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Deploy ELK Stack using Ansible

Link to Medium Article

Before you run the ansible scripts

  1. Make sure the variables set in ./group_vars are correctly defined.
  2. Sensitive variables below have to exist as environment variables within the shell running the script. (You can create a .bashrc file and do a source .bashrc in your cloned repo and export these variables first.)
    1. DOCKER_PW

To edit the filebeat/elk config files

# relative to working dir ./roles
+-- elk
|   +-- files
|   |   +-- elasticsearch   # edit config files + docker files here
|   |   +-- logstash        # edit config files + docker files here
|   |   +-- kibana          # edit config files + docker files here
+-- filebeat      # this is for docker versions > 1.7.1, and docker-compose versions > 1.5.1
|   +-- files     # edit config files + docker files here

For Filebeat

To build filebeat docker images and push to repo

ansible-playbook build-image.yml -t build-fb -i ./hosts -u <user>

To deploy filebeat to DEV CI QA servers

ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t deploy-fb -i ./hosts -u <user>

To update filebeat to DEV CI QA servers

ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t update-fb-conf -i ./hosts -u <user>

For 2-Node Elasticsearch in ELK

To build ELK docker images and push to repo

ansible-playbook build-image.yml -t build-elk -i ./hosts -u <user>

To deploy ELK containers to logging server

ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t deploy-elk -i ./hosts -u <user>

To update ELK configuration files to logging server

ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t update-elk-conf -i ./hosts -u <user>

To setup ELK curators config files to logging server

ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t setup-curator -i ./hosts -u <user>

To update ELK curators config files to logging server

ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t update-curator -i ./hosts -u <user>