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File metadata and controls

357 lines (277 loc) · 12.1 KB
Speed up creating Back Office templates with the help of ready-made reusable components.

Reusable components

When you extend the Back Office, you can use base Twig templates for commonly used UI components such as tables or tabs.

The available templates are:

  • @ibexadesign/ui/component/alert/alert.html.twig
  • @ibexadesign/ui/component/table/table.html.twig
  • @ibexadesign/ui/component/tab/tabs.html.twig

To use the components, embed them in templates. With embed you can override blocks that are defined inside the included template.


The alert component has the following properties:

  • type - available types of alert: error, info, success and warning
  • icon - name of the icon, taken from the default icon set
  • icon_path - full icon path, in case you do not want to use an icon from the default icon set
  • title - alert title
  • subtitle - displays subtitle content
  • show_subtitle_below - default set to false, the subtitle is displayed next to the title
  • extra_content - use to add custom elements, such as buttons or additional text
  • show_close_btn - by default set to false, if set to true, the Close button is displayed but requires additional JavaScript configuration on your side to work
  • is_toast - default set to false, applies the toast design
  • class - additional CSS classes
  • attributes - additional HTML attributes
{% include '@ibexadesign/ui/component/alert/alert.html.twig' with {
    type: 'info',
    title: 'Some title',
    subtitle: 'Some subtitle',
    show_subtitle_below: true,
    icon_path: ibexa_icon_path('hide'),
    class: 'mb-4',
} only %}


The details component consists of the following blocks:

  • details_header
  • details_items


Name Type Values
headline (optional) string if not specified, the header is not rendered
headline_items array
view_mode string vertical, default set to ''
items hash {label, content_raw, content}

If headline is not specified, the headline_items is not rendered.


The modal component consists of the following blocks:

{% block dialog %}
    {% block content_before %}
	{% block content %}
		{% block header %}
		{% block subheader %}
		{% block body %}
		{% block footer %}
	{% block content_after %}


Name Type Values
size string small, large, extra-large, default set to: ''
subtitle string no default value, if not defined, the subheader is not rendered
no_header boolean default set to false
no_header_border boolean default set to false
class string default ''
id string
has_static_backdrop boolean default set to false

attr and other attr_* hold all HTML attributes rendered on their respective elements.


Name Type Values
class string default ''
role string default dialog
tabindex string default -1


Name Type Values
class string default set to ''
role string default set to document


Name Type Values
class string default set to ''


Name Type Values
class string default set to ''


Name Type Values
class string default set to ''
type string default set to button
title string default set to Close


The table component consists of the following blocks:

  • header - headline for the table section
  • headline - table name
  • actions - action buttons, for example, create, bulk delete
  • table - the table itself
  • thead - table header content
  • tbody - table body content

Override specific cell

For the twig table component to have full control over rendering the rows of specific cells, only data are passed to it. Data rows are passed in an array - one row per one array element. It is necessary to put objects with the columns data in an array.

There are a few types of table columns:

  • normal content column - { content: col_name }
  • a column icon - { has_icon: true, content: col_icon }
  • a checkbox column - { has_checkbox: true, content: col_checkbox }
  • action buttons column - { has_action_btns: true, content: col_action_btns }

Each column has the raw parameter which prevents the component from the escaping content (untrusted user-generated content).

If you want to create an array based on some data from the backend, create an empty array and fill it with items (which corresponds to table rows) inside for loop:

{% set body_rows = [] %}
{% for article in pager.currentPageResults %}
    {# we may render checkbox using form_widget or just put HTML #}
    {% set col_checkbox %}
        {{ form_widget(form_remove.articles[]) }}
    {% endset %}
    {% set col_icon %}
        <svg class="ibexa-icon ibexa-icon--small">
            <use xlink:href="{{ ibexa_content_type_icon(article.contentType.identifier) }}"></use>
    {% endset %}

Render hyperlink

The following example shows how to render both text and hyperlink which redirect to the specified content.

    {% set col_name %}
        <a href="{{ path('ibexa.content.view', { contentId:, locationId: }) }}">
            {{ ibexa_content_name(article.contentInfo) }}
    {% endset %}

    {% set col_action_btns %}
        {% if article.userCanEdit %}
                class="btn ibexa-btn ibexa-btn--ghost ibexa-btn--no-text"
                title="{{ 'article.list.content.edit'|trans|desc('Edit content') }}"
                <svg class="ibexa-icon ibexa-icon--small ibexa-icon--edit">
                    <use xlink:href="{{ ibexa_icon_path('edit') }}"></use>
        {% endif %}
    {% endset %}

    {% set body_rows = body_rows|merge([{ cols: [
        { has_checkbox: true, content: col_checkbox },
        { has_icon: true, content: col_icon },
        { content: col_name },
        { content: },
        { has_action_btns: true, content: col_action_btns },
    ]}]) %}
{% endfor %}


See the example below to learn how to create an action button which removes the article in the table. The table component has to be wrapped into the remove article form.

As in many cases you want a button to be disabled when no item in a table is selected and enabled otherwise, there is a built-in mechanism for this. To enable it you need to add the ibexa-toggle-btn-state CSS class to the form element alongside data-toggle-button-id data-attribute which holds the id of the button that should be enabled/disabled after a checkbox state change.

Next, pass a button under the action parameter to the table headline.

Action buttons are rendered on the right side of the table headline (do not confuse it with the table header). You can also specify headline text, which is a table title displayed above, by passing it under headline parameter.

You can generate various headline texts using the results_headline macro with a few parameters:

  • count - of all results, not only displayed on the first page
  • has_filters - when using filters
  • phrase - filtering phrase
  • results_headline - ensures the headlines consistency across the platform
  • head_cols - an array for table header (not headline), corresponds with consecutive column

Column types available for the table header :

  • normal content column { content: col_name } (content is the title of the column)
  • icon column { has_icon: true }
  • checkbox column { has_checkbox: true }
  • action buttons column { }

Additional parameters available for all of the objects mentioned earlier:

- class (CSS class)
- attr (HTML attributes)

See the example:

    content: 'foo',
    class: 'bar',
    attr: {
        colspan: 2,

  • empty_table_info_text and empty_table_action_text specify texts which are displayed when the table is empty.
{{ form_start(form_remove, {
    action: path('ibexa.article.remove'),
    attr: { class: 'ibexa-toggle-btn-state', 'data-toggle-button-id': '#article_remove_remove' }
}) }}
{% include '@ibexadesign/ui/component/table/table.html.twig' with {
    headline: results_headline(pager.getNbResults()),
    head_cols: [
        { has_checkbox: true },
        { has_icon: true },
        { content: ''|trans|desc('Name') },
        { content: 'article.list.content_type'|trans|desc('Content type') },
        { },
    actions: form_widget(form_remove.remove, { attr:
            class: 'btn ibexa-btn ibexa-btn--ghost ibexa-btn--small',
            disabled: true,
    empty_table_info_text: 'article.list.empty'|trans|desc('You have no articles yet. Your articles will show up here.'),
    empty_table_action_text: 'article.list.empty_desc'|trans|desc('Articles you create will show up here.'),
} %}
{{ form_end(form_remove) }}

Other table component parameters include:

  • class - (CSS table class)
  • attr - (other HTML attributes applied on the HTML table element), for example:
    • attr: { 'data-some-data-attribute-you-need': 'foo' }
  • table_body_class and table_body_attr are the same as mentioned earlier, but applied on the table element
  • show_head_cols_if_empty - (default: false), by default, when body_rows is empty, the table component does not show the table header, but you may want to have it because for example rows are rendered dynamically with JavaScript on the browser side.

To avoid wrapping headline inside the form, as it's done in the earlier example, you can embed table and override the between_header_and_table block:

{% block between_header_and_table %}
    {{ form_start(form_remove, {
        action: path('ibexa.article.remove'),
        attr: { class: 'ibexa-toggle-btn-state', 'data-toggle-button-id': '#article_remove_remove' }
    }) }}
{% endblock %}

This method is useful in case of another form inside headline actions or to avoid interferences with the form like button triggering its submission.

By default, tables are wrapped in a scrollable wrapper which prevents them from being too long. To disable it, set the is_scrollable parameter to false. !!! tip

For an example of using the table component, see [Add menu item](


The tab component consists of the following block:

  • tab_content - tab content

The tab component supports the following variables:

  • tabs
  • id - tab ID
  • label - human-readable label for the tab
  • active - true if tab is active
  • content - HTML content of tab if tab_content is not overridden
  • tab_content_class - additional CSS classes attached to .tab-content
  • tab_content_attributes - additional HTML attributes added to .tab-content
{% embed '@ibexadesign/ui/component/tab/tabs.html.twig' with {
    tabs: [
        { id: 'first', label: 'First' },
        { id: 'second', label: 'Second' },
} %}
    {% block tab_content %}
        {% embed '@ibexadesign/ui/component/tab/tab_pane.html.twig' with { id: 'first', active: true } %}
            {% block content %}
            {% endblock %}
        {% endembed %}

        {% embed '@ibexadesign/ui/component/tab/tab_pane.html.twig' with { id: 'second' } %}
            {% block content %}
                Second. <p>Some <b>Rich</b> HTML <a href="#">content</a></p>
            {% endblock %}
        {% endembed %}
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}

With tabs, you can use include instead of embed when you pass tab content as a variable while rendering the template:

{% include '@ibexadesign/ui/component/tab/tabs.html.twig' with {
        tabs: [
          { id: 'first', label: 'First', content: 'First tab content' },
          { id: 'second', label: 'Second', content: 'Second tab content', active: true },
} %}