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111 lines (74 loc) · 2.73 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (74 loc) · 2.73 KB


The (u)TorrentSorter Automates the logic of sorting downloaded torrents.

What it sorts

It sorts practically every known type like movies, music, games, tv shows, mvid, mdvdr, xxx and so on, by title, genre, year, group, cast, studio, labels etc. It will only create symlinks to your actual data and not copy them

Can i add types?

You can easily add new types in the script.

Does it handle Nukes?

Yes, If enabled the script can check if the rls is a nuke, then handle that by removing it or renaming it with the nuke reason.


PARAMETERS -DIR This is the DirName of the torrentParameter sent from the Client

-TEST_NUKE <Object>
    Want to test for nukes? Will add nuke reason (if any) to symlink

    If the rls is a nuke, remove it and exit?

    Want to sort by Movie/DVDR/by_genre, /Movie/Xvid/by_genre ?

-UNPACK <Object>
    Want to automatically unpack the rls?

-BASE_DIR <Object>
    Set the basedir for sorting

-WINRAR <Object>
    Specify the winrar path

    Set prefix for sorting folder


###ADD THIS in your torrentclient

> powershell.exe C:\path\to\torrentSorter.ps1 -DIR '%D'

###To get more information about the PARAMS

> powershell get-help .\path\to\torrentSorter.ps1 -detailed


bin\mklnk.exe (included)


winRAR (not included)

uTorrent (not included) 	


mklnk is Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Ross Smith II ( All Rights Reserved
taglib-sharp.dll is Copyright (c)



So, almost everybody run Windows 7 or Vista these days. If you do, Powershell is inlcuded and to test that you have it installed, open a command promt run -> cmd) and type

powershell $psversiontable


C:\Windows\System32>powershell $psversiontable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      2.0

So, if this works, and PSVersion = 2.0 we are good to go.


Type> Get-ExecutionPolicy
Output> Restricted

If the output says Restricted, it means that the default value is still set. Change this by doing

Type> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Read more here:


####Goto ####scroll to Windows Management Framework Core (WinRM 2.0 and Windows PowerShell 2.0) Download for your windows version ####Install ###OR: Do a system update. It should be included.

