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The Raft lab

This is a series of labs on a key/value storage system built with the Raft consensus algorithm. These labs are derived from the lab2:raft and lab3:kvraft from the famous MIT 6.824 course but rewritten in Rust. The following text material is also very influenced by the text material there.

In these labs your will first implement the raft consensus algorithm in the lab2:raft, and then build a key/value service in the lab3:kvraft.

Raft is a consensus algorithm that is designed to be easy to understand.You can read material about the Raft itself at the Raft site, including the extended Raft paper, an interactive visualization of the Raft, and other resource. Those material should be helpful for you to complete this lab.

Getting started

First, please clone this repository with git to get the source code of the labs.

Then, make sure you have rustup install, and override toolchain for this folder to nightly with rustup override set nightly . Also, to make things simpler you should have make installed.

Now you can run make test_others to check that things are going right. You should see all tests passed.

(If you are a Windows user, you may have to figure out how to use make on Windows, or type the commands from the makefile in the console manually, or just use the Windows Subsystem for Linux)

The lab2: Raft

In this lab you will implement the Raft consensus algorithm. This lab has 3 parts named with 2A, 2B and 2C.

To run all the test in this lab, run make test_2. Please run the tests multiple times to mak sure your are not passing the tests just by luck.

To run just a single test, run make cargo_test_<insert test name here>.

The code structure

All your codes in this lab should be in the src/raft/ and src/raft/

The src/raft/ file should contains your main implementation of Raft. The tester (and your key/value server in lab3) will call methods in this file to use your Raft module.

A service calls Raft::new to create a Raft peer, and then calls Node::new to start the Raft peer. The Node::get_state, Node::is_leader and Node::term will be called to get the current term of the node and whether it thinks it is leader.

The Node::start will be called when the server need to append the command into the log. Node::start should returns immediately without waiting for the log appends to complete. A channel (apply_ch) is passed into Raft::new and you should send a ApplyMsg to the channel for each newly committed log entry.

Your implements should use the provided labrpc crate to exchange RPCs. The labrpc use channels to simulate sockets internally. This makes it easy to test your code under challenging network conditions. Your definition of the RPCs should in src/raft/ and you should implement the RPC server in impl RaftService for Node. A set of RPC clients (peers) is pass into Raft::new for you to send RPCs to other nodes.

Part 2A

In this part you should implement the leader election and heartbeats (AppendEntries RPCs without log entries). You should make a single leader to be elected, make leader to remain leader when there are no failures, and have a new leader when old leader fails or packets to/from old leader is lost.

To run all the test in this lab, run make test_2a.

Here are some hints on this part:

  • Add any state you need to the Raft struct.
  • The request_vote RPC is already defined, you just need to fill the RequestVoteArgs and RequestVoteReply struct. The lab use labcodec crate to encode and decode messages in RPC, which internally use the prost external crate. See the prost document to know how to define structs that is used as messages with #[Derive(Message)] and #[prost(...)].
  • You need to define the append_entries RPC by yourself. labrpc use a labrpc::service! macro to define RPC service and generate server and client traits from your definition. There is an example in labrpc/examples/ which may help you to define new RPCs.
  • This lab use things from the futures external crate heavily like the channels and the Future trait. Read things about futures here.
  • You need to make your code take actions periodically or after delays in time. You can use lots of threads and call std::thread::sleep (doc), but you can also use the futures_timer::Delay and other utilities from the futures-timer external crate (doc).
  • Don't forget that you need to make sure that the election timeouts in different peers don't always fire at the same time, or else all peers will vote only for themselves and no one will become the leader. You can generate random numbers using the rand external crate (doc).
  • The tester limits the frequency of RPC calls to 10 times per second for each pair of sender and receiver. Please do not just send RPCs repeatedly without wait for a timeout.
  • The tester requires your Raft to elect a new leader within five seconds of the failure of the old leader (if a majority of peers can still communicate). However, leader election may require multiple rounds in case of a split vote (which can happen if packets are lost or if candidates unluckily choose the same random backoff times). You must pick election timeouts (and thus heartbeat intervals) that are short enough that it's very likely that an election will complete in less than five seconds even if it requires multiple rounds.
  • But also, since the tester limits the frequency of RPC calls, your election timeout should not be too small, and larger than the 150~300 milliseconds in the paper's Section 5.2. Choose the values wisely.
  • In Rust we lock data instead of code. Think carefully about what data should be in the same lock.
  • The Figure 2 in the Raft paper is useful when you are in trouble passing the test.
  • It's useful to debug by printing log messages. We use the external log crate (doc) to print logs in different levels. you can configure the log level and scope by set LOG_LEVEL environment variable like LOG_LEVEL=labs6824=debug make test_2a. This feature is provided by the env_logger external crate (doc), read it's documentation for syntax of the log level. Also, you can collect the output in a file by redirecting the output to a file like make test_2a 2>test.log

Part 2B

In this part you should implement the log replication. You should implement the Node::Start method, complete the rest fields in the append_entries RPC and send them, and advance commit_index at leader.

To run all the test in this lab, run make test_2b. You can try to pass the test_basic_agree_2b test first.

Here are some hints on this part:

  • Don't forget election restriction, see section 5.4.1 in the Raft paper.
  • Every server commit new entries independently by write to apply_ch in the correct order. apply_ch is a UnboundedSender which will buffering the messages until out of memory, so it is not that easy to create deadlocks as the original go version.
  • Give yourself enough time to rewrite your implementation because only after writing a first implementation will you realize how to organize your code cleanly.
  • The test_count_2b requires your number of RPCs to be not too much when there is no failure. So you should optimize the number of RPCs to the minimum.
  • You may need to write code that waits for certain events to occur. In that case you can just use channels and wait on it.

Part 2C

In this part you should implement persistence by first adding code that saves and restores persistent state to Persister, like in Raft::persist and Raft::restore using labcodec. You also need to determine what and when to persist, and call Raft::restore in Raft::new.

To run all the test in this lab, run make test_2b. You can try to pass the test_persist1_2c test first.

Here are some hints on this part:

  • The usage of labcodec is covered in the hints of part 2A.
  • This part also introduce various challenging test that involving servers failing and the network losing RPC requests or replies. Check your implementation carefully to find bugs that only present in this situation.
  • In order to pass some of the challenging tests towards the end, such as those marked "unreliable", you will need to implement the optimization to allow a follower to back up the leader's nextIndex by more than one entry at a time. See the description in the Raft paper starting at the bottom of page 7 and top of page 8 (marked by a gray line). However, the paper do not have many details on this. You will need to fill in the gaps, perhaps with the help of this 6.824 Raft lectures.

The lab3: KvRaft

In this lab you will build a fault-tolerant key-value storage service using the Raft module in lab 2. This lab has 2 parts named with 3A and 3B.

To run all the test in this lab, run make test_3. Please run the tests multiple times to mak sure your are not passing the tests just by luck.

To run just a single test, run make cargo_test_<insert test name here>.

The code structure

All your codes in this lab should be in the src/kvraft/, src/kvraft/ and src/kvraft/ The file name explains what they are. Also, you need to modify the files you touched in lab2:raft.

Part 3A

In this part you should first implement a solution that works when there are no dropped messages, and no failed servers. Your service must ensure that get(...) and put_append(...) are linearizable.

That means, completed application calls to the methods on the Clerk struct in src/kvraft/ must appear to all clients to have affected the service in the same linear order, even in there are failures and leader changes. A Clerk::Get that starts after a completed Clerk::Put or Clerk::Append should see the value written by the most recent Clerk::Put or Clerk::Append in the linear order. Completed calls should have exactly-once semantics.

A reasonable plan of implementation should be:

  • Client send RPC request in the src/kvraft/
  • Enter the operation from client into the Raft log by raft::Node::start in the RPC handler of KvServer
  • Execute the operation when the raft log committed, and then reply to RPC

After implement that you should pass the basic one client test, run make cargo_test_basic_3a to check it.

Here are some hints on this part:

  • You should receive commit message from Raft by apply_ch at the same time you receives RPC.
  • If a leader has called Raft::start for a Clerk's RPC, but loses its leadership before the request is committed to the log, you should make the client to re-send the RPC request to other servers until it finds the new leader. You can detect this by check things received from apply_ch.
  • The Clerk client should remember who is the last leader, and try the last leader first. This will avoid wasting time searching for the leader on every RPC.
  • The server should not complete a get RPC if it is not part of a majority and do not has up-to-date data. You can just put the get operation into the log, or implement the optimization for read-only operations that is described in Section 8 in the Raft paper.
  • Think how to use lock at the beginning.

Then, you should deal with duplicate client requests, including situations where the client sends a request to a server leader in one term, times out waiting for a reply, and re-sends the request to a new leader in another term. The request should always execute just once.

After this you should pass all tests in this part. To run all the test in this lab, run make test_3a.

Here are some hints on this part:

  • You will need to uniquely identify client operations to ensure that the key/ value service executes each one just once.
  • Your scheme for duplicate detection should free server memory quickly, like using a hashtable for and only for uncommitted logs.

Part 3B

In your current implementation, a rebooting server replays the complete Raft log in order to restore its state. However, it's not practical for a long-running server to remember the complete Raft log forever.

Instead, you'll modify Raft and kvserver to cooperate to save space: from time to time kvserver will persistently store a "snapshot" of its current state, and Raft will discard log entries that precede the snapshot. When a server restarts (or falls far behind the leader and must catch up), the server first installs a snapshot and then replays log entries from after the point at which the snapshot was created. Section 7 of the Raft paper outlines the scheme; you will have to design the details.

The tester passes a maxraftstate to the KvServer::new indicating the maximum allowed size of your persistent Raft state in bytes (including the log, but not including snapshots). You should check the size of Raft state and when Raft state size is approaching this threshold, it should save a snapshot, and tell the Raft library that it has snapshotted, so that Raft can discard old log entries. The maxraftstate is a Option<usize> and you do not have to snapshot when it is None.

First you should modify the Raft implement to accept a compaction request and discard entries before the given index, and continue operating while storing only log entries after that index. The tests from lab2:raft should still pass.

Then you should modify the kvserver so that it can hands snapshots to Raft and request compaction when Raft state grows too large. The snapshots should be saved in raft::Persister

Here are some hints on this part:

  • You are allowed to add methods to your Raft so that kvserver can manage the process of trimming the Raft log and manage kvserver snapshots.
  • You can test your Raft and kvserver's ability to operate with a trimmed log, and its ability to re-start from the combination of a kvserver snapshot and persisted Raft state, by running the Lab 3A tests while overriding maxraftstate to Some(1).
  • Think about what should be in the snapshot. You should save new snapshot and restore latest snapshot with raft::Persister.
  • Uncommitted logs can also in snapshots, so your kvserver must still be able to detect duplicated operations under this situation.

After that, you should define the install_snapshot RPC and the leader should send this RPC when the leader has discarded the log entries the follower needs. When a follower receives an install_snapshot RPC, it should send the snapshot to kvserver (maybe in apply_ch).

After this you should pass all tests in this part. To run all the test in this lab, run make test_3b.

Here are some hints on this part:

  • You do not need to send the snapshots in multiple RPCs. Just send the entire snapshot in a single install_snapshot RPC and that should be enough for this lab.
  • You can try test_snapshot_rpc_3b first