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SONiC Syslog Source IP

High Level Design document

Table of contents


Rev Date Author Description
0.1 18/04/2022 Nazarii Hnydyn Initial version

About this manual

This document provides general information about Syslog Source IP implementation in SONiC


This document describes the high level design of Syslog Source IP feature in SONiC

In scope:

  1. Syslog Source IP configuration for UDP protocol

Out of scope:

  1. Syslog Source IP configuration for TCP protocol


Term Meaning
SONiC Software for Open Networking in the Cloud
SSIP Syslog Source IP
IP Internet Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
DB Database
VRF Virtual Routing and Forwarding
OMFWD Syslog Forwarding Output Module
CLI Сommand-line Interface
YANG Yet Another Next Generation
VS Virtual Switch
PTF Packet Test Framework

List of figures

Figure 1: SSIP add flow
Figure 2: SSIP remove flow

List of tables

Table 1: Event logging
Table 2: Syslog Forwarding Output Module
Table 3: SSIP parameters

1 Introduction

1.1 Feature overview

SSIP is a feature which allows user to change UDP packet source IP address.
Any configured address can be used for source IP mangling.
This might be useful for security reasons.

SSIP also extends the existing syslog implementation with VRF device and server UDP port configuration support. The feature doesn't change the existing DB schema which makes it fully backward compatible.

1.2 Requirements

1.2.1 Functionality

This feature will support the following functionality:

  1. Syslog Source IP address configuration
  2. Syslog server UDP port configuration
  3. Syslog VRF device support

1.2.2 Command interface

This feature will support the following commands:

  1. config: add/delete syslog server configuration
  2. show: display syslog server configuration

1.2.3 Error handling

This feature will provide error handling for the next situations:

  1. Invalid object reference
  2. Invalid options/parameters

1.2.4 Event logging

This feature will provide event logging for the next situations:

  1. Syslog server add/delete
Table 1: Event logging
Event Severity
Syslog server add/delete: success NOTICE
Syslog server add/delete: error ERROR

2 Design

2.1 Overview

SSIP will reuse syslog omfwd functionality which offers the next features:

  1. Source IP address configuration
  2. Server UDP port configuration
  3. VRF device configuration

2.2 Syslog Forwarding Output Module

2.2.1 Overview

Table 2: Syslog Forwarding Output Module
Parameter Default Description
target none Name or IP-Address of the system that shall receive messages. Any resolvable name is fine
address none Bind socket to a given local IP address. This option is only supported for UDP, not TCP
port 514 Name or numerical value of port to use when connecting to target
protocol udp Type of protocol to use for forwarding (e.g., tcp/udp)
device none Bind socket to given device (e.g., eth0/vrf0)
ipfreebind 2 Manages the IP_FREEBIND option on the UDP socket

MAN page: omfwd

2.2.2 IpFreeBind

IP_FREEBIND (since Linux 2.4)

If enabled, this boolean option allows binding to an IP address that is nonlocal or does not (yet) exist.
This permits listening on a socket, without requiring the underlying network interface  
or the specified dynamic IP address to be up at the time that the application is trying to bind to it.  
This option is the per-socket equivalent of the ip_nonlocal_bind.

MAN page: ip_freebind

2.3 Configuration agent

2.3.1 Overview

Configuration management of rsyslogd is done by rsyslog-config service.
The service is triggered by CLI once data is validated and pushed to Config DB.

The rsyslog-config service performs the next actions:

  1. Renders rsyslog.conf.j2 template with sonic-cfggen to generate a new rsyslogd config file
  2. Restarts rsyslog service which triggers rsyslogd to load a new config file

2.3.2 SSIP parameters

SSIP will have the next parameter mapping:

Table 3: SSIP parameters
SONiC Rsyslogd Config DB Schema
key target SYSLOG_SERVER|key
source address SYSLOG_SERVER|key|source
port port SYSLOG_SERVER|key|port
vrf device SYSLOG_SERVER|key|vrf

2.3.3 SSIP configuration

SSIP offers vrf and source parameters for flexible configuration management.
Each parameter combination requires a dedicated handling approach.


  1. The destination might be not reachable over the specified vrf/source: no way to check - user's responsibility
  2. Additional validation is required when MGMT/DATA VRF is removed while reference still exists in syslog configuration VRF/Source: unset/unset

Linux kernel decides which source IP to use within the default VRF.


*.* action(type="omfwd" target="" protocol="udp") VRF/Source: unset/set

Check if source IP is configured on any default VRF member:
yes - set source IP, no - generate error


*.* action(type="omfwd" target="" protocol="udp" address="") VRF/Source: set/unset

Check VRF type:

  1. Default
  2. MGMT
  3. DATA

Default VRF:

  1. Skip VRF configuration


  1. Check if MGMT VRF is enabled:
    yes - set VRF, no - generate error


  1. Check if VRF is a member of SONiC VRF table:
    yes - set VRF, no - generate error


Default VRF:
*.* action(type="omfwd" target="" protocol="udp")
*.* action(type="omfwd" target="" protocol="udp" device="mgmt")
*.* action(type="omfwd" target="" protocol="udp" device="Vrf-Data") VRF/Source: set/set

Check VRF type:

  1. Default
  2. MGMT
  3. DATA

Default VRF:

  1. Check if source IP is configured on any DEFAULT VRF member:
    yes - set source IP, no - generate error
  2. Skip VRF configuration


  1. Check if MGMT VRF is enabled:
    yes - set VRF, no - generate error
  2. Check if source IP is configured on any MGMT VRF member:
    yes - set source IP, no - generate error


  1. Check if VRF is a member of SONiC VRF table:
    yes - set VRF, no - generate error
  2. Check if source IP is configured on any DATA VRF member:
    yes - set source IP, no - generate error


Default VRF:
*.* action(type="omfwd" target="" protocol="udp" address="")
*.* action(type="omfwd" target="" protocol="udp" address="" device="mgmt")
*.* action(type="omfwd" target="" protocol="udp" address="" device="Vrf-Data")

2.4 DB schema

2.4.1 Config DB SSIP table

; defines schema for syslog table configuration attributes
key = SYSLOG_SERVER|server_ip_address ; server IP address. Must be unique

; field = value
source  = ip-addr    ; source IP address
port    = 1*5DIGIT   ; server UDP port (0..65535)
vrf     = vrf-device ; VRF device

; value annotations
h16         = 1*4HEXDIG
ls32        = h16 ":" h16
dec-octet   = DIGIT               ; 0-9
              / %x31-39 DIGIT     ; 10-99
              / "1" 2DIGIT        ; 100-199
              / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249
              / "25" %x30-35      ; 250-255
ipv4-addr   = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet
ipv6-addr   = 6( h16 ":" ) ls32
              /                       "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
              / [               h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
              / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
              / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
              / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"    h16 ":"   ls32
              / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              ls32
              / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              h16
              / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"
ip-addr     = ipv4-addr / ipv6-addr
vrf-default = "default"
vrf-mgmt    = "mgmt"
vrf-data    = "Vrf-" 1*255VCHAR
vrf-device  = vrf-default / vrf-mgmt / vrf-data

2.4.2 Data sample

Config DB:

redis-cli -n 4 HGETALL 'SYSLOG_SERVER|'
1) "source"
2) ""
3) "port"
4) "514"
5) "vrf"
6) "default"

redis-cli -n 4 HGETALL 'SYSLOG_SERVER|'
1) "source"
2) ""
3) "port"
4) "514"
5) "vrf"
6) "mgmt"

redis-cli -n 4 HGETALL 'SYSLOG_SERVER|2222::2222'
1) "source"
2) "1111::1111"
3) "port"
4) "514"
5) "vrf"
6) "Vrf-Data"

2.4.3 Configuration sample

Syslog remote logging:

        "": {
            "source": "",
            "port": "514",
            "vrf": "default"
        "": {
            "source": "",
            "port": "514",
            "vrf": "mgmt"
        "2222::2222": {
            "source": "1111::1111",
            "port": "514",
            "vrf": "Vrf-Data"

2.4.4 Configuration migration

No special handling is required

2.5 Flows

2.5.1 SSIP add

SSIP add flow

Figure 1: SSIP add flow

2.5.2 SSIP remove

SSIP remove flow

Figure 2: SSIP remove flow

2.6 CLI

2.6.1 Command structure

User interface:

|--- syslog
     |--- add <server_ip> OPTIONS
     |--- del <server_ip>

|--- syslog


config syslog add

  1. -s|--source - source ip address
  2. -p|--port - server udp port
  3. -r|--vrf - vrf device

2.6.2 Usage examples Config command group

The following command adds/deletes syslog server:

config syslog add '' \
--source '' \
--port '514' \
--vrf 'default'
config syslog del '' Show command group

The following command shows syslog server configuration:

root@sonic:/home/admin# show syslog
-----------  -----------  ------  --------      514     default      514     mgmt
2222::2222   1111::1111   514     Vrf-Data

2.7 YANG model

An existing YANG model sonic-syslog.yang will be extended in order to provide support for SSIP.

Skeleton code:

module sonic-syslog {

    yang-version 1.1;

    namespace "";
    prefix syslog;

    import ietf-inet-types {
        prefix inet;

    import sonic-vrf {
        prefix vrf;

    description "Syslog YANG Module for SONiC OS: remote syslog logging";

    revision 2022-04-18 {
        description "Initial revision.";

    typedef vrf-device {
        description "Represents syslog VRF device";
        type enumeration {
            enum default;
            enum mgmt;

    container sonic-syslog {

        container SYSLOG_SERVER {

            description "SYSLOG_SERVER part of config_db.json";

            list SYSLOG_SERVER_LIST {

                key "server_address";

                leaf server_address {
                    description "Syslog server IP address";
                    type inet:ip-address;

                leaf source {
                    description "Syslog source IP address";
                    type inet:ip-address;

                leaf port {
                    description "Syslog server UDP port";
                    type inet:port-number;

                leaf vrf {
                    description "Syslog VRF device";
                    type union {
                        type leafref {
                            path "/vrf:sonic-vrf/vrf:VRF/vrf:VRF_LIST/vrf:name";
                        type vrf-device;

            /* end of list SYSLOG_SERVER_LIST */
        /* end of container SYSLOG_SERVER */
    /* end of container sonic-syslog */
/* end of module sonic-syslog */

2.8 Warm/Fast boot

No special handling is required

3 Test plan

3.1 Unit tests via VS

SSIP basic configuration test:

  1. Verify rsyslog.conf after syslog server creation/removal

SSIP extended configuration test:

  1. Create syslog server with IPv4/IPv6 source IP
  2. Verify rsyslog.conf
  3. Create syslog server with default/mgmt/data VRF device
  4. Verify rsyslog.conf

3.2 Data plane tests via PTF