diff --git a/lists-in-rfcxml.md b/lists-in-rfcxml.md
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+title: Lists in RFCXML
+published: true
+date: 2021-11-05T01:35:56.674Z
+editor: markdown
+dateCreated: 2021-11-05T01:35:56.674Z
+# Different kinds of lists
+For bulleted lists, use the [**\
**](/rfcxml-vocabulary#ul) element.
+For an empty list (indentation only), use the [**\**](/rfcxml-vocabulary#ul) element with empty="true".
+For definition lists (previously called hanging lists), use the [**\**](/rfcxml-vocabulary#dl) element (more info below)
+For numbers or letters, use the **type** attribute of the [**\**](/rfcxml-vocabulary#ol) element. For example
+* **type** set to "(%d)"
+* **type** set to "(%c)"
+* **type** set to "REQ%d:"
+# Continuous numbering in a list that is split by text (or across sections)
+Set the group attribute to the same value for each [**\**](/rfcxml-vocabulary#ol) element. For example:
+ - do a
+ - do b
+Here is text in between.
+ - do c
+ - do d
+Here is more text in between.
+ - do e
+ - do f
+REQ1: do a
+REQ2: do b
+Here is text in between.
+REQ3: do c
+REQ4: do d
+Here is more text in between.
+REQ5: do e
+REQ6: do f
+# Indentation and definition lists
+Use a [**\**](/rfcxml-vocabulary#dl) element (definition list), where each [**\- **](/rfcxml-vocabulary#dt) (definition term) has a corresponding [**\
- **](/rfcxml-vocabulary#dd) (definition description).
+For example:
+ - Unassigned:
+ - Unused and available for assignment via
+ documented procedures.
+ - Reserved:
+ - Not to be assigned. Reserved values are
+ held for special uses, such as to extend the namespace
+ when it become exhausted. Reserved values are not
+ available for general assignment.
+Unassigned: Unused and available for assignment via documented
+ procedures.
+Reserved: Not to be assigned. Reserved values are held for special
+ uses, such as to extend the namespace when it become exhausted.
+ Reserved values are not available for general assignment.
+Set **newline** to "true" to get a line break after the term. For example:
+ - Unassigned:
+ - Unused and available for assignment via
+ documented procedures.
+ - Reserved:
+ - Not to be assigned. Reserved values are
+ held for special uses, such as to extend the namespace
+ when it become exhausted. Reserved values are not
+ available for general assignment.
+ Unused and available for assignment via documented procedures.
+ Not to be assigned. Reserved values are held for special uses, such
+ as to extend the namespace when it become exhausted. Reserved values
+ are not available for general assignment.
+# Nested lists
+The key is that any text before or after the inner list must be in a [**\**](/rfcxml-vocabulary#t) element.
+Example: [**\**](/rfcxml-vocabulary#ol) nested within [**\**](/rfcxml-vocabulary#dl)
+ - Foo validator:
+ -
+ It performs the following actions:
+ - runs
+ - jumps
+ - walks
+Foo validator: It performs the following actions:
+ 1. runs
+ 2. jumps
+ 3. walks
+Example: [**\**](/rfcxml-vocabulary#ol) nested within [**\**](/rfcxml-vocabulary#ul)
+ - Send it to
+Step 1: Send it to:
+ * Alice
+ * Bob
+ * Carol
\ No newline at end of file