A library used by Housing Apps to read SMS on Android Platform
$ npm install @housing/react-native-sms-retriever --save
$ react-native link @housing/react-native-sms-retriever
- Open up
- Add
import com.smsRetriever.reactnative.RNSmsRetrieverPackage;
to the imports at the top of the file - Add
new RNSmsRetrieverPackage()
to the list returned by thegetPackages()
- Append the following lines to
:include ':@housing/react-native-sms-retriever' project(':@housing/react-native-sms-retriever').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/@housing/react-native-sms-retriever/android')
- Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in
:implementation project(':@housing/react-native-sms-retriever')
import { HintPicker } from '@housing/react-native-sms-retriever';
import { OtpRetrieval } from '@housing/react-native-sms-retriever';
//Usage for hint Picker
async requestHint() {
try {
let phoneNumber = await HintPickerModule.requestHint()
//phoneNumber is the number User selected
} catch (exception) {
//Usage for SmsRetriever
// The library is wrapped inside a component which is a generic text input.It retrieves and populates the OTP in the text input.
onAutoReadComplete={this.onAutoReadComplete} // callback which returns the retrieved otp back to the app in argument
refCallback={this.setOTPRef} // callback which gives the ref of the Generic TextInput in the library.We set the ref to access functions of Generic TextInput
position={otpPosition} // specifies the position of OTP in the text message that user gets while OTP Verification
onErrorOccured={this.onErrorOccured} // A callback that gives any error occured during OTP Retrieval.
// To handle reset, the ref that is set in refCallback must call onResendClicked.
// Pass onChangeText as props to the library to handle the case when the user enters OTP manually.