🐌 Zing is a C# style String formatter for JavaScript that empowers Strings with positional arguments - composite formatting, more information composite formatting . 🚀
I work hard for every project, including this one and your support means a lot to me!
Consider buying me a coffee. ☕
Thank you for supporting my efforts! 🙏😊
Install it by executing:
npm i "@igor.dvlpr/zing"
zing(value: string, ...args: any[]): string
Formats the provided string in a C# style format, i.e. adds the ability to use positional arguments, like seen with String.Format
in C#.
See Composite formatting.
value: string
=> The string to process that support positional parameters, i.e. zing('Hello {0} {1}', 'Igor', 'Dimitrijević')
would output Hello Igor Dimitrijević
The returned value is always a string
✨ Changelog is available here: CHANGELOG.md.
Licensed under the MIT license which is available here, MIT license.
📖 Provides recursive readdir() and readdirSync() functions. 📁
📚 An npm package for fetching Windows registry keys. 🗝
🕶️ Reads a JSON file into a Map. 🌻
🥽 Provides ways of parsing UNC paths and checking whether they are valid. 🎱
🛴 A performant and light (< 1KB) JavaScript polyfill for the scrollend Event. ⛸️
Provided by Igor Dimitrijević (@igorskyflyer).