- fix incbin and windows compatibility
- add windows serial port
- https://cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2017-December/066768.html
- split library, so that only necessary parts need to be linked or can be copied
- print used keys
- functions to change keys afterwards
- allow to trigger keys from the code
- some default / common used hotkeys
- maybe add a imgui window?
- allow to specify dependencies for "loadOne" method to handle bigger composite resources
- add some geometric primitives
- add a rendering animated sprites
- add 2d particle systems
- add 2d lighting and shadows
- add tilemaps
- add multisprites
- 2d collision detection and physics
- add double / triple buffering helper
- better + safer handling of uniforms for shaders
- add networking capabilities
- timer set for profiling apps
- jason and/or xml and easy serializing
- util for handling general settings
- tests
- profiling / visual profiling tools
- improvements to the log (lock-free-queue, more sinks with better format, different depths for messages)
- support for different ogl versions / have a manager to check for versions and extensions
- maybe add an openGL state / context wrapper?
- add texture compression and anisotropic filtering
- some spline support
- add text rendering
- add a proper 3d scene renderer
- more other graphics related features
- better floating point comparism modes
- add macros or constexpr functions for bit manipulation
for motivation, all finished todo entries are moved here instead of being deleted
--- v0.14.2 -- 19.09.2022
- fix compiling with cuda 11.7
--- v0.14.1 -- 18.09.2022
- remove unfinished code from build
--- v0.14.0 -- 18.09.2022
- change behavior of timer::update() to make it easier to use
- fix bug where wrong imgui font size is loaded
- fix bug where window hint was ignored
- add command line argument parser
- clean up string utils and add some new functionality
- add linux serial port and serial port stream
- change to MIT license
- re-add basic OpenGL tutorials / examples
- use C++17 and CUDA 11
--- v0.13.0 -- 22.02.2021
- better cuda includes and remove clion helper (clion has native support now)
- remove the high resolution clock versions of timers
- add thread pool (external library)
- resources for 2d sprites and images
- add font awesome icons to imgui
- add imgui windows for resource manager, performance, style selection and the logger
- some new imgui helper functions
- add simple imgui popups for messages
- add "texture to imgui" helper functions
- allow inputs to be set active / inactive, also add callbacks to custom modifiers
- add resource manager, can load resources asynchronously and cache them
- add remap function to math helper
- rename incbin resource to embedded data
- replace cfg file handler with toml11
- add entt as external dependency
- add image class for image loading, storing, and manipulation
- add CallbackHandler for all classes that provide callbacks
- add state machine class
- various improvements for 2D rendering and interactivity
- better sprite rendering
- add 2d camera
- fix window class const correctness
- fix bugs in string utils
--- v0.12.1 -- 25.04.2020
- fix bugs in opengl buffer
- add cuda memory transfer helper functions
- various bugs fixed in the new cuda memory management
- add compare operators to cuda helper math
- fix bugs in cuda vectors
--- v0.12.0 -- 20.12.2019
- add wrapper to map a openGL buffer to cuda
- add cuda device vector
- add access functions to buffer (mirroring std::vector)
- add vector reference to access vectors managing gpu memory from the gpu
- add allocators for using managed and pinned memory in std vectors
- add missing references to third party software
- make openGL buffer copyable
- addBlockStrideRange for cuda utils
- various bux fixes (camera, texture, buffer, ...)
--- v0.11.1 --- 21.10.2019
- various bug fixes including the vertexArrayObject
--- v0.11.0 --- 15.10.2019
- add new hybrid (trackball/fps) camera
- add imgui loading animations
- add tinyfiledialogs
- add 2d transform
- add wrapper for sync object
- rewrite / improve / repair opengl wrapper
- fix shader asserts
- remove handle class since it does not make sense
- better openGL error checking
- shader defines are automatically added depending on current shader stage
- remove all old or unusable graphics functions