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307 lines (205 loc) ยท 6.69 KB

File metadata and controls

307 lines (205 loc) ยท 6.69 KB


๐Ÿ•บCommand. Execution. Made. Simple. โ–ถ

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and your support means a lot to me!

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Thank you for supporting my efforts! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Š

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๐Ÿ“ƒ Table of contents

๐Ÿ•ต๐Ÿผ Usage

Install it by executing:

npm i '@igor.dvlpr/simple-exec'

๐Ÿคน๐Ÿผ API

The API exposes two types:

  • ExecResult
  • ExecCallback



A simple object structured as:

  error: string,
  output: string


A callback with the method signature of:

type ExecCallback = (result: ExecResult) => void


executeSync(command: string): ExecResult

Synchronously executes the specified command.

command - Command to execute.

Will throw an error if no command is provided.
Returns the ExecResult object with standard and error outputs.

import { executeSync } from '@igor.dvlpr/simple-exec'

const result = executeSync('dir /b')

if (result.error) {
  console.error(result.error) // log the error
} else {
  console.log(result.output) // log the contents of the directory

executeCallback(command: string, callback: ExecCallback): void

Asynchronously, with a callback executes the specified command.

command - Command to execute.
callback - The function to call after the command is executed.

Will throw an error if no command is provided.

import { executeCallback } from '@igor.dvlpr/simple-exec'

executeCallback('node --version', (result) => {
  if (result.error) {
    console.error(result.error) // log the error
  } else {
    console.log(result.output) // log Node version

execute(command: string): Promise<string>

Asynchronously executes the specified command.

command - Command to execute.

Will throw an error if no command is provided.
Returns the standard output.

import { execute } from '@igor.dvlpr/simple-exec'

try {
  const result: string = await execute('npm --version')

  console.log(result) // log NPM version
} catch(exp) {
  console.error(exp) // log the error

executeParallel(...commands: string[]): Promise<string[]>;

Asynchronously and in parallel executes the specified commands.

commands - Commands to execute, rest string parameters, e.g. executeParallel('command-one', 'command-two', 'command-three').

Will throw an error if any of the commands causes an error.
Returns the standard output of each command.

import { executeParallel } from '@igor.dvlpr/simple-exec'

try {
  const results: string[] = await executeParallel('npm --version', 'node --version', 'npm pack')
  console.log(results) // log the results which is a string array
} catch(exp) {
  console.error(exp) // log the error

executeParallel(commands: string[]): Promise<string[]>

Asynchronously and in parallel executes the specified commands.

commands - Commands to execute, a string array, e.g. executeParallel(['command-one', 'command-two', 'command-three']).

Will throw an error if any of the commands causes an error.
Returns the standard output of each command.

import { executeParallel } from '@igor.dvlpr/simple-exec'

try {
 const results: string[] = executeParallel(['npm --version', 'node --version', 'npm pack'])
  console.log(results) // log the results which is a string array
} catch(exp) {
  console.error(exp) // log the error

โœจ Examples


import { executeParallel } from '@igor.dvlpr/simple-exec'

const result: string[] = await executeParallel([
  'npm --version',
  'node --version',
  'npm --version'
]) // will log ['<npm version>', '<Node version>', '<npm version>']
  // e.g. [ '10.8.2', 'v22.5.1', '10.8.2' ]

๐Ÿ“ Changelog

๐Ÿ“‘ The changelog is available here:

๐Ÿชช License

Licensed under the MIT license which is available here, MIT license.

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๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป Author

Created by Igor Dimitrijeviฤ‡ (@igorskyflyer).