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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
342 lines (292 loc) · 11.8 KB

Behaviour Customization


You could customize ChronicleMap behaviour on several levels:

  • ChronicleMapBuilder.entryOperations() define the "inner" listening level. All operations with entries, either during ordinary map method calls, remote calls, replication or modifications during iteration over the map, operate using this configured SPI.

  • ChronicleMapBuilder.mapMethods() is the higher-level of listening for local calls of Map methods. Methods in the MapMethods interface correspond to Map interface methods with the same names, and define their implementations for ChronicleMap.

  • ChronicleMapBuilder.remoteOperations() is for listening and customizing behaviour of remote calls, and replication events.

All executions around ChronicleMap go through all three tiers, or just the last two):

  1. Query tier: MapQueryContext interface

  2. Entry tier: MapEntry and MapAbsentEntry interfaces

  3. Data tier: Data interface

MapMethods and MapRemoteOperations methods accept query context; SPI is above the Query tier.

MapEntryOperations methods accept MapEntry or MapAbsentEntry; SPI is between Query and Entry tiers.

When combined, interception SPI interfaces and the ChronicleMap.queryContext() API are powerful enough to:

  • Log all operations of some kind on ChronicleMap (for example, all remove, insert, or update operations).

  • Log some specific operations on ChronicleMap (for example, log only acquireUsing() calls, which has created a new entry).

  • Inhibit operations of some kind on the ChronicleMap instance.

  • Backup all changes to ChronicleMap to some alternative storage; for example, an SQL database.

  • Perform multi-Chronicle Map operations correctly in concurrent environment, by acquiring locks on all ChronicleMaps, before updating them.

  • Perform multi-key operations on a single ChronicleMap correctly in a concurrent environment, by acquiring locks on all keys before updating the entries.

  • Define your own replication/reconciliation logic for distributed Chronicle Maps.

  • Dump statistics of the Chronicle Map instance; each segment’s load, size in bytes of each entry, etc.

Example - Simple logging

To log all modification operations on ChronicleMap:

class SimpleLoggingMapEntryOperations<K, V> implements MapEntryOperations<K, V, Void> {

    private static final SimpleLoggingMapEntryOperations INSTANCE =
            new SimpleLoggingMapEntryOperations();

    public static <K, V> MapEntryOperations<K, V, Void> simpleLoggingMapEntryOperations() {
        return SimpleLoggingMapEntryOperations.INSTANCE;

    private SimpleLoggingMapEntryOperations() {}

    public Void remove(@NotNull MapEntry<K, V> entry) {
        System.out.println("remove " + entry.key() + ": " + entry.value());
        return null;

    public Void replaceValue(@NotNull MapEntry<K, V> entry, Data<V, ?> newValue) {
        System.out.println("replace " + entry.key() + ": " + entry.value() + " -> " + newValue);
        return null;

    public Void insert(@NotNull MapAbsentEntry<K, V> absentEntry, Data<V, ?> value) {
        System.out.println("insert " + absentEntry.absentKey() + " -> " + value);
        return null;


ChronicleMap<IntValue, IntValue> map = ChronicleMap
        .of(Integer.class, IntValue.class)

// do anything with the map

Example - BiMap

Possible bi-directional map (that is, a map that preserves the uniqueness of its values, as well as that of its keys) implementation over Chronicle Maps.

enum DualLockSuccess {SUCCESS, FAIL}
class BiMapMethods<K, V> implements MapMethods<K, V, DualLockSuccess> {
    public void remove(MapQueryContext<K, V, DualLockSuccess> q, ReturnValue<V> returnValue) {
        while (true) {
            try {
                MapEntry<K, V> entry = q.entry();
                if (entry != null) {
                    if (q.remove(entry) == SUCCESS)
            } finally {

    public void put(MapQueryContext<K, V, DualLockSuccess> q, Data<V, ?> value,
                    ReturnValue<V> returnValue) {
        while (true) {
            try {
                MapEntry<K, V> entry = q.entry();
                if (entry != null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException();
                } else {
                    if (q.insert(q.absentEntry(), value) == SUCCESS)
            } finally {

    public void putIfAbsent(MapQueryContext<K, V, DualLockSuccess> q, Data<V, ?> value,
                            ReturnValue<V> returnValue) {
        while (true) {
            try {
                if (q.readLock().tryLock()) {
                    MapEntry<?, V> entry = q.entry();
                    if (entry != null) {
                    // Key is absent
                MapEntry<?, V> entry = q.entry();
                if (entry != null) {
                // Key is absent
                if (q.insert(q.absentEntry(), value) == SUCCESS)
            } finally {

    public boolean remove(MapQueryContext<K, V, DualLockSuccess> q, Data<V, ?> value) {
        while (true) {
            MapEntry<K, V> entry = q.entry();
            try {
                if (entry != null && bytesEquivalent(entry.value(), value)) {
                    if (q.remove(entry) == SUCCESS) {
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        //noinspection UnnecessaryContinue
                } else {
                    return false;
            } finally {

    public void acquireUsing(MapQueryContext<K, V, DualLockSuccess> q,
                             ReturnValue<V> returnValue) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void replace(MapQueryContext<K, V, DualLockSuccess> q, Data<V, ?> value,
                        ReturnValue<V> returnValue) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public boolean replace(MapQueryContext<K, V, DualLockSuccess> q, Data<V, ?> oldValue,
                           Data<V, ?> newValue) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void compute(MapQueryContext<K, V, DualLockSuccess> q,
                        BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction,
                        ReturnValue<V> returnValue) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void merge(MapQueryContext<K, V, DualLockSuccess> q, Data<V, ?> value,
                      BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction,
                      ReturnValue<V> returnValue) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
class BiMapEntryOperations<K, V> implements MapEntryOperations<K, V, DualLockSuccess> {
    ChronicleMap<V, K> reverse;

    public void setReverse(ChronicleMap<V, K> reverse) {
        this.reverse = reverse;

    public DualLockSuccess remove(@NotNull MapEntry<K, V> entry) {
        try (ExternalMapQueryContext<V, K, ?> rq = reverse.queryContext(entry.value())) {
            if (!rq.updateLock().tryLock()) {
                if (entry.context() instanceof MapQueryContext)
                    return FAIL;
                throw new IllegalStateException("Concurrent modifications to reverse map " +
                        "during remove during iteration");
            MapEntry<V, K> reverseEntry = rq.entry();
            if (reverseEntry != null) {
                return SUCCESS;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException(entry.key() + " maps to " + entry.value() +
                        ", but in the reverse map this value is absent");

    public DualLockSuccess replaceValue(@NotNull MapEntry<K, V> entry, Data<V, ?> newValue) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public DualLockSuccess insert(@NotNull MapAbsentEntry<K, V> absentEntry,
                                  Data<V, ?> value) {
        try (ExternalMapQueryContext<V, K, ?> rq = reverse.queryContext(value)) {
            if (!rq.updateLock().tryLock())
                return FAIL;
            MapAbsentEntry<V, K> reverseAbsentEntry = rq.absentEntry();
            if (reverseAbsentEntry != null) {
                return SUCCESS;
            } else {
                Data<K, ?> reverseKey = rq.entry().value();
                if (reverseKey.equals(absentEntry.absentKey())) {
                    // recover
                    return SUCCESS;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Try to associate " +
                        absentEntry.absentKey() + " with " + value + ", but in the reverse " +
                        "map this value already maps to " + reverseKey);


BiMapEntryOperations<Integer, CharSequence> biMapOps1 = new BiMapEntryOperations<>();
ChronicleMap<Integer, CharSequence> map1 = ChronicleMapBuilder
        .of(Integer.class, CharSequence.class)
        .mapMethods(new BiMapMethods<>())

BiMapEntryOperations<CharSequence, Integer> biMapOps2 = new BiMapEntryOperations<>();
ChronicleMap<CharSequence, Integer> map2 = ChronicleMapBuilder
        .of(CharSequence.class, Integer.class)
        .mapMethods(new BiMapMethods<>())


map1.put(1, "1");

Example - Monitor Chronicle Map Statistics

    public static <K, V> void printMapStats(ChronicleMap<K, V> map) {
        for (int i = 0; i < map.segments(); i++) {
            try (MapSegmentContext<K, V, ?> c = map.segmentContext(i)) {
                System.out.printf("segment %d contains %d entries\n", i, c.size());
                c.forEachSegmentEntry(e -> System.out.printf("%s, %d bytes -> %s, %d bytes\n",
                        e.key(), e.key().size(), e.value(), e.value().size()));