+82)10-0000-0000 | [email protected] | github.com/hyun-park | linkedin.com/in/jhyunpark
A skilled, user obsessed and enthusiastic business and software engineering student with extensive experience developing successful software services, participating in global hackathons and founding a startup. Now seeking professional advancement in a business-software role for a cutting-edge organization that produces software products which will impact lots of users.
Sogang University | Seoul, Korea Double major in Business and Computer Science
- Business
- Principles of Economics 1/2, Financial Management, Production Management, Creativity and innovation
- Computer Science
- Advanced Internet Programming, Advanced Software, Introduction to Conversational User Interfaces
Coursera | Johns Hopkins University Online Course
- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developers, Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS, Rails with Active Record and Action Pack, Ruby on Rails Web Services, and Integration with MongoDB
- Programming Language
- JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Java, R
- Front-end Development
- Angular, jQuery, Bootstrap, Material Design
- Back-end Development
- Ruby on Rails, Node.js (Express), Spring, Flask, SQL, MongoDB
- Tools
- GitHub, AWS, Heroku, Firebase, RabbitMQ
Apr 2018 - Oct 2018 (Expected)
[HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Backbone JS, Github, JIRA]
- Developing B2B CRM cloud solution software's front-end.
- Developed an efficient way of pulling real-time chatting.
- Implemented basic concepts of PWA. (Browser notification)
- Implemented outstanding data table design through exclusive UX research.
Dec 2017 - Feb 2018
[Ruby on Rails, Nginx, Python, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap]
- Prototyped Web Standard Common Download Manager for every download service in Naver Corp.
- Performed extensive research on Web API, Network, and Compression and documented findings in GitHub Wiki.
- Learned coding convention, style, modularization, and documenting through frequent mentoring.
July 2018 - Aug 2018
[Facebook Messenger API, NodeJS, User Research (Survey), Sketch (UX Flow), Keynote (Demo Video)]
- Developed a Facebook chatbot for global users that are interested in foreign countries.
- Worked as part of a team of three developers
- Responsible for project managing, user research, designing UX flow, developing prototype and demo video.
- DevPost Link - http://bit.ly/bebridge
Dec 2017 - Mar 2018
[NodeJS, Express, GCP App Engine, Firebase Realtime Database, Firebase Cloud Messaging]
- Developed a notification service for Ripple cryptocurrency real-time price.
- Worked as part of a team of two developers and two designers.
- Responsible for project managing (ideation, UX flow etc.) and developing NodeJS REST API server.
- Behance Link - http://bit.ly/rijonttak
Jul 2017 – Aug 2017
Improved engineering and communication skills by participating in hackathons in Seattle and Silicon Valley
Future Me (Technical Lead) – AngelHack at Seattle
[Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, AWS Rekognition API, Heroku]
- Worked with a designer to develop an image recognition-based fitness web application.
- Used Ruby on Rails framework and Heroku deployment for rapid prototyping.
Dorbom (Front-end Developer) – Trueface.ai San Francisco Hackathon
[Flask, JavaScript, HTML5 Webcam Recorder, Heroku]
- Worked with a senior developer to develop a face recognition web application that provides insights into a baby’s mood.
- Used HTML5 Webcam Recorder and JavaScript to transmit images of a baby’s face to a Flask server on a real-time basis.
- Selected as Honorable Mentions in the hackathon.
May 2017 – Aug 2017
[Ruby on Rails5(REST API), Nginx, MongoDB, FCM, RabbitMQ, JWT]
- A machine learning mobile application that predicts success probability of couple matching.
- Worked as part of a team of four developers. Responsible for developing Rest API server that connects clients with ML Server.
- Used JWT for user authentication, FCM for push notification, and RabbitMQ for message queueing.
- Fully participated from idea conception through to UX design and machine learning modeling.
- Android App - https://goo.gl/4EXnF3 | iOS App - https://goo.gl/JV47Tw
Jan 2018
[NodeJS, SocketIO, MySQL, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, ejs, Naver Clova Speech Recognition API]
- Developed a Web Prompter that helps speakers by showing the scripts handled by voice recognition mobile application.
- Responsible for developing front-end UI and connecting server with sockets for real-time communication.
- Awarded 1st prize in Hackathon Sponsored by Microsoft, AWS, Naver, etc.
Jul 2016 – Jan 2017
[Ruby on Rails, Python, Selenium, Materialize Design]
- Founded Internet news curation service for soldiers in KATC (Korea Army Training Center).
- Worked with a designer, marketer, and two content curators.
- Responsible for developing website, sales, marketing, customer service, and team leading.
- Secured over 200 paid users; however, KATC blocked us from sending news.
Jan 2017 – Dec 2017
[HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails]
- Worked as a tutor for a nonprofit web programming education organization.
- Awarded 1st Prize in Unithon (University Association Hackathon) | Jan 2018
- Awarded Popularity Prize in 2nd Sogang University Hackathon Competition | Dec 2017
- Awarded Honorable Mentions in Trueface.ai San Francisco Hackathon | Aug 2017
- Awarded Bronze Prize in Star V-Up Challenge 2016 | Nov 2016