Starter Wordpress theme template, made by H.H. for
- style enqueuing: normalize.css, style.css, icomoon.css
- script enqueuing: hh_parallax.js(register only), main.js
- Google fonts enqueuing
Basic index.php
Template header.php with mobile menu and appropriate css styles
Template home.php and single-post.php with appropriate css styles
Basic footer.php
- theme.php:
- Set custom query var, for pages logic
- Set posts per page
- Filter for category and taxonomy template
- Basic excerpt filter
- Tinymce buttons: font-size and text align justify
- Register 2 nav menus and sidebars
- Add some settings to customizer
- Widgets: Main widget with logic, empty widgets_sc for widget shortcodes
- Template Walker nav
- Template Shortcodes(including styles):
- Main separator
- Main button
- Loop posts
- Loop blog posts
- theme.php: