To test the image classiffier service, you can use the curl to get the suggested products.
The modifier "-v" is for verbose mode.
To use the web backend for frontend gateway:
- curl YOUR_URL_OF_BACKEND/webbff/V1/products/imageclassifier -X POST -F "file=@C:\YOUR_PATH_AND_FILENAME_OF_PHOTO_TO_SEARCH" -v
To call directly to image classifier service:
- curl YOUR_URL_OF_BACKEND/image-classifier-api/V1/imageclassifier -X POST -F "file=@C:\YOUR_PATH_AND_FILENAME_OF_PHOTO_TO_SEARCH.jpg" -v
The response should be similar to:
- [{"id":57,"name":"Yellow hard hat with tool bag pack","price":46.0,"imageUrl":"YOUR_URL_OF_STORAGE/images/product-list/59890052.jpg"}]* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
You have sample images to test this feature in: