- Update to PostCSS 6
- Remove Node 0.12 support
3.0.1 - 2017-02-07 - Better splitting of filters functions and trim colors (fix #14)
- Export as a PostCSS plugin. Now returns a LazyResult instance instead of processed css.
- Update to PostCSS 5
- Avoid drop-shadow spread to throw an error, and keep as-is
- Added: upgrade to postcss v4.x
- Added: travis CI
- Fixed: npm "No repository field" warning
- Added: color functions support for drop-shadow filter. Now support rgb, rgba, hsl and hsla (#3)
- Added: upgrade to postcss v3.x
- Fixed: charset issue
- Added: Create SVG blur filter, even with unit-less 0
- Changed: Don't add filters if they're already presents
✨ Initial release