The UDP API provides a low-overhead interface that allows clients with strict data bandwidth requirements (e.g. cellular data) to send data to the One Platform. This API uses a simple UDP packet that encapsulates both identification information and data payload. If you're completely new to Exosite's APIs, you may want to read the API overview first.
This document uses the following notational conventions:
- A name in angle brackets, e.g.
, is a placeholder that you must define.
This interface can be accessed on Port 18494 via
Port: 18494
Data being sent from the client device is sent over a UDP socket. An Exosite client identification key and one or more alias (resource) names es & s are included as the body of the UDP packet.
Multiple client resource values can be written in the body of a single UDP packet, each client resource is listed by its resource alias name, ‘=’, and it’s value. For example "1=453" or "temp=74.3". To separate each resource the ‘&’ symbol is used.
Content format:
cik=<CIK>&<alias 1>=<value 1>&<alias 2...>=<value 2...>&<alias n>=<value n>
Response Format:
None - no server responses are sent.
The following example updates the alias "temperature" with a value of "22" for CIK fff51d1a260b4b258fefffd9a9313c433e419fff using the netcat command from the command line:
$ echo "cik=fff51d1a260b4b258fefffd9a9313c433e419fff&temperature=22" | nc -w 1 -u 18494
Our Github Exosite Garage Projects have a number of examples of using this interface. For instance:
- Python - Write Example (Socket level code, useful reference for any code base)