
+    =back
+    The following parameters are optional
+    =over
+    =item amplifier: the object that needs to be enabled and disabled together with the squeezebox
+    =item auto_off_time: the time (in minutes) the squeezebox and the optional attached amplifier should be turned off after a playlist has ended
+    =item preheat_time: the time (in seconds) the amplifier should be turned on before a notification is played if the amplifier is off. This enables the amplifier to turn on and enable the speakers before the notification is played.
+    =back
+    $msg = bless( { 'topic' => 'home/ha/test/x10/1',
+    'remaining' => '',
+    'retain' => 1,
+    'dup' => 0,
+    'message_type' => 3,
+    'qos' => 0,
+    'message' => 'deprecated also'
+    'Net::MQTT::Message::Publish'
+    );
+sub new {
+    my ( $class, $instance, $topic, $qos, $retain ) = @_;
+    my $self = new Generic_Item();
+    bless $self, $class;
+    $self->interface($instance) if defined $instance;
+    $$self{topic}     = $topic;
+    $$self{message}   = '';
+    $$self{retain}    = $retain || 0;
+    $$self{QOS}       = $qos || 0;
+    $$self{instance}->add($self);
+    # We may need flags to deal with XML, JSON or Text
+    return $self;
+=item C<interface(name, interface, topic, retain, qos)>
+sub interface {
+    my ($self,$p_instance) = @_;
+    $$self{instance} = $p_instance if defined $p_instance;
+    return $$self{instance};
+=item C<set(name, interface, topic, retain, qos)>
+sub set {
+    my ($self, $msg, $p_setby, $p_response) = @_;
+    # prevent reciprocal sets that can occur because of this method's state
+    # propogation
+    # FIXME: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /home/njc/dev/mh/bin/../lib/mqtt.pm line 752
+    #return if (ref $p_setby and $p_setby->can('get_set_by') and
+    #	       $p_setby->{set_by} eq $self);
+    if (defined($p_setby) && $p_setby eq $self->interface()) {
+	###
+	### Incoming (MQTT to MH)
+	###
+	&::print_log("*** mqtt mqtt_Item nom to MQTT to MH " . $self->get_object_name() . "::set($msg, $p_setby)") if $main::Debug{mqtt};
+    } else {
+	###
+	### Outgoing (MH to MQTT)
+	###
+	if($main::Debug{mqtt}) {
+	    if(defined($self->get_object_name())) {
+		&::print_log("*** mqtt mqtt_Item nom to MH to MQTT (" . $self->get_object_name() . ') no p_setby ::set($msg, $p_setby)');
+	    } else {
+		&::print_log('*** mqtt mqtt_Item nom to MH to MQTT () no p_setby ::set($msg, $p_setby)');
+	    }
+	}
+	###
+	### I need the instance socket, the obj's topic and message
+	### in order to send the message
+	###
+	$$self{instance}->pub_msg(message_type => MQTT_PUBLISH,
+				  retain       => $$self{retain},
+				  topic        => $$self{topic},
+				  message      => $msg);
+    }
+    $self->SUPER::set($msg, $p_setby,$p_response) if defined $msg;
+# -[ Fini - mqtt_Item ]---------------------------------------------------------
+# -[ Fini ]---------------------------------------------------------------------
+=begin comment
+The set_by has me currently puzzled, I'm not sure of it's purpose
+The state, state_now and said aren't exactly helping much either ;-)
+03/24/15 10:19:49 AM *** mqtt mqtt set mqtt_1: [(on), (web [])]
+03/24/15 10:19:49 AM *** mqtt mqtt set mqtt_1:
+$VAR1 = \bless( {
+                   'states' => [
+                                 'off',
+                                 'on'
+                               ],
+                   'state_now' => '',
+                   'state' => '',
+                   'objects' => [
+                                  bless( {
+                                           'legacy_target' => undef,
+                                           'tied_objects' => {},
+                                           'states' => [
+                                                         'off',
+                                                         'on'
+                                                       ],
+                                           'QOS' => 0,
+                                           'state_changed' => undef,
+                                           'set_by' => undef,
+                                           'state_prev' => 'x1xon',
+                                           'set_time' => '1427120068',
+                                           'state_now' => undef,
+                                           'state' => 'x1xon',
+                                           'target' => '',
+                                           'setby_next_pass' => [],
+                                           'state_next_pass' => [],
+                                           'state_log' => [
+                                                            '03/20/15 02:51:04 PM x1xon set_by=$mqtt_3',
+                                                            '03/20/15 01:15:50 PM x1xon set_by=$mqtt_1',
+                                                            '03/20/15 01:15:00 PM x1xon set_by=$mqtt_1',
+                                                            '03/20/15 01:01:35 PM on set_by=$mqtt_1',
+                                                          ],
+                                           'category' => 'Other',
+                                           'topic' => 'home/ha/text/x10/1',
+                                           'said' => undef,
+                                           'retain' => 0,
+                                           'tied_events' => {},
+                                           'change_pass' => 1,
+                                           'target_next_pass' => [],
+                                           'instance' => ${$VAR1},
+                                           'message' => '',
+                                           'filename' => 'CapeCod_table',
+                                           'object_name' => '$CR_Temp'
+                                         }, 'mqtt_Item' ),
+                                  bless( {
+                                           'legacy_target' => undef,
+                                           'tied_objects' => {},
+                                           'states' => [
+                                                         'off',
+                                                         'on'
+                                                       ],
+                                           'QOS' => 0,
+                                           'state_changed' => undef,
+                                           'set_by' => ${$VAR1},
+                                           'state_prev' => 'x1xon',
+                                           'set_time' => 1427206784,
+                                           'state_now' => undef,
+                                           'state' => 'x1xon',
+                                           'target' => '',
+                                           'setby_next_pass' => [],
+                                           'state_next_pass' => [],
+                                           'state_log' => [
+                                                            '03/24/15 10:19:44 AM x1xon set_by=$mqtt_3',
+                                                            '03/24/15 10:18:08 AM x1xon set_by=$mqtt_3',
+                                                            '03/24/15 10:15:54 AM x1xon set_by=$mqtt_3',
+                                                            '03/24/15 10:12:59 AM x1xon set_by=$mqtt_3',
+                                                            '03/24/15 10:10:10 AM x1xon set_by=$mqtt_3',
+                                                            '03/24/15 08:22:51 AM x1xon set_by=$mqtt_3',
+                                                            '03/23/15 11:08:48 AM x1xon set_by=$mqtt_3',
+                                                            '03/20/15 02:51:02 PM x1xon set_by='
+                                                          ],
+                                           'category' => 'Other',
+                                           'topic' => 'home/network/test/x10/1',
+                                           'said' => undef,
+                                           'retain' => 0,
+                                           'tied_events' => {},
+                                           'change_pass' => 9,
+                                           'target_next_pass' => [],
+                                           'instance' => ${$VAR1},
+                                           'message' => '',
+                                           'filename' => 'CapeCod_table',
+                                           'object_name' => '$M3_Temp'
+                                         }, 'mqtt_Item' )
+                                ],
+                   'command_stack' => [],
+                   'category' => 'Other',
+                   'topic' => 'home/ha/#',
+                   'got_ping_response' => 1,
+                   'said' => '',
+                   'instance' => 'mqtt_1',
+                   'port' => 1883,
+                   'keep_alive_timer' => 121,
+                   'host' => '',
+                   'socket' => bless( \*Symbol::GEN6, 'IO::Socket::INET' ),
+                   'filename' => 'CapeCod_table',
+                   'next_ping' => '1427206904.98476',
+                   'object_name' => '$mqtt_3'
+                 }, 'mqtt' );