- Fixed compilation with MAKEFLAGS environment variable set to -jn, when n > 1.
- Parse and use database username from rails database.yml file.
- Don't mess with terminal with a database connection error happen at startup.
- Better guess database driver in rails config files.
- Compilation fixes for newer Crystal compiler version.
- Fixed compilation problems with TextUI.
- Fixed compilation with Crystal 0.35.
- Compile our own version of libtermibox and static link to it, so there's no need to install termbox anymore.
- Updated dependencies and fix warning to compile with Crystal 0.34.
- Few UI fixes from TextUi shard.
- Added mouse support to query editor and database list.
- You can focus query editor, database list and results view with a mouse click.
- Do not show garbage on screen in some ocasions when viewing a table result cell.
- Fix SQL beautifier doing weird things like transforming "counter" into "COUNTer".
- Do not highlight SQL comments inside strings.
- Highlight numbers on SQL editor.
- Added undo/redo to query editor!
- Fix results box title not being highlighted when focused.
- Fix garbage on database list when resizing on certain occasions.
- Do not crash if the terminal width/height is too tiny.
- TextUI module (code used to render the UI) moved to its own shard.
- Do not print a stacktrace when passing a invalid parameter.
- Save last used query in the same place for postgres://host/db and postgresql://host/db.
- Do not print ANSI escape sequences when pressing CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT ARROW.
- Consider ALT key on shortcuts.
- Syntax highlighting!!
- When query editor focused, CTRL+L clear editor.
- When query editor focused, CTRL+/ comment/uncomment lines.
- Show query excetuion time and number of rows in result set.
- Page up/down can be used to scroll results table.
- Page up/down can be used on query editor.
- Query editor is now scrollable.
- Adjust selected item on viewport on database list widget.
- Do not re-render list widget on each key press.
- New fancy border box style.
- Render focused boxes with different colors.
- Cycle focus on TAB key.
- Show full result value when ENTER key is pressed on results table.
- Save editor contents per database URI at exit.
- Show EXPLAIN queries as a text in result box.
- Improved query editor: Show line numbers, has word wrap and a decent cursor navigation.
- SQL beautifier implemented, still not perfect, but helps!
- User version_from_shard v1.0.0.
- Detect Amber project configuration.
- Show SQL errors on results table instead of the status bar.
- SQLite3 databases now works.
- Results table navigation should work.
- Let the SQL editor empty at start.
- First release, only basic things working but still useful.
- Support for SQLite and MySQL is there, but never tested.
- Postgres is the only one tested for now.